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[AAR] For all Kerbalkind: The Race to Space


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"For the spirit of all Kerbal kind, I, the Speaker of the Parliament, endorse and urge all of you to sign this bill as soon as possible, in order to establish a technological and scientific edge in space over our rival and fellow nations whom we might work with as allies in this new frontier.

Therefore, I believe it to be the best of our interests if we create the new agencies, abolish some of our overfunding of the Military and Housing Departments, in order to usher in a new age for our race, who today stand at the edge, a starting point of an journey that will take us to the stars." - United Provincial Speaker of the Parliament

And behold, the National Astronautics Administration was created.

[NOTE TO THOSE EXPECTING A OLD STYLE US/USSR FANFIC]: This is NOT a US/USSER KSP Fanfic. Yes, we have analogies (United Proviences is the United States, Great Union is the USSR, and Imperial Roboda is the British Empire), but it starts out differently with a huge plot twist. As in the UP getting a massive head start, performing spacewalks while the Great Union is struggling to get a kerbal to space without spreading him over half of the country


United Proviences


Great Union of Socialist Nations


Imperial Robodian Empire


Archive (Future use)

Chapter 0: Prologue


The Big War was devestating. The Coalition, despite winning, had fought through a costly victory. Entire cities were levelled, entire generations erased, entire armies utterly obliterated in the conflict. Many nations and empires had dissolved from their weakened states, and Kerbalkind had nearly destroyed itself. The United Proviences, the only superpower unscathed by the war, set into motion an large program that would rebuild Kerbalkind to its former glory. They overspent, causing mass economic collapse on a global scale.

Kerbalkind needs a new destination, a new goal, a new intiative for them to take. They chose the stars.


Chapter 1: Fill the Spot


The Respresentative stood up on the floor of the Parliament. Holding a sheet of paper, he began his speech.

Representative Adam: "I, believe it is extremely benifical for national prestige to have a space agency. You see, with the dwindling resources on our home planet, we will be...doomed, DOOMED I say, if we do not spread our civilization out to the reaches of this void we call "Space". What I propose is the creation of the 'National Astronautics Adminstration as a goverment-funded and managed agency to serve, direct, and maintain our efforts in space research and travel. This would prove extremely useful, considering our rivalry with the Great Union of Socialist Nations. Why? Why the hell not? We, the United Proviences, where founded from a nation of pioneers. It was with their blood and sweat that has allowed us tostand here today! I say we honor the traditions of our great forefathers, the founders of our nation, and spread out to the new frontier. And with this agency, we shall begin that journey."

The end of his speech was met with thunderous appaluse followed by whoops and cheers from the assembled officals. Parliament voted, and the NAA Foundation Bill passed the committee, 499-1 (That later reversed her vote to 500-0). And thus, the National Astronautics Adminstration was founded. But who would lead it?

Later that day, the President gathered his Innter Advisory Council. He shuffled uncomfortably, scanning the faces of his Council members- all old friends who had political experience on a national scale. This was the first meeting of his first term, and he didn't want to screw up. After all, reelection still hung in his mind, and he didn't want to lose it (And yet again, who does?)

President Madfield: "Uh. I have been informed of the creation of the NAA."

Chief of Staff"Yes, Mr. President. Who will lead it?"

He paused for a moment, staring at the Chief of Staff, who stared at the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, who stared at the Minister of Defense, who stared at the Minister of Internal Affairs, who stared right back at him.

President Madfield: "Um...."

The Minister of Defense piped up.

Minister of Defense: "I know this Kerbal. Werhner is his name. Old rocket scientist we recovered in the wreck of a launch facility during the Big War. He heads the Naval Rocketry Division, some underfunded sideshow agency, but he could easily go on a more civilian stance. From what I heard, he headed the enemy missile program during the War, and he's a extremely talented and intelligent scientist."

President Madfield sighed in relief, and motioned to his Chief of Staff.

President Madfield: "Show me to this Werhner. Tell him I have a job, a vacancy to be filled. Offer him twice his current pay, a better title, and the management of an well-funded ad well-publicized agency. Basically, offer him Wealth, Power, and Fame, plus funds for his research. He'll go for it, I'm certain."

Chief of Staff: "Yes, Mr. President. I will take note of him and help him get adjusted to his job once he takes it."

President Madfield: "Go get him."

Wernher Kerman was a broken man. He had been a highly distinguished scientist during the Big War, but when his nation fell, so did his reputation. Nowadays, he headed the rocketry division of the United Provincial Navy, a criminally underfunded agency that was technically a sideshow when compared to the navy's successes at the Bali Insurrection a few months ago.

Looking out the window of his small office, he spotted a black transport vehicle pulling up, and several goverment agents getting off walking into the building. They might've looked like the President Protection Agents, but was unsure.

Ah, what the hell does the Goverment want now? More budget cuts? Another ICBM? Wasn't the Jules-19 Nuclear ICBM enough?

The door to his office opened, and the Kerbals walked inside.

Wehner: "Uh...."

Agent: "Come with us. The President wishes to speak with you"

Wehner: "I'm certain you've got the wro-"

Agent: "Follow me."

The Kerbals walked out, and Werhner had no choice but follow.

The President was in his transport, and smiled when Werhner arrived.

President Madfield: "Werhner, how are you doing? Fine day, isn't it?"

Wehner: "...."

President Madfield: "Now, now. How would you like to direct the National Astronautics Administration?"

Wehner: "I'm not sure, Mr. President."

President Madfield: "How 'bout this. I give you twice your salary, control over the whole agency, a well-maintained and large facility, plenty of funds, and permission to do whatever you want with your rockets, including civilian and manned purposes."

