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Game I am Making: As easy as drinking water


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Hello all, I am going to make a game called: As easy as drinking water. The game will be about making atoms and so on. This will continue until you make H2O, which will be the end game. Maybe. If anyone wants to help with art assets or the actual making of the game, please do tell me. Also, if I have anything wrong please tell me, as for I am no major in Chemestry. Thanks!

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Seems interesting. When you release the beta, I'll be happy to test it (in my own time).

When you say atoms, do you mean molecules, or atoms?

Do you make the atoms from scratch from quarks, or do you make the atoms from the electrons, neutrons, and protons themselves, without having to build the quarks?

A little more detail, please?

EDIT: Also, water seems to simple of a molecule to make, perhaps DNA?

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Well, thanks for the comment. It will be (hopefully) starting from protons, electrons and neutrons. So you have to make atoms, then molecules and so on. If it was DNA, what would the name of the game be? Also, since I am no major in Chemestry of course, I will need help with some aspects

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Nanomachines are machines made on a very small scale, down to individual atoms. I just thought it's something you could make in the game besides regular molecules.

Have you made a lot of games before? What sort of things do you usually make?

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Well, as for I don't know WHAT is should be (IE Genes, DNA, water), I want the most difficult within proper gameplay hours.

Wait. New idea. Make particles, and atoms. Combine them

make a item (such as dirt). then use dirt to make a world

Like the idea?

That is a great idea, unless you have to manually make everything. There's a lot of atoms even in a grain of sand. Might be close to 1020. You'd finish making your grain of sand just in time before the Sun eats up Venus while turning into a red giant (plus or minus lots of years LOL).

But you could make, as Seret says, nanomachines of some kind which would manufacture themselves in the process and then could do their work on a massive scale (billions of billions of operations per second, at least).

Of course you need a way to make particles in the first place. They (usually) can't be made out of nothing.

Thing is, you'll need a nice foundation in physics and chemistry if you want to make something even remotely close to "good" and "real".

Your general idea is very nice and you should go for it.

So basicaly Alchemy?

No... this has absolutely nothing to do with that.

Edited by lajoswinkler
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Actually, not Unity but SFML. I code in c++ so, sadly, I cannot use Unity. But with the nanomachines, I will use that. Make a nanomachine that can be "dirt" then have it self replicate, lets say 1000 sand per minute. With my idea, should I start out with building the sun. So the player will need Hydrogen, helium, oxygen and so on. Then you can make a stable universe, or world.

Also, V 0.0.1 is almost out. All it is is going to be shapes following your cursor which you can place.

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Actually, not Unity but SFML. I code in c++ so, sadly, I cannot use Unity. But with the nanomachines, I will use that. Make a nanomachine that can be "dirt" then have it self replicate, lets say 1000 sand per minute. With my idea, should I start out with building the sun. So the player will need Hydrogen, helium, oxygen and so on. Then you can make a stable universe, or world.

Also, V 0.0.1 is almost out. All it is is going to be shapes following your cursor which you can place.

Oh ok awesome, nice to see a game that isn't made by Unity once in a while, they seem to be the Indie Industry leaders. Just checking out SFML it looks pretty cool. I't would be awesome of you to release the Source, when you make this, many would appreciate it I think. I might attempt a similar project in processing as I've been itching to code again recently.

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I just hope you understand how vast the gap between fundamental particles and "the Sun" is, both in dimensions, but more important - in the number of particles involved. We're talking about 1023 atoms in a small piece of charcoal. Do you have any idea how large that number is? You need strategic mechanisms to overcome such gaps.

I recommend you start planning the strategy before you do any code.

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Ah, so I now realise how hard it will be to make this. So, Nanomachines make the atoms, trillions of times per second. Now, would I have to have a buttons telling you what you want to make? Or otherwise. I want possible user input here, so that is why I am asking.

You can REALLY scale things down. To like, 1000 molecules in the sun.

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You can REALLY scale things down. To like, 1000 molecules in the sun.

Sorry but that's incredibly absurd. Not only there are no molecules in the Sun, but most of the stuff in the Sun isn't atoms, either.

And not to mention the mindboggling downscaling from 1057 to 1000, because that's how many varieties is hydrogen particles (molecules, atoms, ions) are in the Sun.

Edited by lajoswinkler
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