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[1.2] L-Tech Scientific Industries V4.2


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L-Tech Sciencific Industries, Is a mod designed to add to the career mode of Kerbal Space Program. By Providing new ways to generate science.

Aswell as experimenting with new Device types.

ModInfo: (May be outdated now)

* = Notes
# = Doesnt have Custom Model yet.

	SkyLab: The SkyLab is a space station module you launch into space, that allows you to use resources to generate science.
		The SkyLab requires special resources for its science experiments. *More experiments to come.
		Each experiment requires a differnt resource, The resources can be loaded directly in the lab. Or from a loaded
		science container.

		*I might rework the SkyLab to automaticly store experiments, and have settings to auto complete experiments then transmit them.

	External Camera: The External Camera is a Experimental Science Device that allows you to take pictures of items ingame,And Gain Science from them. 
		It can also just take pictures for you to save to look at.
		The Camera comes in two flavours. Digital and Film-Based. Digital Cameras don't require film to take pictures, and are
		generally lighter. The Film-Based camera's use film to take their pictures, and are generally heavier. *But when cost is factored in
		they will also be cheaper.
	        The pictures are saved in the "Modfolder/Plugins/PluginData/LtScience" folder.

	Radio Reciever: Just a generic Science experiment you can run. Nothing special just yet.
		*In the future I might rework it to run over time and have a chance to pick up signals.

	#Radiation Sensor: Just a generic Science experiment you can run. Nothing special just yet.

	Storage Container: The L-Tech Science container is a all around storage device.
		It is capable of storing Experiment Resources for the skylab, and storing completed
		experiments for later processing.

	#Sample Return Bin: The Sample Return Bin is a light inline storage container, capable of storing experiments.

	#AirBrake: The L-Tech AirBrake is a experimental Technology thats in develpment.
		The AirBrake is a deployable Panel, that acts like a parachute. Carefull though,
		the AirBrake doesnt supply a sudden change in drag like a parachute opening. It 
		Requires time to unfold entirely. 100% Reusable. 

		*Changes will happen till its balanced and fills its own role.
		*Warning I havent tested with FAR, as it can cause unwanted reactions. Use with caution.


Special Thanks to...

Dungchunker -Making those awesome models for everything.
Ted -Making the B.O.S.S. mod which I got inspiration... And some help from.
Ethernet -Allowing my to view his source code.
Rubber Ducky -Helping me make the camera give out science based on the picture.
Tassyr -Making the radiation sensor.
Vahal -Providing help to users on the forums.

Olympic1 -For continuing to update this mod for you guys.

Squad -Making this AWESOME game.

You - For reading this post.


I'm no longer developing this mod anymore myself, but Olympic1 has been updating it. Ill link their latest update post. As of this edit.


Edited by ludsoe
long overdue edit
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Are you able to determine *what* is in the picture? If so:

* a picture proving that Kerbin is round *

* picture of the hidden side of Mün and Minmus *

* any of the planets, withing a certain distance, and from their surface *

* pictures of artifacts (that will be a whole lot harder, I assume)

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Looks good my only question is if you take a picture from the same orbit (from a station at say 350km) does the science level go down or does it remain the same? I am trying to find a way to give stations a prolonged use for science!

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Great idea, like the "research" camera from bioshock :D

For stations, perhaps you can have the camera record the percentage of the planet that has been passed over by the camera, with science points for every percentage of planet covered. Points gathered per-planet/moon/(star?) so that many cameras could be put into orbit to complete the coverage faster. You could even vary the size of the camera's "footprint" based on altitude.

Mapsat and Kethane both encourage similar behaviour, I don't know if that makes it a better or worse idea for this mod, but at least this way its FORSCIENCE

Like the idea behind this, the more things there are to do whilst in space the better IMO

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Im pretty limited in what i can do without the use of a plugin, Currently the camera uses the built in research system/detection methods.

That said I'm only able to detect the biomes the part is in and Planet its orbiting, I can also detect if you've landed or not.

Also it uses the linear RCS model since it reminded me of a camera lense. Seeing as this can be a whole lot more interesting, Ill look into plugin making.

