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[1.02] BioMass - Renewable Bio Fuel and Supplemental Life Support Modules


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I think I will. ^^ If I'm more interested in the TAC stuff than I am the fuel conversion stuff, should I download the spaceport version or the github version? I saw in the RnD thread that some changes would need to be made to the TAC config files, is that still true?

There are greenhouses in the spaceport version that provide food and O2 and consume CO2. You are not required to use the fuel production parts at all if you choose. The last time I checked on that version it was working fine with TAC with no configuration needed. I believe the RnD post was about the github version currently under development. Unless something has changed on the TAC resource end... Let me know if you run into any problems.

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I have no idea what I'm doing here. I watched the videos of this mod, but they are outdated and don't explain what to do properly with this new version.

I have all three components attached and tested it out while on the launch pad, but I can't seem to understand what to do in order to create bio fuel.

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I have no idea what I'm doing here. I watched the videos of this mod, but they are outdated and don't explain what to do properly with this new version.

I have all three components attached and tested it out while on the launch pad, but I can't seem to understand what to do in order to create bio fuel.

If you let us know whether you are using the version on github (science+) or the legacy version on spaceport, I'm sure we can help you out.

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If you let us know whether you are using the version on github (science+) or the legacy version on spaceport, I'm sure we can help you out.

Right now I'm currently using the Github version. For just renewable fuel, should I use the spaceport version?

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Nice mod indeed.

But i have a few questions that surely have been answered a hundred times i suppose but anyways... Here we go:

As i´m using a very modded version of ksp i´m interested if this mod takes a lot ram or if i should be fine with my rather weak system?

One of the mods i use is TAC lifesupport. Are these mods compatible and if so would a combination be overpowered which would need some tweeks in the gamefolders.

Thank you in advance.

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Nice mod indeed.

But i have a few questions that surely have been answered a hundred times i suppose but anyways... Here we go:

As i´m using a very modded version of ksp i´m interested if this mod takes a lot ram or if i should be fine with my rather weak system?

One of the mods i use is TAC lifesupport. Are these mods compatible and if so would a combination be overpowered which would need some tweeks in the gamefolders.

Thank you in advance.

Short answer is no. BioMass Legacy (the spaceport version) should not add much burden on your memory. Yes, BioMass integrates with other mods that use the same resources and leaves all tracking up to the life support mods that have created them. BioMass is essentially just a few extra parts with different roles when used in combination with TAC.

A bit more detailed...

Most of the models are low poly, and we do very little with our plugin dll(adds the ability to call an animation with the stock ModuleGenerator when activated). All resources are processed using stock KSP modules that we have modified to process the new resources we have introduced. Currently the mod does not track resources in the same way that TAC does, and we don't add any new windows or anything like that. BioMass Legacy is essentially created by modifying the stock parts config files and adds few new models. We leave all of the life support work up to the mods that have created them, and we try to maintain our mod in such a way that it will integrate with them seamlessly by using the same resource definitions and densities. BioMass Legacy also stands by itself, meaning it will work with or without any other mods present at all.

However, the version we are developing that is hosted on GitHub will be a different story. That version will have more more models, and more functionality added to the plugin dll which may end up increasing the memory load a fair amount.

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I don't understand this mod? How's it supposed to work? I mean does it break conservation of mass?

The answer to this question is a bit subjective, but in my opinion, no. While the calculations behind it may not be perfect representations of realistic physics, the science behind it is plausible. Operating under the assumption that there is a constant supply of biological waste commonly found on any manned(kerbaled?) space mission, it recycles that waste through a system of modules that replicate the nitrogen and water cycles in a closed system. Essentially it allows you to create a sustained biosphere aboard your craft.

Another thing that comes to mind when asked this question is suspension of disbelief. Do Kerbals die when left stranded for unreasonably long periods of time?(no) Then we must assume that there are things left unsaid. Kerbals must have supplies of food, water etc... that allow them to endure that long. It is these supplies and the resulting waste that we assume are present that allow us to maintain the cycle in a closed system. But then again... Damn it, Jim! I'm a video game modder, not a scientist. :)

Also, creating fuel is completely optional. There is a green house included that grows food while it scrubs CO2 and replenishes O2. If even that is too "cheaty", you can refuse even that, and use it to only scrub atmosphere. The choice is yours to make! I am a filthy casual, so it will fit my play style as equally as it fits your chosen play style.

