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Been wanting to try this game for a while, but was hesitant for some reason. Noticed there was a demo available on Steam last night and downloaded it. Bought the full version within about 20 minutes.

I'm absolutely having a blast (punny!)

Messing around last night I managed to get a pod with three Kerman in it to escape planetary orbit and dummy me, not only did I have no idea how to get them home, but once I read up enough I realized it'd be a fairly easy process...had I sent some fuel and engines up with them attached to their pod! lol


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Hello! I'm new around here too.

Don't be afraid of failure, often times failing in KSP is twice as much fun as success.

Oh, and in the hangar construction look at the top and find action groups, click custom 1, then (tries to remember) Something-click all your solar panel and add toggle to custom one. Now, by hitting the number one in space you deploy and retract your panels. I always forgot those silly things so once I learned this my failure rate dropped by an entire 6%! (Percentage totally made up with Kerbal math, which is like real math with lunch spilled on it.)

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I decided to go ahead and start fresh, now that I have a better idea of what is going on and set myself a few goals. Once again I have a few Kerbals stranded in space but this time they are stranded on purpose, in an orbit around Kerbin (instead of some crazy huge orbit around the sun) on a space station I made (and took about 6 hours to successfully get it into space!)

I had a goal to get some kerbonauts out there and not be able to get them back with out a followup mission including some docking or at least a rendezvous. (Edit: it gives me another goal, something to learn)


I wrote up a little bit of a mission log here, if anyone is interested: http://cruciblegaming.com/ksp/kerbals-stranded-in-space/

Edited by Sig
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