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[1.1.2] Station Science (v2.0: New models by SpeedyB)


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  sam1133 said:
have tried but install sticks at zoo-model...tried both new one and one b4...install same problem...using 64bit

any help please



After it gets stuck, please send me your KSP.log file from your KSP install directory, and a list of any other mods you are using.

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  micha said:
G'day ethernet,

I took the liberty of creating a "Connected Living Spaces" config file for your Station Science mod. If you'd like to review it, it's here.

This is great! I was wondering how to do this and there you are with the solution! Thanks!

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I'm having a bit of trouble with the Creature Comforts experiment.

I've launched the science lab with the prototype docking port, then docked a animal lab to it with a normal docking ports and then docked a vessel that has a hitch-hiker crew pod and the creature comforts experiment on board. I transfer crew over to labs, set the experiment going, then after all the eurekas and bioproducts have been produced the finalize results button appears. When I click the button the normal science window pops up, I click on the save data button, the window disappears as normal but the data has not been saved, the only button that appears when I right click the experiment is the start experiment button. I tried landing the experiment but the only science I get when I recover the craft is the science for recovering a vessel that's been in orbit around Kerbin.

Weirdly enough the plant growth experiment worked fine, but I have updated several things since then, oh and KSP and this mod were fully updated before I encountered this problem.

Here's my log file if that helps

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  Aramazia Kin said:
Here's my log file if that helps

Thanks for the log.

This stands out as possibly causing your problem:

[WRN 14:46:53.128] [Part]: PartModule ModuleAeroReentry at StnSciExperiment5, index 1: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.

StnSciExperiment5 is the name of the creature comforts experiment pod. Looks like it's a conflict with Deadly Reentry (which has a ModuleAeroReentry).

Can you try again without Deadly Reentry?

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  ethernet said:
Thanks for the log.

This stands out as possibly causing your problem:

[WRN 14:46:53.128] [Part]: PartModule ModuleAeroReentry at StnSciExperiment5, index 1: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.

StnSciExperiment5 is the name of the creature comforts experiment pod. Looks like it's a conflict with Deadly Reentry (which has a ModuleAeroReentry).

Can you try again without Deadly Reentry?

I think I figured it out.

Tried without Deadly Re-entry like you suggested and also without Near because it looked like Near was throwing the same warning, but the data still wasn't saving. Then through experimenting in sandbox mode I've found out that it was because I used Kerbal Alarm Clock to jump to the station from the KSC screen that must have messed up the creature comfort experiment on that craft so that it couldn't store experiments anymore.

So I've disable the jump to ship from the KSC screen feature of Kerbal Alarm Clock and I reckon that should fix it for future missions.

Thanks for your help and the awesome mod :)

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I've got my stations in HKO at about 270K, and I'm running into two issues. First, my cyclotron won't generate kuarqs, it says it doesn't have enough power (i've got over 12000 units of charge and 12 gigantor solar panels on it.) My second issue is eurekas. I've got a fully staffed science module, but when I left click it, it just says no experiments. Can anyone help?

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Two issues:

How do you get eurekas? I've got a spacestation in HKO with a fully staffed science lab. Whenever I right click on the lab, it says "no experiments." I've read the thread, and there are no experiment modules that people keep posting about.

Also, my cyclotron is not generating kuarqs. It says "not enough charge" but I have 12 gigantors on it, and over 12000 units of charge on the station. Any advice?

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Do you have the Station Science folder location as [KSP install directory]/GameData/StationScience ? If the folder isn't installed in the right place, the experiment pods won't load, and if you don't have the experiment pods, the Science Lab and Cyclotron won't do anything. The Cyclotron might just be giving the wrong reason why it can't do anything.

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I really like this mod. It's a nice batch of things to do with stations other than them being mere fuel depots, and I haven't had any technical issues yet despite mixing it in with a bunch of other mods. And it's cool to see a mod that throws up contracts.

However, a bit of feedback on the contract thing. Every contract I've gotten so far involving Station Science has been seriously unremunerative. Despite my rep now being over 900, all the Station Science contracts I'm getting are 1-star things that only pay about 4000-5000 cash. Considering the cost of heaving the heavy station and cyclotron modules into orbit, this makes doing these contracts major losing propositions. Not that I expect to turn a profit on everything I do, and the main reward for such contracts is science, not cash, anyway. But the thing is, early in the game when these Station Science contracts start appearing, I can get the same amount of science AND turn a major profit doing part tests, and I can get more science for less money doing stock science missions. IOW, the Station Science contracts aren't economically competitive with the stock contracts or even stock science missions. This is especially the case when I'm already having to set up a Remote Tech network out of my own pocket.

Also, when I 1st unlocked the Station Science docking port and started getting contracts, the 2nd one to appear was to do Plant Growth at Vall. This again was only a 1-star contract paying about $3000. Further, it had a deadline of only 2 years, which didn't exactly leave enough time to get there and return, even if that had really been possible with the very low-tech parts I had available at the time.