Wehner: "Then certainly, I'll take it."

President Madfield: "Very well, report to Kerman Space Center tomorrow to take charge."

Wehner: "But there is no Kerman Space Center!"

President Madfield: "I've sent out an Presidential Order to reinnovate, extend, and rebuild a large replica of the facility you worked at during the Big War. It used to be the Jet Engine Research Ground. We've renamed it."

Wehner: "And the astronauts?"

President Madfield: "The Chief of Staff will approach you on this shortly. Do we have a deal?"

Wehner: "Uh, yes."

President Madfield: "Very well. Gentlemen, you may carry on."

The Kerbals that had escorted him boarded the transport, right before it pulled out of the parkinglot and sped down the road, heading back to the city.y. As the black transport roared off into the distance a couple minutes later, he felt happy for the first time since the K-7 launch tests in his home country.


Chapter 2: Preperation


Chief of Syaff"Parliament has authorized 970 million dollars in funds for Project Minimus, followed by three billion for Project Gilly."

Wehner: "What about the unmanned satellite and probe stuff?"

Chief of Staff"What probes and satellites? The President is putting everything toward manned spaceflight. National prestige first, science second."

Wehner: "Ok. But why no science?"

Chief of Staff"Screw science. It's a bloody sideshow, and we'll pack whatever experiments we can into the craft"

Werhner mused over the blueprints of the Minimus Rocket. It hadn't even been tested, and he had only one completed in his disposal, and the Gilly Rockets, though parts had been built, had yet to be built or tested.

Wehner: "This safe? Looks like the Kraken-8 ICBMs. And why only one? What about the flight test?"

Chief of Staff"This IS the Kraken-8 ICBM with a hollowed out warhead with windows, hatches, controls, and a seat for one lucky kerbolnaut. There is only one launch in the program, and you don't need a flight test. We need a Kerbal past the Kerman line in a week, or Madfield bcomes the laughing stock of the press and the Unionists."

Wehner: "But-"

Chief of Staff: You know, he already has advertised your agency, and his claim that you'll have launched a Kerbal into space by a WEEK. Have you even read the press lately? The NAA just hit Top Ten Government Agencies", and it hasn't even been THAT long."

Wehner: "And the safety? And what the hell does politics have to do with our agency?"

Chief of Staff: "He appointed you. He can remove you, like what he did to the Minister of External Affairs"

Wehner: "Parliament needs to approve that."

Chief of Staff: "I'm not answering that one."

Wehner: "Fine. Then show me the kerbolnaut candidates."

The Chief of Staff handed him a list of several hundred names, followed by a binder full of records and photos.

"These are all military officers and pilots whom we deemed fit for space travel or disposal, because they either screwed up, volunteered, or got deemed "Too Good" for their commanders. Select three."

Werhner quickly random selected three names, and the Chief of Staff walked out of his office.

Wehner: "Finally. Now back to Project Minimus. First h-"

:phone rings:

Wehner: "Allo? Is this the Minister of De- Oh, you got the candid-oh, ok. I'll star- Launch tomorrow? Bu- Ok, ok. What about the radiat- Bu- And th- I heard that we are using a manned Krak- Oh, yes. Will you send the cand- They will be here soon? Goo- Ok, ok, ok. You want the launch soon? You'll get i- fine, why not?"

:both officials hang up:

Three Kerbals suddenly entered his office, all in military uniforms. Werhner stood up.

Jebediah Kerman: I have heard I have been reassigned. Are you Dr. Werhner Von Kerman?"

Wehner: "Uh, why yes, I am. And you?"

Jebediah Kerman: "Major Jebediah, United Provincial Airforce, Sir. Former XO of the 28th Air Wing, was informed I would be heading up this astronaut corps as the 'Astronaut Morale Director', or what you call it. The Kerbal next to me is Lieutenant Bob, along with Captian Bill. They're marine and navy, respectively."

The two Kerbals next to him shuffled uncomfortably. Werhner sat down, and motioned to the janitor for some coffee.

Wehner: "Ah, yes. You've all been selected for our astronaut corps, in preparation for a flight soon. Who wishes to make the first flight?"

:silence, Bob's pet cricket starts to chirp:

Wehner: "...."

Jebediah Kerman: "Me, Sir."

Wehner: "Major Jeb? You volunteer?"

Jebediah Kerman: "Sure as hell, sir."

Wehner: "And the rest?"

Jebediah Kerman: "They'll go too sir. If they can"

Captain Bill cleared his throat.

Bill KermanUh. I will gladly participate in the program, sir."

Werhner grinned, then started to laugh.

Wehner: "Very well, my lads. Get some sleep, we'll be launching one of you tomorrow"

The officers saluted and left the room. He sighed, and looked toward his papers.

: phone rings:

Wehner: "Allo? This is Kerman Space Centre"

CEO, Harline.co"Hello, I'm the CEO of Hardline Development. We've received your prints for the Gilly vehicle, and will begin construction soon. Would you like us to send some technicians and mechanics to the center?"

Wehner: "Why not?"

CEO, Hardline co."Great! They'll be there shortly."

:call ends:

Wehner: "And for tomorrow....."

Werhner stretched, and noticed a cup of coffee on his desk.

Taking a careful sip, he got up and looked at the stars from his office window.

A small rocket was being rolled out, and he could see some people preparing to load it with fuel.

Wehner: "Minimus is the name of that tube, eh? Not bad, not bad."

The elderly Kerbal grabbed his coat, turned off the lights, and headed home. Hundreds of miles off to the east, the first rays of the morning began to show their face. Tomorrow would be an eventful day, and none would want to miss it.


