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Minimus was easy, Mun kicked my ***, next steps?

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I was really surprised to find that Minimus was so easy compared to Mun. Not only did it take less dV to get to, but landing was a breeze, and of course escape velocity just involved Jeb kicking off to push his ship into orbit. (Not that I want to get into this discussion but the science values should probably be equivalent for the two rather than Mun being less, I lost a lot of hardware trying to land on Mun whereas Minimus was a one shot deal). The only issue with Minimus is of course the inclination adjustment to line things up - more science, less skill based.

So I have some questions about landing on other stellar bodies and a general where-to-next question. Given my difficulty landing on the Mun and looking at this excellent gravity well infographic, I'm thinking that I won't be landing on any other planets without a parachute (or a space plane), is that reasonable? Do people do non-chute landings on Eve or Duna or god forbid Jool?

What is often considered the first extra-planetary mission beyond Kerbin? Duna flyby / orbit, with a landing on Ike?

Edited by Oddible
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If you're looking for a science hit to help with a proper landing mission somewhere else, an Eve flyby should be a nice taste of interplanetary travel. It's got a huge gravity well so it's not too difficult to encounter. Do all the high and low orbit science. You could even parachute in a probe module with all the scientific instruments and a transmitter to grab the ground experiments. Although if you choose to land a kerbal there I wouldn't plan on getting them off again!

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I agree Duna is a good candidate for your next destination. It also has a moon that has similarity to minmus. Its between minmus and the mun in mass I think. So theres two targets for you there. I land on duna with just parachutes. The atmo is thinner so you just have to add more of them.

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I went to Ike. Goo container, the science lab thing. reports along the way, orbit of Duna and Ike. landed on Ike. all the experiments. kerbals are still there, have 2200 points to spend. Was pretty easy compared to landing on the mun.

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