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VE Seisyris (now with video)


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My latest spacecraft, the VE (Versatile Explorer) Seisyris.

Atmosphere max cruise speed: 405 m/s

Highly maneuverable, it can do a full aileron roll in a split second. It can decouple the landing gear together with the rear compensation weight (small solid thruster).

It can jettison the command module together with a parachute if something would go wrong. And it has custom modified fuelcells for great distances (Antimatter Ion Fuelcells :P).

But can blow the Mun out of Kerbin\'s orbit if enough is used...

[Jebediah Kerman] -Brilliant! :D



There is a new, updated version with a video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlqhCrAUAB8#

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Well who hasn\'t seen the star wars movies...

I\'m a Trekkie....

But, something off-topic, but strangely related - I\'m an amateur hypnotist, and practiced on my friend. I was, in fact, able to perform the Jedi Mind Trick for some time. It was loads of fun - but my friend didn\'t even remember it afterwards.

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You\'re Dutvutan? Man the internet is a small place. I watched your animated stuff a while ago, never thought I\'d run into you here.

For some reason your animated avatar... thing/lifeforms, strike me as immediately awesome. Have you written any stories for it (Your fictional universe)?

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You\'re Dutvutan? Man the internet is a small place. I watched your animated stuff a while ago, never thought I\'d run into you here.

For some reason your animated avatar... thing/lifeforms, strike me as immediately awesome. Have you written any stories for it (Your fictional universe)?

Ah seem here. I was watching the video and noticed...

the Human race in a Nutshell guy? ???

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