Chapter 3: Those Democratic Dogs


Wehner: "Minimus One, do you copy?"

Jebediah Kerman: "Yeah, I copy. Send some beer, I'm thirsty, and I would prefer Vodka if you have it."

Wehner: "You'll have beer all you want once we are done. Strap in, and begin preflight regulations."

Wehner"We don't have preflight regulations."

Wehner: "Do whatever. We're writing the regulations off you."

Jebediah Kerman: "Is that so? :sound of screw falling: Mind if I break the window too?"

Wehner: "How about you just be a good Kerbal and strap yourself in?"

Wehner: "Oh, and hello, Mr. President"

President Madfield shook Werhners hands. He smiled, and motioned to the small rocket on the launchpad. He was basing his first term's major achievements off the space agency, and this was going to be the first highlight achievement of it.

President Madfield: "Is this going to make it to space?"

Werhner nodded. I hope that its not an ICBM anymore

President Madfield: "My good Kerbal, launch this and'll you'll be a national celebrity within a week. Who's piloting it?"

Wehner: "Major Jebediah, Mr. President. Provincal Airforce"

President Madfield: "Very well."

Wernher turned to a scientist beside him.

Wehner: "Check the hydraulics for sections five to four"

Flight Director"They are go"

Wehner: "CO2 in capsule?"

"None. We are actively pumping out O2 and replacing it with CO2 until 15KM. That shall give him 15 minutes of air."

Wehner: "Good."


Wehner: "Affirmative, give the call."

Mission Control tensed as the video feeds and status reports from the capsule came in.



Combustion Chamber- Check

CO2 Converters- Check

Wehner: "I believe this is a go, gentlemen! Fire the engine! :transfers feed to Flight Director:"


The little rocket surged off the pad, hurtling toward the sky in a cloud of fire and gas, as cheers erupted in the room. The rocket soon cleared the Stratosphere and entered a vacumn. Space. It had gone gone past the Kerman Line (Set at 30KM, where the vacumn starts). Mission Control exchanged drinks and hugged and kissed, as a massive outpouring of emotion was seen.


Flight Director: "Jeb, you there?"

Jebediah Kerman: ":blargh:, :cough cough:, yes...:cough cough:, nice vie-ack,:cough"

Flight Director: "Enjoy the spaceflight now, you've only got two minutes before reentry"

Jebediah Kerman: "I will..:blargh:, cert- ack, ack, ack, :blarghhhhhhhhh:"

Flight Director: "Are you ok?"

Jebediah Kerman"Yes...hey, fun fact! Squid Sandwiches ball up and float in zero-g, especially if it came outta your stomach!"

Flight Director: "Thats very....nice. You'll reenter in fi-you'll reenter now."


Jebediah Kerman: "AHHHH I THINK I SMELL SMOKE, HOLY [Deleted]! :cough:, I think my lunch just got into my- this is disgusting."

Flight Director: "Major Jeb, try to hold still.You'll be touching down in a minute."

Jebediah Kerman: "I swear, the G's are goin-Ow!"

Flight Director: "Huh?"

Jebediah Kerman: "I'll get you for this! I shall show you why you shouldn't feed me sandwiches befo- :blahhhhhhhhhggghhhh:"

Flight Director: ".."

A fireball streaked across blue sky as he craft reentered. Crews of recovery teams scrambled as the craft opened its parachute and came in for a landing. A decontainment team stood at the landing site, ready for action.

The craft came in slowly, and softly landed onto the terrain. Major Jeb stumbled out of he spacecraft, choking, and chased the engineers around with a crowbar while the crowd looked on.


Amongst the trees, noone noticed two GUSN agentstaking notes and sending them to the Embassy.

Colonel Valedmoic: "Democratic dogs...why the heck are they exploring space ahead of us?"

Lieutenant Quich: "They have a edge in technology. It'll be a while until we can send something up there. The Big War nearly destroyed us, after all."

Colonel Valedmoic: "Heh. All I know is someone whos high up in our space research is going to get fired."

Lieutenant Quich"Of course."

The agents where corrrect. Heads rolled at the GUSN Goverment that day, and several space program officials where dragged kicking and screaming out of a public office building. The race was on, wheter the United Proviences liked it or not.


Chapter 4: Comeback



Komholov: "Whats this?"

The General Secretary of the Great Union stared at the screen. He looked among the faces of the scientists and intelligence agents gathered in front of him.

Intellignece Director: "Sir, I believe it is the new Provinical rocket. The Gilly, they call it. Launched two times already, with the third going into orbit!"

Komholov: "And?"

Intelligence Director: "Their orbit decayed faster than a dead Kerbal surronded by Vultures. But I believe they are very close to landing on the Mun, and kod forbid, establishing a military base. That would not be good, would it?"

Komholov: "We cannot allow this, or that!"

Turning to his aide, Secretary Komholov he quickly issued some orders.

Komholov: "Order Intelligence to step up their efforts. Ban all technology imports to the United Proviences. Bar trade, anything! Increase the budget of the Space Agency! Tell them to get something-ANYTHING into space!"

Komholov faced the rest of the scientists.

Komholov: "We need a new plan. The old plans are not going to work. We have been defeated. Defeated! I will not stand for this? What are we, animals? The GUSN has a reputation for offering the best technology the world has, and we shall not let the UP take that reputation! The time has come for us to extend our reach...beyond the fringes of our home planet. Because of this, I will be doubling efforts to lau-"

"Sir, a new photo just came in from the agent, along with a quick note."


Komholov: "Thats it. Triple our efforts. Order them to launch something, anything. I don't want the United Proviences to take too much of a technological advantage. Just..try something."