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Are you playing the newest version (v1.1)? A deadline that low shouldn't happen in the newest version. You might see some improvement in payouts as well.

If you upgrade, you'll have to refuse the old contracts first, before the ones from the new version start showing up.

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  ethernet said:
Are you playing the newest version (v1.1)? A deadline that low shouldn't happen in the newest version. You might see some improvement in payouts as well.

I did upgrade to v1.1 shortly after I started this game and haven't seen any more weird contracts come up since, just doing stuff around Kerbin, so I figure this one has been cured.

But these Kerbin-based contracts are still pretty miserly. I did 1 of them (taking a $83K loss on the launch when I only had about $200K in the bank) and have canceled all the others in hopes of getting new contracts with better payoffs. However, I'm still getting only 1-star contracts that pay $5K or less.

I think the real issue on the payoff is that there are no contracts to launch the major station components that you need to do the experiments. Putting the massive lab and cyclotrons into orbit costs a lot of money (and is rather challenging with only 1.25m rockets, especially if you've got FAR). But the only contracts you get are for doing the experiments. The experiment modules are light and reasonably cheap so once you have a station up there, the payoffs for the experiments themselves aren't that bad. But there's no way at present to recover the significant cost of building the infrastructure and this cost is a major deterent to doing any of the contracts, especially early in the game when money is scarce. Which is too bad because you obviously intend for Station Science to be an early-game thing, what with the low-tech docking port.

So I'm thinking that you need contracts to launch the big stuff, for each planet/moon in the system. These would be 3-star contracts that pay a lot of cash but little, if any, science. Then you'd only get the experiment contracts for the same planet/moon once you'd at least accepted the station-building contracts.

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My thinking was you'd send up multiple experiments over time, on multiple contracts as they come up again, to eventually recoup the cost of the initial investment. I.e., a reason to make trips up and down to/from the station.

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Trouble getting Station Science to work with Connected Living Spaces? Well so did I. Tried the method of putting a config file into CLS (copy paste of michas'), but for some reason it just would not work. So deleted that, and took a look at how Modular Kolonization System did it, as they don't have a config in the plugin folder of CLS.

Turns out it was pretty simple. I just copy-pasted this into the part.cfg file of StnSciLab and StnSciZoo folders:



name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace

passable = true


Full example of the StnSciLab here (highlighted the edit in dark-red):



name = StnSciLab

module = Part

author = ethernet

rescaleFactor = 1

PhysicsSignificance = -1

node_stack_top4294829798 = 0,2.745,0,0,1,0,2

node_stack_bottom4294829694 = 0,-2.745,0,0,1,0,2

CrewCapacity = 4

TechRequired = scienceTech

entryCost = 10000

cost = 6000

category = Science

subcategory = 0

title = TH-NKR Science Lab

manufacturer = Station Science Directorate

description = This module provides all the instruments, computers, and snacks Kerbal researchers need to find out just how fascinating space really is. You'll need to have experiment modules attached to your station to give them something to do.

attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0,0,0

mass = 15

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.2

minimum_drag = 0.3

angularDrag = 2

crashTolerance = 6

breakingForce = 200

breakingTorque = 200

maxTemp = 2900

fuelCrossFeed = True

vesselType = Station



name = ModuleScienceExperiment

experimentID = crewReport

experimentActionName = Crew Report

resetActionName = Discard Crew Report

reviewActionName = Review Report

useStaging = False

useActionGroups = True

hideUIwhenUnavailable = True

rerunnable = True

xmitDataScalar = 1.0




name = ModuleScienceContainer

reviewActionName = Review Stored Data

storeActionName = Store Experiments

evaOnlyStorage = True

storageRange = 2.0




name = ModuleConnectedLivingSpace

passable = true




name = ModuleCommand

minimumCrew = 1




name = ModuleAnimateGeneric

animationName = lab

isOneShot = false

allowManualControl = false




name = ResearchFacility

eurekasPerHour = 1.0

minimumCrew = 3




name = crewCabinInternals



Works like a charm. Now, I haven't made any of the other parts passable in CLS, just the lab and the zoo. In my mind the experiments pods are just a container stuffed to near bursting with sciency stuff, so only room for an opening in one end. And the other big parts shouldn't have any life support whatsoever, much less a corridor running through them.

Edited by Zylark
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Been digging through a bunch of the .24 compatible mods, and this one is one of my favorites (though I feel guilty using it without interstellar... too much science!)

Not sure if you're taking suggestions, but I have a couple:

Experiments that can only be done in extremely low solar or Jool orbit - bonuses if you can make the experiment be interrupted if they get out of range. Sustained low solar orbit would need to pay like crazy, but could be a wonderful challenge.

My other idea might be harder, but add a way to do experiments on asteroids docked with the station.

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Quick question about interaction between Station Science and KAS (and TAC).

I've got a rudimentary station up with Attach-o-trons, which naturally have fuel crossfeed off. I've gone and EVA'd two of the KAS pipe end points, now that I'm more advanced, to bridge that spot. It seems like the Kerbals will use resources that exist in other areas (as in, most of my life support is on the other side of a no-crossfeed boundary), but I can't pump or transfer through the pipe.

