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[CAREER] For SCIENCE! Maximizing the science gain in a single flight

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0.22 is out and we all love to gather SCIENCE! while exploring the Universe. But what is the most efficient way to do this?


Gather as much SCIENCE! as possible in a single flight (manned or unmanned).


1. Only stock parts.

2. No docking or refueling.

3. Exploit the SCIENCE! system if you can! You'll get moar SCIENCE! and we may find some bug for the Squad to correct.

4. Obligatory screenshots:

(A) Screenshot showing the amount of SCIENCE! from the recovered vehicle

(B) Tech tree to show how far into the game this is possible

5. If you want, post more screenshots (your vehicle for example).


1 (31,4 points) czokletmuss

2 ...

3 ...

I'm currently working (ahem) so I can't post my best entry until later, but this crappy result will do for the time being:


To your rockets, pilots! Explore! FOR SCIENCE!

Edited by czokletmuss
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  automcdonough said:
This should be restricted to a specific tier. what you can do and the science gained from it increases almost exponentially as the tree progresses. if you're talking 1st flight in career only then it's a challenge.

Restricting like this ain't the best idea (it's all about the highest score) but maybe it should work like this:

your score = SCIENCE! gained / highest tier you have

What do you think?

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My first Mission to the Eve planetary system :D, and this result doesn't include the science I got from landing my probe on eve :) Eve PAYS as far as science is concerned, 2853.6 science form an Eve flyby and Gilly survey, with an added 680-700ish from the probe (even with the transmission losses). Sadly i forgot to include Goo Canisters on the probe :-/.

Somehow the album imbed is broken so, pics!

The Early Prototype, I should have kept the triple head config on my Eve Surveyor... More samples, more reports >.<


The Eve Surveyor Probe. Incidentally, Purple is my favorite color.


The Eve Surveyor Lander on Gilly

9 Kerbals having a party picking up dirt. I didn't even bother detaching the interplanetary drive to land on that rock :P The original intention was to leave the Interplanetary drive in orbit and tow the lander back with a docking port... But Gilly has such negligible gravity, I decided to land the whole thing.



Ka-Ching! 2853.6 science in 1 trip, not including the probe transmissions :D. I just wish the 700ish more I got from my probe would have displayed, but anyone landing a probe on Eve will know its true.


Required tech: The Minerva Nuclear engine. Docking ports are optional (for the probe lander), probe results don't show on crew reports, but its extra science that can be used before you ship makes it back.


Here is the ship with its probe attached (although the probe results don't show up on a report they are usable immediately).


The Album (if the link decides to friken work).

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/JPhCc/embed"></iframe>

Alternatively: http://imgur.com/a/JPhCc#0

Links to other Shared projects I have created:

The Agamemnon (Exoplanetary Outpost Deployment System: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51494-The-Agamemnon-%28Exoplanetary-Outpost-Deployment-System%29-D

The Farscape Launchpoint Station: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50344-I-present-to-you-the-Farscape-Launchpoint-Space-Station-%29

The Desert Rose Planetary Base: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50670-The-Desert-Rose-Duna-Base-D

The Minotaur X-Light Fuel Tanker: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51994-The-Minotaur-class-X-Light-fuel-launcher-%28with-tank-tug%29

The Tiny Titan Medium Tanker: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51117-The-Tiny-Titan-Medium-Tanker-%284-orange-tanks-to-LKO%29-%29?p=667613#post667613

The Hercules 9 MkIIa and b Heavy Takers: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50985-The-Hercules-9-Mk-IIa!-This-puppy-will-bring-about-9-2-orange-tanks-to-a-90KM-orbit

Edited by Arendey
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  Arendey said:
My first Mission to the Eve planetary system :D, and this result doesn't include the science I got from landing my probe on eve :) Eve PAYS as far as science is concerned, 2853.6 science form an Eve flyby and Gilly survey, with an added 680-700ish from the probe (even with the transmission losses).

<iframe class="imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/JPhCc/embed"></iframe>

Links to other Shared projects I have created:

The Agamemnon (Exoplanetary Outpost Deployment System: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51494-The-Agamemnon-%28Exoplanetary-Outpost-Deployment-System%29-D

The Farscape Launchpoint Station: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50344-I-present-to-you-the-Farscape-Launchpoint-Space-Station-%29

The Desert Rose Planetary Base: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50670-The-Desert-Rose-Duna-Base-D

The Minotaur X-Light Fuel Tanker: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51994-The-Minotaur-class-X-Light-fuel-launcher-%28with-tank-tug%29

The Tiny Titan Medium Tanker: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51117-The-Tiny-Titan-Medium-Tanker-%284-orange-tanks-to-LKO%29-%29?p=667613#post667613

The Hercules 9 MkIIa and b Heavy Takers: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50985-The-Hercules-9-Mk-IIa!-This-puppy-will-bring-about-9-2-orange-tanks-to-a-90KM-orbit

For your album use this (remove the periods) [imgUR.]JPhCc[/imgUR.]

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Unfortunately I didn't grab a shot of the tech tree for this, but I did send a mission out to Jool earlier today.


It wasn't an optimal trip, really (in any sense; it took over 7 years in-game!). The tech I had unlocked was Start, Basic Rocketry, General Rocketry, Advanced Rocketry, Heavy Rocketry, Heavier Rocketry, Fuel Systems, General Construction, Survivability, Science Tech, Electrics, and Space Exploration. Yes, I went to Jool and did science there without LV-N rockets. I am that good.

EDIT: Here's a look at the craft itself.


It came loaded with science galore. Unfortunately, it also blocked the EVA hatch, so I missed out on a ton of science points...

Edited by SkyRender
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  bigpapabearxx said:
SkyRender, can i have the .craft? I want to look at it in more depth.

Gladly! There's nothing really that special about it, when you get right down to it. It's just a typical asparagus-staged rocket. The only really big changes from the old-school asparagus rockets are 1. it has a Poodle for the central stack's engine and 2. it uses Skippers for the outer stages. Better fuel efficiency plus sufficient lift to get into orbit as long as you know what you're doing. All around win-win, and pretty much the standard recipe for non-nuclear interplanetary flights.

Edited by SkyRender
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