Aide: "Yes, sir."

Komholov: "Order the creation of a agency that specializes in space. Give them seventeen billion junos (Inflation adjusted)...that should do. Its twice as much as that of the National Astronautics Adminstration, and look at what they accomplished with that 'half'!"

Aide: "Yes, sir. Anything else?"

Komholov: "Not much. But launching something would make a good celebration for our upcoming 50th Anniversary of the Party"

Aide: "Very well. I'll get to it."

Komholov: "Oh, and show me the note."

Aide: "Here it is."

United Proviences progressing extremely fast in technology. Have made four spaceflights including Minimus. They've abandoned the Minimus rocket to world on their Gilly craft. One spacecraft has reached a orbit. They are preparing for fifth spaceflight. They've researched three technologies, while we have done none. Speed up the program with all haste. Can I have raise? - Colonel Valedmoic, KGB

Komholov nervously fiddled his thumbs as the scientists left the room. The Proviences had the start, but he wouldn't let them outrun his nation. But one question lingered in his mind: What had he gotten the party into?. But he knew one thing.

Re: Valedmoic. I'm sorry, no raise.


Chapter 5: Walking on Space


Director Nedbob, Manned Spaceflight: "The President of the United Proviences would like to send a Kerbal on a spacewalk as the crowning moment of Project Gilly. He got Parliament to authorize a further 700-Million kucks to design a appropiate EVA suit. Whats your say?"

Wehner: "Why not?"

A engineer entered the room, holding several memos. Werhner picked up a memo and showed it to Lieutenant Bob, who was sitting in a corner.

Wehner: "You've been complaining that your colleagues are getting all the glory. Jeb, first in space. Bill, first orbit. How about you, first spacewalker?"

Lieutenant Bob: "Let me!"

Wehner: "I thought so. You'll be riding on the Gilly-2X. Most advanced rocket ever built. Make your family proud, son!"

:phone rings:

Wehner: "Allo?"

Telemarketer: "Hello, are you interested in purch-"

Wehner: "I'm sorry, no."

:Werhner hangs up:

Wehner: "Now, Bob, follow me."

The two Kerbals stood at the observation platform of Mission Control,looking at the space center laid out in front of them. The VAB was busy, as usual, and the smoke rising from the opening gates was plain evdience of the fact, along with the several kerbals stumbling out gasping for air.

Wehner: "The rocket will be launched shortly. I hate to give out such a short notice, but I want your arse in that capsule in a hour."

Lieutenant Bob: "Bu-"

Wehner: "Do you want a chance for glory, or not?"

Lieutenant Bob: "Fine. I'll do it. When will I spacewalk?"

Wehner: "Mission Profile. You launch. Get into a good stable orbit. Do a spacewalk over the day side of Kerbin. Deorbit, reenter. Got it?"

Lieutenant Bob: "Yes Sir!"

Wehner: "Good Kerbal. I wonder if I was ever like that. Report to the launchpad in a hour, we'll get you onto a ladder and in."

Wehner: "Mission Control, rocket status?"

Announcer: "Beginning rollout in 5..."


:Bob begins to board the rocket:


Announcer: "Astronaut inside capsule. Monitoring life signs. Oxygen has been deemed enough for mission. Performing sensor readout of the EVA suit. Fully sealed, no breaches or compromises. All go, affirmative."

Director Nedbob: "Start the launch countdown!"

Announcer: "Countdown Started. K Minus 8 Seconds."

A large crowd of Kerbals had gathered near the space center, and now held their breaths in awe as Mission Control slowly counted down.

Announcer: "K Minus One Second."

Announcer: "K Minus Zero Seconds. Engine Ignition."


Cheers erupted from the crowd and in mission control as the rocket slowly surged to the sky, leaving a trail of smoke and fire.

Inside the capsule, Bob watched the altitude meter go up.


Mission Control stayed silent, watching as the ship slowly vanished from sight.

7000, 7500, 8000

The fuel gauge soon began to empty, and several engineers pushed some buttons and a switch. Bob felt a massive jolt and heard a "clang", as the first stage seperated. Mission Control cheered, and many a kerbal-hug and beer was exchanged.


Lieutenant Bob: "Mission Control, I think I've hit orbit"

Wehner: "Whats the Perigee?"

Lieutenant Bob: "70 Thousand Meters."

Wehner: "So its stable?"

Lieutenant Bob: "I believe it is!"


Another cheer erupted from Mission Control as Dr.Browning, the director of Kerbal Spaceflight took the mic.

Dr. Browning: "Prepare for EVA"

Bob: "Affirmative, sir. :sound of hatch opening: I'm out."

Propulsion Engineer: "How is it up there?"

Flight Director: "Great!"


Mission Control cheered again. Werhner smiled, and took the mic.

Lieutenant Bob: "What does Werhner say?"

Wehner: "Get back into the capsule!"

Lieutenant Bob: "Awww.... :Hatch opens and closes:. I'm back in."

Wehner: "Stay up there, don't deorbit yet. I'm awaiting further instructions."

Lieutenant Bob: "But I'm bored."

Wehner: "Don't worry. I'm going tosend you the second season of Kerbin Shore to your little onboard screen. You have it?"

Lieutenant Bob: "Yeah!"

Wehner: "No worries then."

:Three Hours Later:

Wehner: "We need you to conduct a military observation."

Lieutenant Bob: "WHAT!?"

Wehner: "Just go check if the Bali's have electircity. Should be easy. Just check if they have their lights on."

Lieutenant Bob: "What the frak is that for?"

Wehner: "Look, we need to convince the Parliament of our useness, or you wouldn't be up there!"

