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Single mission science points record in v0.22


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I got 3500 earlier today by going to Duna and being very obsessive about transmitting as much data as possible. Currently parked on Minmus for a touch more SCIENCE! and I'll be heading to Jool later on (once I design something to get there) to see if I can max the tech tree, since it apparently is very valuable.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Now if you land an rover on Mun at the right spot you can visit 8 biomes, stand on ladder for eva report in space near, jump rover for gravity scan in space near.

Yes you can also jetpack to 5 of the biomes, do an 5 km jump and jetpack from 3 however its better to do this at an other location so you can unlock the rover wheels.

I did this and got more than 3000 in return. Yes I used some mods, but they just made it possible with an smaller rover, you can make an rover with three pods.

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My personal record is about 2500 points in a single launch, with MechJeb as my only mod--the mission was a one-way Jool atmospheric probe that basically just did a suicide dive into the atmosphere, popping drogue and main parachutes on the way, doing experiments like mad and frantically transmitting all the data it could back before it was crushed. Note that I'd already unlocked all the science parts, and was using all of them, did some observations at high altitude over Kerbin, in interplanetary space, at high altitude AND low altitude over Jool, and then the massive array of observations during the dive into the atmosphere.

(To speed up transmission, I had eight high-gain antennae on the spacecraft, with 4000 units of battery and a metric f**kton of RTGs to recharge them, since solar arrays aren't really an option near Jool, much less in Jool's atmosphere; the entire probe weighed 17 tons, most of that in RTGs, and even then, I had to pause the sampling several times during the descent to let the batteries recharge from all the transmissions. Still, I got the value of all experiments in Jool's atmosphere down to 0.0 on a single mission, so at least I don't have to repeat it!)

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My maximum is 6660, from my still-ongoing Duna-Ike manned mission., all beamed back. It would have been more, but I'd already mined "High over the sun" for everything but Crew Reports and EVA reoirts with an unmanned mission

Interesting note: A Kerbal in an external seat can do EVA reports and (if the spacecraft is landed) Surface Samples , and because he's still attached to the ship, you can beam those back instantly, and repeat. It /also/ looks like the Actions on the Fly plugin will let you add both actions to an action group during play, but I haven't tried that yet. Will have to make a test save to check that out

Another interesting note: The 2-Man Landercan gets 200% Efficiency on beamed-back crew reports, which allows you to get all the available crew report science back from a research site in a single transmission.

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Interesting note: A Kerbal in an external seat can do EVA reports and (if the spacecraft is landed) Surface Samples , and because he's still attached to the ship, you can beam those back instantly, and repeat. It /also/ looks like the Actions on the Fly plugin will let you add both actions to an action group during play, but I haven't tried that yet. Will have to make a test save to check that out


OMG...i actually never thought of that...

and now, that component will be part of all my deliveries ! Thanks !!

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3700 with a basic probe with solar panels and a couple transmission antennae and a few batteries. Sent it screaming sun-bound and managed to intercept Eve on the way, and Gilly, shot around the sun close enough to get the 'near the sun' points, and then let it leave the solar system at high speed, still transmitting science occasionally on the way.

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I got more than 7000, in my Jool mission. :D I visited all moons of jool.

I did the exact same thing. It was my fourth mission in career mode, and my first ever trip to Jool. Using a pair of nuclear engines and plenty of fuel on an unmanned probe, I orbited Jool, Laythe, Vall, Tylo, and Pol, and then landed on Pol. Went back to the science center and unlocked all of the tech tree from there.

Of course, then I added in Interstellar. 10,000 science for warp drive. That took a while.

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I meant to post this a while ago, but got side tracked by other things; This was my fourth and final mission in my rocket based career mode (I'm also attempting to do career with just planes).

Just from Mun and without transmitting anything except for crew reports; 6091 points.


This career campaign was completed in under 30 Kerbal days.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

19444 (started I had 136) for a mostly complete Joolian Survey, sent a small fleet to Jool with a modular system that landed on every moon and scanned Jool's upper atmosphere... the lander itself netted 5000+ from surface samples (and had one of the science packages), the 5 other science packages gained over 11000 and the rest was from EVA / Crew reports transmissions.

My guess is there's roughly 23-25k Science total to be made in the Jool system... but there are some experiments I couldn't do, like Laythe upper atmosphere and Jool lower Atmosphere.

I recorded the whole mission... started quite a while ago, I don't play as much as before so it took me several months to complete this... now if I could just bother to edit the raw footage and post a video >.<

The science I had before I left for Jool.


The science of one science package + the lander with soil / water samples.


The science of the 5 remaining science module packages, the rest was provided by the EVA/crew reports transmissions.


Links to other Shared projects I have created:

The Hydra Class Modular Tug: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60542-A-fuel-freighter-tug-to-fit-any-need-the-Hydra-Class-Modular-Tug

The Desert Rose Planetary Base: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50670-The-Desert-Rose-Duna-Base-D

The Agamemnon Exoplanetary Outpost Deployment System: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51494-The-Agamemnon-%28Exoplanetary-Outpost-Deployment-System%29-D?p=674546#post674546

The Minotaur X-Light Fuel Tanker: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51994-The-Minotaur-class-X-Light-fuel-launcher-%28with-tank-tug%29

The Tiny Titan Medium Tanker: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51117-The-Tiny-Titan-Medium-Tanker-%284-orange-tanks-to-LKO%29-%29?p=667613#post667613

The Farscape Launchpoint Station: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50344-I-present-to-you-the-Farscape-Launchpoint-Space-Station-%29

The Hercules 9 MkIIa and b Heavy Tankers: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50985-The-Hercules-9-Mk-IIa!-This-puppy-will-bring-about-9-2-orange-tanks-to-a-90KM-orbit

Planceception: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59489-Planceception!-A-plane-Within-a-plane-Thanks-Spootyman-for-your-awesome-video-of-it

Edited by Arendey
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