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Satalites Useless in carrer mode?

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I was just playing the new carrer mode, and I unlocked the baisic satalite probe core.

When I launched it up, I right clicked on the probe core, expecting something to say "Mission Control Report" or something similar, but nothing came up. So baisicly, you can only get research points by recovering vessels, or sending manned missions places? I think thats retarted, because in real life, people send probes to many places, and it takes data and such. I think that should be added immediately, but the manned missions will definently get mroe science points though.

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The system is slightly skewed because you need power to get the antenna to work, but you can't get power until the follow on tier. However you can use the probe bodies to launch short range (sounding rocket) type missions once you get the radial parachute.

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  nosirrbro said:
I wish cameras were things, then you could take observations.

Quoted for truth. And think of the awesome screenshots we could get. Progressively better cameras with higher resolution (the first ones maybe only B/W and grainy)...mmm!

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Satellites can be used for science, you just have to think of them more as Voyager exploratory and impactor types rather than orbiting a single body forever. You have to plan your missions a bit as well, and be prepared to do them in baby-step stages to maximize science. Certain data lends itself more to being transmitted and therefore more satellite-ish, as seen by the percentages of science the data is worth through transmittal. Sensory device readings tend to be better for transmitting. Goo containers and science kits tend to be better for recovering intact rather than transmitting their findings.

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  AmpsterMan said:
I suggest you wait until you get batteries to start doing unmanned science missions. Until then manned missions in LKO and around Kerbin are the way to go.

I find a stayputnik with a materials bay and an upside down command pod work well for trips to biomes

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  nosirrbro said:
But the only current science experaments I have are the goo ones.

And in order to get more research points, I have to go farther into space, and I dont want to strand a kerbal out there :/

You can get science from merely putting a pod on the launch pad, do an EVA and collect a sample. Plob pods all over the different biomes on Kerbal and EVA for samples (and EVA reports of course). Take your goo with you for extra science. Don't even have to leave LKO. It is pretty easy to get to Mun and Minimus and back (~6000 dV as I recall). Don't try to land, just go orbit the local rocks and take your goo on vacation! Always do a quick EVA in orbit and get the EVA report while there. BIG science for getting out of Kerbin orbit will get you to level 4 in no time. I think I had over 100 science from my Mun orbit (including 2 goo canisters, EVA and crew report from Mun orbit, biome sample from where I landed back on Kerbin, and Mun orbit recovery).

  legodragonxp said:
The system is slightly skewed because you need power to get the antenna to work, but you can't get power until the follow on tier. However you can use the probe bodies to launch short range (sounding rocket) type missions once you get the radial parachute.

All manned pods have power, the antenna is in case you strand a Kerbal out in space and you can't make it back you can still shoot your science to Kerbin so you can progress toward a rescue mission. Also some of the manned missions have a 100% return rate for radio transmission of results - for instance, do an EVA report from Mun orbit and you can transmit it back to Kerbin for 100%.

EDIT - Just noticed one more thing. I did my EVA report for 100% transmission from Mun then I landed back on Kerbin in a biome I hadn't visited yet. Since I had already transmitted my EVA report from Mun I could do ANOTHER EVA report from the new biome! Yay antennae!

Edited by Oddible
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