Lieutenant Bob: "No frakking way."

Wehner: "We need the funds."

Lieutenant Bob: "Fine. I'll do it. Once."

Lieutenant Bob: "Passing over the nightside of Bali right now. And nope, they don't have anything."

Wehner: "Noted. Begin the deorbital burn."

Lieutenant Bob: "Got it! It's been three hours and seventeen orbits, and I'm tired."

Wehner: "We'll get you something soon."

Lieutenant Bob: "Thanks! I've seperated the service module, reentry will start soon."

Werhner grinned, and laughed.

Wehner: "I've calculated your landing zone. Going to send someone to pick you up."

Lieutenant Bob: "I'm going to splashdown. I know it."

Wehner: "Sending a whole carrier battlegroup. Heh, being Director does have perks."

Lieutenant Bob: "Temperature is increasing outside of spacecraft..."

A fireball streaked across the sky, as the Admiral positioned his ships for rescue. As the fireball landed into the sea, he gave out a order.


Admiral: "Here it goes. Ready our helicopters for rescue!"

A helicopter hurried over to the capsule as nighttime fell. Another spaceflight had gone good for the United Proviences.

Meanwhile, Werhner was taking a call.

Wehner: "Spacestations? What for?"

Anonymous Defense Top Defense Offical: "Military."

Wehner: "It'll...it'll do.."

:both officals hang up:


Chapter 6: Getting a Grip


Komholov stood at the observatation platform, staring at the mass of tanks and engines in front of him.

Komholov: "Will this do?"

Director Gurich: "Simulations show it'll work perfectly."

Komholov: "Ok. What are we waiting for?"

Director Gurich: "For Comrade Jokiv in there to shut up about Qokda so Misison Control can hear correctly."

Komholov: "Just turn off the mic."

Director Gurich: "Ok...."


The scientist quickly scurried back to the Misson Control room. This will be a grand day for the party, though Komholov. It was time to show the United Proviences that they weren't going down without a fight.



The boosters ignited, and the spacecraft hurtled towards the blue sky above. Cheering was heard, from the party officials beside him and from the control room. Komholov looked around in worry. Did the rocket just tilt? Was it supposed to do that?

The director fo the project looked around in frustration. The rocket had just gone haywire, and was going to land 9000 miles away from the supposed landing spot.


Meanwhile, the spacenaut inside was having the time of his life.

Jokiv: "Hey Control-Sec! SStomach hu-:blarghhhhhhh:"

Director Gurich: "You know, you're landing 9K Kilometers offcourse."

Jokiv: "Oh, frak-:blarghhhh:"

Director Gurich: "We're calling the state forces to pick you up..try and please make yourself presentable"

Jokiv: "I will tr-:ack ack, cough:. These G's are so...:cough:"


But the cheering still went on. What the heck? This was not an sucess! Komholov wanted to yell, to rage against those clapping. Can't you see this is a failure?!?! He took a breath, calmed himself, and realized. The Great Union has sent something to space. Space.

Aide: "The race is on!"

Director Gurich: "Yes! Our great Party shall remember this day for a thousand years!"

As if on cue, the sensors suddenly cut to nothing, the cameras went to static, and a distant "boom" was heard by the rescue team.

They spent the rest of the day scraping Kerbal from the hills in order to provide somewhat enough remains for a funeral.


Chapter 7: Imperial Roboda


Emperor Adam Kerman III paced the throne room nerviously.

"It has been seventeen years since the Big War, and yet we have not recovered as a nation. We need something to energize our people, a goal to unite us all and a goal for us to pour our national budget into. Empires with a intiative don't last long."

His Chancellor spoke up, piercing the silence.

"Sire, if his Majesty prefers, we could have a space agency and extend our realm to other planets."

"A space agency? Ha! We would spend our gold better by burning it!"

"Sire, the United Proviences and the Great Union have launched Kerbals to space, though the Great Union has not returned one alive yet It would be best to leave out the parts about the spacewalk and orbital flights"

"Say what?"

"The United Proviences has made manned orbital flights and a spacewalk, and the Great Union has sent spacenauts onto suborbital trajectories.Oops"

"O'great kod! I remember the days when all you needed was a simple, wooden, canvas plane to be advanced! O' how has our lives changed!"

"If your majesty wishes, I'll start the agency and jumpstart research..."

"Go ahead."

"Yes sir. The Royal Space Agency shall begin looking for a suitable construction site for a space center shortly."

The Chancellor walked away, and the Emperor resumed to count his treasury.

There won't be enough

Adam III sighed.


Chapter 8: Polar Orbit


"Did those Socalies get anything into space yet?"

"Aye sir, but the craft blew up upon landing nine thousand kilometers away and smeared Kerbal over half their country"

"They got into space?"

"Yes, sir."

"Get Werhner on the line."

:secretary puts in number on phone, gives to President Madfield:


"Hello, Werhner. This is Madfield calling. What is Gilly-6?"

"Gilly-6? That's us trying to enter polar orbit, along with testing this new awesome "cargo bay" thingy. Along with some critical systems tests for landing, if we ever want to go to the moon."

"Didn't you get the cargo-nevermind. Listen, the Reddies just sent someone to space. I need you to double up on your efforts. it's now a race of technological supremacy and by kod, I will forbid us to lose."

"I know."

"Also, the United Provinical Military is doing high-altitude tests. Would you like to contribute some payloads?"

"Some goo, and a squid. Why?"

"Just wondering. G'day."