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I think if you went in and made your own R&D plugin and a model (plugin first) this mod really could go far. Like I mentioned above I really need/want a piece I can stick on a station and it generates data points slowly over time. That gives bases and stations a purpose.

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Is it biome aware?

Other thoughts:

Radiation sensor (discover the Van Kerman belts!)

Telescope: Vislight (kinda what you have, but..), Infrared, UV, X-ray, Gamma

Radar (Mapsat is basically this for topo maps, but surely doesn't give us science!)

Biologicals package (test biologicals in microgravity)


Crystal growth in microgravity (must be man-tended, presumably)

Solar observatory (a specialized telescope; detect sun spots, coronal mass ejections, etc.)

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  NathanKell said:

Is it biome aware?

Other thoughts:

Radiation sensor (discover the Van Kerman belts!)

Telescope: Vislight (kinda what you have, but..), Infrared, UV, X-ray, Gamma

Radar (Mapsat is basically this for topo maps, but surely doesn't give us science!)

Biologicals package (test biologicals in microgravity)


Crystal growth in microgravity (must be man-tended, presumably)

Solar observatory (a specialized telescope; detect sun spots, coronal mass ejections, etc.)

Its semi Biome aware, i can only support the biomes that the devs added so far. Which are only on kerbin and the Mun, Each has its own flavored text. Other planets/moons have Orbital,Landed texts too. Also good ideas ill look into them.

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I think I found an issue. I put your camera mod on a satellite along with a thermometer and Goo pod.

When I use the Goo pod and thermometer it works fine with minimal impact on the 415 units of power the satellite has.

Now when I use the camera it will give me a message in green text saying something like 42 science points have been sent and it is followed by numerous green text messages saying 0.4 science points sent.

All these extra transmissions quickly drain all the power the batteries have.

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This looks very promising, I was hoping to see more experiments coming from modders. NathanKell's ideas look excellent as well - maybe the biologicals package could somehow involve that tiny squid thing from the gameplay video?

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  Tommygun said:
I think I found an issue. I put your camera mod on a satellite along with a thermometer and Goo pod.

When I use the Goo pod and thermometer it works fine with minimal impact on the 415 units of power the satellite has.

Now when I use the camera it will give me a message in green text saying something like 42 science points have been sent and it is followed by numerous green text messages saying 0.4 science points sent.

All these extra transmissions quickly drain all the power the batteries have.

The power used to send the transmission is dictated by the type of dish your using to send it. Pictures are worth a thousand words but due to the primitive Kerbal compression methods, they are also extremely large.(Uses lots of packets to send the picture.)

Edit: Also I haven't tested sending data back really, I've only used it on larger craft with lots of power and the slow but energy efficient dish.

I might have to fiddle the numbers a little so you can use them on rovers. (And so it doesn't take a entire ingame day to send a transmission.)

Edited by ludsoe
Second thought
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Updated the mod Guys,

Also i sent a message to hubbazoot.


-Changed the balancing on the External Camera a little based on feedback.

-Fixed a type in the Flavor text.

-Added a Radio Receiver thingy (With Some flavor text More to come)

-Fixed a missing } in the .cfg File.

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Where exactly do you put the files to install the mod? I'm a little dumb sorry, but I found multiple resources folders in my ksp folder, and no notepad to explain it inside the zip...

EDIT: Sorry... I read the installation manual better and managed to install it. Now all I need is to unlock it... It would be cool if it actually could take pictures from its POV and store it in a folder. But that, is another mod story :)

Edited by Sasha1378
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  Queril said:
It says that on the Mun I'll get something like 275 science, with 80% transmission efficiency.. but for some reason I only recieve 60 science for that transmission.

Is that a bug?

I've seen that for other scientific tests as well, Gravity scans suggesting 480 yield but only giving ~200 in the end... i guess some multipliers were changed at the last minute in the game mechanics but not in the describtion or vv.

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  Martijn404 said:
I've seen that for other scientific tests as well, Gravity scans suggesting 480 yield but only giving ~200 in the end... i guess some multipliers were changed at the last minute in the game mechanics but not in the describtion or vv.

I've seen that mostly when available power was too low to transmit everything in one burst.... at least that's what I assumed was going on...

Maybe we need to do more... Science! to determine how Science! works?

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