Edited by Roboto
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The last video looks pretty... Will this be a new part, or just replace the model of one of the existing greenhouses?

Also I wanted to know which version you used for the last two videos; the Spaceport-version or the Biomass+ from Github? And how close are you to pushing Biomass+ to Spaceport? ;)

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The last video looks pretty... Will this be a new part, or just replace the model of one of the existing greenhouses?

Also I wanted to know which version you used for the last two videos; the Spaceport-version or the Biomass+ from Github? And how close are you to pushing Biomass+ to Spaceport? ;)

Not sure yet if it will be additional or replace a greenhouse, sean and I will have a chat about that.

The last 2 videos are for the github version.

We were progressing pretty well on developing the dll, but the man that was taking on the bulk of that work has kind of gone missing :( . So the time frame is a bit up in the air at the moment, sorry. We still intend on continuing work on it, and we do have all the bits and pieces, just have to regroup a bit.

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I still feel that renewable fuel is somewhat bends laws of physic, could you please make version that will only allow Oxygen and Food production to play with TAC life support maybe just one garden part. That will support one or tree kerbonauts as long as there power. These two mods are sort of working together even now, but looks like Kerbonauts waste and waste water as well as CO2 production is not sufficent enought to fully support the garden requirements, I do get unlimited oxygen but food dropping even with one kerbounaut aboard unless I supplement it with more CO2.

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I still feel that renewable fuel is somewhat bends laws of physic, could you please make version that will only allow Oxygen and Food production to play with TAC life support maybe just one garden part. That will support one or tree kerbonauts as long as there power. These two mods are sort of working together even now, but looks like Kerbonauts waste and waste water as well as CO2 production is not sufficent enought to fully support the garden requirements, I do get unlimited oxygen but food dropping even with one kerbounaut aboard unless I supplement it with more CO2.

NOTE: after I wrote this I realized I don't know whether you are using the spaceport legacy version or BioMass+ version. The following applies to BioMass+:

I can assure you that making fuel from biomass does not violate the conservation of mass, and is completely within the realm of reality. I can share a series of equations showing how it's possible to get liquid fuel, methane(kethane), and monopropellant.

As for 1 greenhouse supporting 1 Kerbal in both oxygen and food...not _that_ breaks reality. The large greenhouse parts are roughly the size of a car's parking spot in projected area. While it is conceivable that plants covering that area could produce enough oxygen to keep 1 to 3 kerbals alive, imagine having a garden the size of a VW Beetle that is your only source of food. If you've never had a backyard garden, or have never lived near a garden, you will have to take my word for it that it's just not possible to support that much food every day in anything that size.

Having said that, check out the BioMass+ "Easy" version on github. On "easy", one greenhouse will produce enough oxygen to support 3 kerbals indefinitely.

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I can assure you that making fuel from biomass does not violate the conservation of mass, and is completely within the realm of reality.

I see what you mean biomass will require the CO2 and waste to produce and this is ether byproducts of Kerbals or in case of CO2 is just another resourse. So you can't create fuel indefinitly.

As for 1 greenhouse supporting 1 Kerbal in both oxygen and food...not _that_ breaks reality.

Just for the sake of simplicity and it shuld not be indefinite but say double or triple the the existent life support resourses. As for the indefinite life support it would be nice for the space station as with TAC life support you usually return the crew back to kerbin when doing some other long term mission with a lot of time acceleration. And with greenhouse you can keep the crews in space. But you have your point it may ruin the whole TAC life support idea.

Having said that, check out the BioMass+ "Easy" version on github. On "easy", one greenhouse will produce enough oxygen to support 3 kerbals indefinitely.

I'll try this out, it was said that it is need Kethane and I'm not currently using it.

Also it's great models and textures in your mod, the only thing the glass of the greenhouse is too transparent. I sometimes feel that poor plants are in open space.

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