:Madfield Hangs Up:

Werhner leaned back on his chair and sighed. Months ago, he led a small, obscure agency, trying to hide from his past in the Big War. Now, he was a well-known, wealthy, and internationally respected authority on space, leading a well-publicized and well-heralded agency, doing orbital flights and spacewalks, things that he would've only merely dreamed of in his past. Working with Von Wersly on the K-2. The K-2 Programme. The last glimmer of hope for his home country against a massive alliance bent on its destruction. He had failed his country then, will he fail it now? .

"No. No, no no..."

Werhner sighed, looking out the window, towards the VAB. A large plume of smoke was rising from the building, and several technicans where running out, choking on smoke while others grabbed hoses.

I'm not going to fail my country this time, no matter what.

Picking up the phone, he dialed the directors of Mission Control.


"Who is flying Gilly-6?"

"Bill Kerman, Mr. Adminstrator."

"Good. Get him into the rocket, we're launching today!"

Mission Control was shocked by this sudden change in schedule (By a day), but few protested against it. The controllers quickly scrambled to the center for a nighttime launch. Werhner quickly made calls to the President and other officials, and waited for the hour of launch.

When it came, Mission Control was almost wasted. The coffee machine in the center was barely working, and many had fallen asleep on the job. On the pad, technicans and mechanics hurredly rushed a still-asleep Bill Kerman into his capsule, and sealed the door.

"Are you sure about this? It is a nighttime launch, and we are unprepared."

"Yes, I am. I'm not going to let my nation down."

The controllers made the countdown, and prepared for launch.

O2 Scrubbers- GO

Engine- GO

Everything Else- GO

"K Minus Ten Seconds..."

Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three Two One


The spacecraft lifted off hurtling toward the stars on a massive trail of smoke and fire. Mission Control cheered, but they waited for the moment of their horziontal decoupler decoupling. They waited, and waited..

The craft picked up speed, and Bill Kerman awoke.

"Uh.....what? Hello?"

Quickly scrambling to the astronaut capsule feed, some in Mission Control quickly responded.

"You're on Gilly-6 right now. We are launching. This is no drill."

"Huh. Whats for breakfast?"

"You'll find breakfast in a slot to your right, you find it?"

"Af-frimative....zzz....-snork- wha?"

The feeds for the first stage suddenly cut, as a smal bang bang noise came from the explosive bolts. Misison Control cheered. The horizonatial decouplers had worked! Smiles abound, they shook hands with the workers from the contractor who had come to watch the launch. A sudden transmission came in from Bill.

"Where did you put breakfast again?"

"It's a couple squeeze bottles and bread crunchier in the slot to your right!"


"Next to the O2 tank!"

"Found it! :munch:"


The second stage engine soon fired, leaving the boosters behind on it's way to a polar orbit.

More cheers, followed by yelling and groans from inside the capsule.

The spacecraft kept acclerating.

When the words ORBIT REACHED flashed across the screen, more cheers erupted. Looking ath the calculations, Werhner yelled in delight

"This is not low orbit! This is high orbit!"


Even more cheers. High up, 160 kilometers, to be precise, Bill Kerman sat, eating a box of square bread crunchies and drinking out of squeeze bottles. He didn't mind. After all, he did have the best view in the world.


Some five boxes, thirty orbits, and five hours later...

"Bill, time for deorbit and return. Fire the engine, burn retrongrade, and lets go home"

"I gotcha. Starting the burn."

"Deorbited. Heading home."

"Affirmative, Captian Bill."

"Fuel out, service module has been ejected. I'm landing at the North Pole, or rather, that's what my calculations tell me."

"Good. The nearest ship in the area is the international research ship the Little Nova. We'll have them pick you up, they'll arrive in a hour."

"Oh, thank you kod. I thought I would stranded."

"We don't leave our Kerbals behind, unlike the Great Unioners."

"I'm reentering..."

A fireball streaked across the Artic sky that dawn, illuminating the path for the rescuers, who headed toward the landing site with snowsleds and a large transport.


And as the craft drifted toward the ground, Bill, once again, fell asleep , covered with crumbs and spilled water.


Back at Mission Control, the controllers where in a extremely high europhia.They cheered, buying drinks and wishing each other luck before returning home to their families.

Werhner grinned. He was happy, and thats all that stangely mattered to him. He grabbed his coat on the wall, and drove him to eat breakfast.

After all, it had been a long day.

Needless to say, however, the Greater Union and the Robodan Empire where not pleased by the sudden developments.


Chapter 9: 4Science


"I am requesting a mere 300 Million dollars to fund the newest program of the NAA."

Wehner paused. This was the first time he was speaking in front of Parliament, and he didn't want to screw up. Oh kod, oh dear kod....

A representative stood up, and addressed him.

"And, why, may I ask, should we fund this 'science' program?"

"For science."

"What is science? How is it a reason? What will we attain from this program?"

"Knowledge. New technologies. New ways to exploit the riches of the universe, new testing grounds, precusor spacecraft. Is that enough?"

"Nay, I say not. What will it do for our pride? Our prestige? Our military? Our budget?"

"You've provided our manned spaceflight programs with money enough. Let you all fund our science programmes."

The two kerbals stared at each other. The Speaker looked around uncomfortably.

"Very well, Dr. Wehner. We will begin voting on this suggestion soon. Would you like to add anything else to your argument?"

Wehner got up, and strode to the center of the parliament meeting hall.

"Science is the foundation of our technology. It is the very lifeblood of a engineer, mathematichan, and, of course a sciencetist. It is our savior, our messiah, our god, our nature. Science. What is it? It not a thing. It is not a piece of gold. It is not a kerbal, a weapon, or a machine. Yet it can bring us the joys and riches larger than all them combined, and even make them. Gentlemen, science is why you are sitting here today, and I certainly will intend to carry it on into the new frontier."