Anyone know if the "no-crossfeed" rule of the initial attachment overrides the pipe connection?

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  TheKutKu said:
I have a problem: How do i get experiment, i have a space station with a lab and 3 kerbal, but it say "no experiment", is it a part or something?

You need to have experiment pods. If you don't have them, did you install to the correct directory? The StationScience directory needs to be as [KSP install]/GameData/StationScience

  Konisforce said:
Quick question about interaction between Station Science and KAS (and TAC).

I've got a rudimentary station up with Attach-o-trons, which naturally have fuel crossfeed off. I've gone and EVA'd two of the KAS pipe end points, now that I'm more advanced, to bridge that spot. It seems like the Kerbals will use resources that exist in other areas (as in, most of my life support is on the other side of a no-crossfeed boundary), but I can't pump or transfer through the pipe.

Anyone know if the "no-crossfeed" rule of the initial attachment overrides the pipe connection?

To implement the "no-transfer" (which is more strict than just "no-crossfeed") I have to manually trace through the craft and see if there's a valid flow path between the two tanks that doesn't go through an Attach-O-Tron. Whatever mechanism KAS uses to attach fuel pipes is probably not something my code follows. I can look into it, but no guarantees.

For now, TAC fuel balancer should let you bypass the Attach-o-Tron.

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  ethernet said:
To implement the "no-transfer" (which is more strict than just "no-crossfeed") I have to manually trace through the craft and see if there's a valid flow path between the two tanks that doesn't go through an Attach-O-Tron. Whatever mechanism KAS uses to attach fuel pipes is probably not something my code follows. I can look into it, but no guarantees.

For now, TAC fuel balancer should let you bypass the Attach-o-Tron.

Hmm, not worth your time, I'd say. I do like the prototype feeling of the Attach-o-Tron, and using KAS to simply bypass it at almost the same tech level does sort of defeat the purpose.

Thanks for the reply, and the mod! Loving it. I hacked the science cap on the orbital experiments and it's now exactly what I never knew I always wanted.

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I'm running the 64bit version of 0.24 with only two mods so far, Chatterer and Kerbal Engineer Redux. I really want to install this mod as my real life job is supporting micro-gravity science experiments on board the ISS. There is an add to this one that includes one of my real life experiments but that's another thread. Anyways, if I have KER installed, the game crashes after I've selected the save game to continue. Removing KER does allows this mod to work for me, at least the game doesn't crash, but I really want KER. Any suggestions?

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  chucksterock said:
I'm running the 64bit version of 0.24 with only two mods so far, Chatterer and Kerbal Engineer Redux. I really want to install this mod as my real life job is supporting micro-gravity science experiments on board the ISS. There is an add to this one that includes one of my real life experiments but that's another thread. Anyways, if I have KER installed, the game crashes after I've selected the save game to continue. Removing KER does allows this mod to work for me, at least the game doesn't crash, but I really want KER. Any suggestions?

I've got KER, Chatterer, this one, and a whole buncha other mods installed, haven't had that problem. Did you install the mods after starting that game? Or does it all play nice together the first time you open a game, but loading a game doesn't work?

I'd try a clean install of everything and then installing the 3 mods before starting a new game. Good for troubleshooting, at least.

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If you're running that few mods, just run 32-bit version. 64-bit KSP is buggy and unstable. I've given up on trying to debug reported 64-bit issues.

The only upside to 64-bit is it lets you use more memory (primarily for textures). Unless you have a ton of part mods, that isn't going to be an issue.

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  chucksterock said:
I really want to install this mod as my real life job is supporting micro-gravity science experiments on board the ISS. There is an add to this one that includes one of my real life experiments but that's another thread.

Wait... Wait.

I have a couple of questions: So you work with real-life ISS experiments - would love to hear your comments about Station Science and KSP in general. And you have added your REAL experiments to Station Science? Are you going to share? Please? :-)

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  munseeker said:
Wait... Wait.

I have a couple of questions: So you work with real-life ISS experiments - would love to hear your comments about Station Science and KSP in general. And you have added your REAL experiments to Station Science? Are you going to share? Please? :-)

I am not a coder and do not know how to do a mod though I'm getting curious about them, but I'm not a software engineer so they may be beyond my knowledge base. The Nehemiah Engineering - Orbital Material Science addon for the Station Science mod includes real life experiments. One of them is called Capillary Flow Experiments which I've worked on since 2003. The test geometry is from the principal investigator at Portland State University but the designs are mine. Here's a link to the addon:


I haven't spent any time with the Space Station mod yet so don't have an opinion about it other than to say I want to spend some time iwth it.

As far as KSP goes, I'm totally digging it and spending way too much time on it. My real life part of the space program is very focused and it's nice to work the big picture in the game. Plus I don't have to worry about NASA or Congress changing their mind and pulling funding. I'm a contractor, have been for 23 years now, and still consider my job permanently temporary. But I still love it and have goten to do a lot of really cool things.

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