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[Airships in 1.12.3] HooliganLabs Mods


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Hey JewelShisen,

I've always liked this mod and I'm glad that it gets further developed with new parts and all, but you really need to address some fundamental balancing issues regarding the mass of the airship parts.

If I look at e.g. the 'Hecto' (biggest standard envelope), it's mass is a little over 0.4 tons.

It kinda frustrates me if I then look at the stats of the new probe sized envelopes (which is TINY compared to the 'Hecto') and see that it's mass is 0.75 tons.

Or, yet worse, the new nicely shaped end cap for the smallest standard envelope, which clocks in with a mind-boggling 3 TONS. I mean... WHY?

There is a sirious need for volume-to-bouyancy-to-mass balancing of the airship parts.

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Hey JewelShisen,

I've always liked this mod and I'm glad that it gets further developed with new parts and all, but you really need to address some fundamental balancing issues regarding the mass of the airship parts.

If I look at e.g. the 'Hecto' (biggest standard envelope), it's mass is a little over 0.4 tons.

It kinda frustrates me if I then look at the stats of the new probe sized envelopes (which is TINY compared to the 'Hecto') and see that it's mass is 0.75 tons.

Or, yet worse, the new nicely shaped end cap for the smallest standard envelope, which clocks in with a mind-boggling 3 TONS. I mean... WHY?

There is a sirious need for volume-to-bouyancy-to-mass balancing of the airship parts.

Thank you for the kind words of encouragement and allow me to address your current issues. As for the probe size envelope, if you are speaking of the new shielded envelope then that mass is due to the part's cfg being a direct copy of the Cirrus. If however you are speaking of the IKE probe then I will need to look into that as that one should only be weighing in at around 0.1 tonnes. Also I have not altered the mass for the nose cap as it currently is a placeholding part while I work on the pack overhaul.

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Okay, sorry for being so unspecific, maybe I can help you with the overhaul.

I just made a .png for comparing the rigid envelopes (the inflating ones I'm fine with actually):


(click to enlarge)

I ordered them by mass, getting heavier from left to right.

As you can see, the balancing of the first four envelopes as well as the Ludo Blimp (maybe a little heavy) is quite reasonable, and can stay as is.

Things that immediatly come to mind are:

- The Probe sized envelope is much too heavy, and has in turn a much too high volume to even lift itself (should have similar stats to the Dodec instead)

- (The End Cap is much too heavy and has no airship functionality, but as JewelShisen said, it's just a placeholder. I should also get buoyancy with Dodec-similar stats in my opinion)

- The Death Star is not nearly as big as advertised, the Hecto has at least four times the optical volume. (scale it up!)

- Still, the Death Star's volume in the stats is four times as big, and it's more than 23 times heavier than the Hecto. (should be either similar in mass and buoyancy to the Octo, or be MUCH bigger and get reasonable mass)

Those are the things I wanted to point out in my last post. They would not be very hard to fix, just alter two lines in the .cfgs of the parts.

Regards, BigNose

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Okay, sorry for being so unspecific, maybe I can help you with the overhaul.

I just made a .png for comparing the rigid envelopes (the inflating ones I'm fine with actually):


(click to enlarge)

I ordered them by mass, getting heavier from left to right.

As you can see, the balancing of the first four envelopes as well as the Ludo Blimp (maybe a little heavy) is quite reasonable, and can stay as is.

Things that immediatly come to mind are:

- The Probe sized envelope is much too heavy, and has in turn a much too high volume to even lift itself (should have similar stats to the Dodec instead)

- (The End Cap is much too heavy and has no airship functionality, but as JewelShisen said, it's just a placeholder. I should also get buoyancy with Dodec-similar stats in my opinion)

- The Death Star is not nearly as big as advertised, the Hecto has at least four times the optical volume. (scale it up!)

- Still, the Death Star's volume in the stats is four times as big, and it's more than 23 times heavier than the Hecto. (should be either similar in mass and buoyancy to the Octo, or be MUCH bigger and get reasonable mass)

Those are the things I wanted to point out in my last post. They would not be very hard to fix, just alter two lines in the .cfgs of the parts.

Regards, BigNose

This has actually been quite informative as I had never dealt with the Hecto envelope before and thus never really knew just how massive it really was. Now on to addressing your concerns.

The probe sized envelope has the lift I want it to have but I will agree that it is a bit too heavy.

The End Cap is not supposed to have any lifting ability but I will be reducing the mass on it.

The Death Star was not intended to be bigger than the Hecto but rather to be a new envelope for that size class. I will agree it needs it's mass reduced some however as the images in the first post show they can still lift their own weight and then some.

Thank you for the feedback and if you are interested in helping with the overhaul please pm me about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

First: Is it possible to go underwater on Eve or on Laythe using the submarine mod?

Second: I want to land on the deepest points on Eve, Kerbin and Laythe, and as such i need to somehow hack the 600m limit. Is there a piece of code where i can change the limit? I know it may mess up the game and i acknowledge that i will be responsible by myself in case of the save file corrupting.

Edited by MedwedianPresident
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First: Is it possible to go underwater on Eve or on Laythe using the submarine mod?

Second: I want to land on the deepest points on Eve, Kerbin and Laythe, and as such i need to somehow hack the 600m limit. Is there a piece of code where i can change the limit? I know it may mess up the game and i acknowledge that i will be responsible by myself in case of the save file corrupting.

1. Yes you can~

2. It is in the plugin and I don't know how to alter that yet.

Does this work in .23?

*points at the thread title* yes.

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