"Voting has started. Dr. Wehner, you are dismissed."

"Thank you."

Leaving the conference hall, Wehner strode down the lobby, waiting for the results of the vote. Thomas J. Kerman, the soon-to-be Director of the Interplanetary Science programs, looked around in impatience. Parliament took its time, and voted.

The result?

251-249. It passed.

Science had just begun.


Chapter 10: Moon


"Whats this? Is this the project that you've been working on all these months?"

A team of scientists stood at an circular object rigged to wires with strange blue panels bolted on. It was the first time they had ever seen such a spacecraft in their entire careers.

"Dr. Wehner, meet Mutnik. This is an articial probe. It is a machine, a machine that will perform studies and transmit back data to Mission Control. It needs no food, no oxygen, and can go on one-way missions/suicide trips."

"Can it fly?"

"It's preprogrammed, Mr. Adminstrator."

"I like this...probe.."

"Sir, I would like a destination for the machine."

"Interplanetary space. No object has left Kerbin gravity before, let's have this be the first. Or the mun."

"I say the Mun, but leave Kerbin if possible!"


The probe was lifted up by crane and thrown onto a hastily assembled Gilly-3 rocket. Needless to say, Jeb was NOT pleased.

"Shall we launch it, and see what happens?"

"It's nighttime."

"Gilly-6, one of our most scuessful missions, was launched at night. What else do you say?"




Scrabling to their stations for another impromptu launch, Mission Control quickly made the countdown to engine ignition. All watched in awe, as once again, another Provinical spacecraft soared towad the stars.


Mission Control cheered. The spacecraft would fly itself this time without input from the pilot, so they watched it and read the outputs. The controllers drank coffee, and an occansional game of Hago(Kerbal Chess), while watching the craft soar up like a star of its own.


The Director Kerbal Spaceflight went off to buy some chips from a vending machine in the astronaut complex. Wehner took a nap. All was going well.

And it remained well.

Booster seperation would come soon, and it did. By now, the rocket was out of sight to Misison Control, as the cameras where shutdown midflight. but it still kept going.

The altitude started to skyrocket...

45000, 46000, 47000....

The probe reached orbit, and the cameras where turned back on. Mission Control cheered, andthe burn for the Mun started.


The probe passed a one million meter Apogee-a achievement. Suddenly, the probe readout two words. Injection Complete. Mission Control cheered.

Mutnik was going to the Mun.


Mission Control went home. The injection would take a day or two, and they didn't want to spend a day or two away from home. Because, like every other good Kerbal, they got families. Two experiments later, the craft began swinging back home toward Kerbin, hoping to rendevous with the moon on its net orbit.

A day later and two orbits, the Scientists came in for a suprise.

The Mutnik had entered into lunar orbit.


Almost immediately came a plethor of information on the Moon of Kerbin, delighting the scientists. They celebrated.

Halfway across the planet, another celebration was taking place for a different reason.

The Great Union had sent a Kerbal to oribt and returned him safely.

The race just got tough.


Chapter 11: Corona of the Sun


"The prototype Mutnik is left over, alone with a single

Production model. I had two built, and one is orbiting the moon. Do we need another one?"

"We built three. Ones at a muesuem, two are here, and the other is orbiting the Mun. I say we use the last one to explore the sun."

"Can it handle the heat?"

"We'll outfit it with extra fuel and a heatshield."

Thomas J. Kerman, the Director of Interplanetary Science, looked the probe over. He had been placed in charge of the "Interplanetary Science" division lately, and had been a driving force behind the launch of the Mutnik One. Now they had bigger dreams.

"Why, I suppose we could. But who is going to launch it?"

"Give Wehner a call. I say we build a new family of rockets..lets call it the... Ike-Seven".

"I'll recommend it to him."

Wehner entered the room. The two Kerbals stood up, and Thomas handed him a sheet of paper.

"So you want to go to the Sun, eh?"

"Yes, Mr. Adminstrator."

"Heh, ever wonder if I was like you. Well, is the probe ready?"

"We need to fit it sir."

"I'll fit it soon. When should we launch?"

"A good window of oppertunity opens in 14 days."

"Then we launch in three days. Come, come. Where should we have lunch? I'll sell the idea to Parliament."

"I say we eat at that Kunic Buffet down the street!"

"Me too!"

:14 Days Later:

Thomas Kerman stood at the observation platform of Mission Control, grining with Werhner beside him. A rocket stood at the launchpad, and, as always with day launches, a large crowd stood at the security perimeter, watching the launch. Wehner did a good job of pitching the mission (To the extent that the Minister of Defense and many other officials had come to watch the launch), and it was the breakneck speed of the engineers who refittedthe Mutnik probe that enabled him to watch, as another of his creations took off.

Compressors- Check

Heat Shield for Solar Entry- Check

Engine- Check

Probe- Check

Mission Control began the countdown, and the people outside tensely waited.

"K Minus One Second. Engine Ignition! Liftoff!"


The crowd cheered, drowning out the sound of the rocket engines roaring toward the sky. Thomas grinned, and shook Wehners hand. The craft gained altitude, hurtling into space.

"Preparing for stage seperation. Should I take action?"

"All preprogrammed."


Soon, the rocket hit Kerbin escape velocity, shooting out into interplanetary space. But first, it made some course adjustments to make sure it would go in close to the outer corona, and fired its engine for one last time, burning toward the sun.


Misson Control cheered, as the probe hit escape velocity. Then they waited, heading home. It would take some time to arrive.


:three months later:

"I'm getting some readout a from the Ike-1. Temperature around the spacecraft has increased, and it is completely covered in gamma radiation."

"Take a picture from the front view cameras."

The assembled engineers and scientists watched in awe as the first picture of the suns surface slowly started to print itself on the screen. The picture started to form itself, line by line-then stopped. CAM MELT.


"Do we have a backup cam?"

"We do, but I'm not taking another image of the sun."

Thomas grinned. Camera melted or not, they had literally created another planet. Needless to say, there was a small dot on the sun that day.



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Chapter 12: Red Mun Rising


"Whats this?"


"You know what this is."

"Its....the Mun. Whats wrong with the moon?"

"What craft took this image?"

"I don't know sir. It's not like any picture that our Mutnik has taken."

"Precisely. The Great Union has built a spacecraft-a manned spacecraft that has flown to the moon."


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[REMOVED CHAPTERS (Due to lack of quality/excitment)]

Chapter 11: Green Jool


"Hello, I am the Director of Interplanetary of Science for the National Astronautics Adminstration. As you know, we've met with two spectacular successes- Ike I, now in orbit around the sun, and Mutnik- Now in oribt of the Mun. They have given us a massive plethora of information that has greatly helped in the development of new rockets and technology, such as the MK-1 lights that are illuminating the center (Because they are wayyyyyy better than traditional bulbs). I, also believe, that soon, we may be able to launch a research outpost in orbit of Kerbin. But enough on that. We have one probe left over. It has a clear destination. Jool."

It had been a full month since that speech, and that probe still sat on the rocket on top of the launchpad convered by a weather-proof canvas covering. The weather had been raining relentlessy, delaying the launch over and over. The launch window would end soon, and Thomas Kerman was worried.

"And for todays forecast, clear skys with no clou-"

"Did you hear that?"

Thomas Kerman got up and danced with joy. The weather would be good enough for a launch to Jool!

He called Wehner and the other directors and Mission Control. They had to launch today!

Mission Control quickly rushed into place.

"Launch it!"

"We have a three-hour window in the weather!"

The mechanics quickly pulled off the canvas, and the rocket quickly fired its engines, following a preprogrammed launch course.

The engines ignited, and the craft cleared the athmosphere in a matter of seconds.


The asparugus staging proved to be a good descision. Reaching a escape velocity faster than any rocket in space history, the craft began its burn toward Jool, while the directors cheered and hugged.


Swinging past Kerbin for the last time, picking up speed with a gravity assist, the craft began its journey toward Jool.

Mission Control yelled and whooped, happy that the craft was now safely on its way.


Arriving half a year later, the craft exposed a whole bunch of data from the Joolian planetary system. Mission Control was in a europhic high for weeks after, and began plans for more probes.


The KGB was not amused., needless to say.


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Gah, want to rage so bad.

Did Chapters 7-9, then my browser failed to "connect", so three hours of work are gone.

EDIT: Oh god, then Jeb fell off the ladder, went to 6666, and I lost 100 science points....

I need someplace to rage...

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EDIT: Nevermind, points got automatically added.

I'm going to focus a little more on the NAA and unmanned probes, along with a Union making a lunar expedition.

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I need to get back onto manned misisons soon as possible.

Writing about probes is killing my writing style, which is quite apparent (Check out the differences of my manned flight and probe chapters...)

I'm truly sorry about the poor quality of the latest chapter, as there is little to nothing to do with probes. After all, they can't talk, they have nothing inside (No likeable characters = No drama), and just provide science. I also need to shift the focus more away from the National Astronautics Adminstration to the Royal Space Agnecy and the Great Union Space Programme.

I'm trying to make everyone a protaganist. Yes, the General Secretary of the Party is a protaginist, the Emperor of Roboda is a protaginst, President Madfield is a protagnist, everyone is a good guy.

I'm also going to force in some factors like politics and militarism.

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Noones replying....

Just wait, you don't have to bump your thread every hour. When I first posted my story, I kinda forgot about it until someone had commented, then I started writing more content for it. I don't think anyone has commented on my story for a couple of days. So my advice is just wait and let people find your story on their own. That's just my two cents

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I'd take it easy with the bumps. I imagine a lot of folks will be off playing 0.22 and probably only logging on to the forums to talk about 0.22. Give them some time to find their way back to the Fan Works!

About the probes, there's a lot of potential storytelling there. Off the top of my head:

1. You've got the old Apollo style arguments of spending money for national prestige vs spending money for science - and probes fall squarely into the 'spending money for science' camp.

2. Then you've got spy satellites, early warning satellites (to monitor for enemy missiles), communication satellites (ostensibly for civilian use but really for the military). Lots of fun political stuff to do in low Kerbin orbit.

3.Then you could make a bit more of particular discoveries rather than a general reference to 'lots of data'. Finding water or kethane on the Mun would have a big impact on your space program, especially if it develops into a race to put your base on the most strategic spot on the Mun.

4. Finally you could go for the 'StarWars' theme and have orbital weapons.

Just some ideas anyway. It's your story!

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Ok, I'm going to make some changes.

First of all, I'm going to focus a little more on chracter dialogue and development.

Secondly, I'm going to overhaul the entire storyline tomorrow. (10PM at my place.)

Some spoilers....

@KSK. I'm going to need to somehow factor in the probe vs manned debate. But I somehow can't., and don't know how to.

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What is the probe going to do in the Jool system? Is it going to continue with a flyby causing a solar escape or is it going to aerobrake and land/park in orbit?

It ran out of fuel in a polar orbit. I'm trying to change the chapter answer a little more suspense than just "Probe Launch, Probe go to Jool.etc.etc)

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