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[1.4.3]ALCOR,"Advanced Landing Capsule for Orbital Rendezvous" by ASET (08/02/2017)


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I am trying to place the custom camera on the little white platform on the left side of the shutter. I cannot pan adequately from that position. I'm just wondering if the tolerance can be edited in some JSI file or in the ALCOR files. I tried looking but I was unable to find the CamTransform container, which leads me to fear that it's buried in the RPM .dll somewhere. Any help is appreciated.

Looking at the 2 CFG files



name = JSIExternalCameraSelector

cameraContainer = CamTransform

cameraIDPrefix = ExtCam





name = JSIExternalCameraSelector

cameraContainer = RCSthruster

rotateCamera = -90,0,0 <---------here

cameraIDPrefix = ExtCam


One has a rotateCamera you might try and add what you need hope it help and 1 was the ASET ExtCamRadialVert and 2nd was the JSI ExternalCameraPart.

EDIT- Bet your right didn't think of that.

Edited by Mecripp2
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Is there any plans to use this amazingly in-depth control system to create other capsules, or to provide decent cockpits for stock capsules?

Using RasterpropMonitor the only decent cockpit is in the MK1 pod, add the Alcor lander to that and you only really have two decent pods available. Especially considering that all of the parts parts provide utterly awful pod cockpits which in some cases have even less information than stock pods.

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What is the best way to add a function to a currently unused switch at the switch board, pilot seat upper left side?? like maybe a switch to turn on the terminal window from kOS with ToggleTerminal command? or another module function like a inbuilt RemoteRech2 with a omni attenna but limited range and SPU capability to talk to vehicle at very close range?

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Thank you for this. It is truly astounding work; almost overwhelming in scope.

In my log I have a couple of error lines:

[ERR 10:14:15.221] Texture 'ASET/ASET_Props/Instruments/GPWS/model000' not found!

[ERR 10:14:15.221] Texture 'ASET/ASET_Props/Instruments/GPWS/model001' not found!

Is this anything that needs to be addresses? Do they even matter?

Sidenote: I've found other mods throw these errors as well. So, I assume there is nothing to worry about. Really just a curiosity.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but I'm looking for the answer since a while and still nothing, so:

can I create and edit maneuver nodes in IVA? If yes, how?

...or, how can I know when to start to got the Mun, to Jool, to one of the moon of Jool inside Jool's SOI, how to aim at target in the same orbit, etc? (I know how to target something, I just need the node :) )

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Hi, I'm sorry if this is a stupid question but I'm looking for the answer since a while and still nothing, so:

can I create and edit maneuver nodes in IVA? If yes, how?

...or, how can I know when to start to got the Mun, to Jool, to one of the moon of Jool inside Jool's SOI, how to aim at target in the same orbit, etc? (I know how to target something, I just need the node :) )

I think you need MechJeb installed along with RPM then you'll have access to some MechJeb functions from the MFD.

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I think you need MechJeb installed along with RPM then you'll have access to some MechJeb functions from the MFD.

I have MechJeb installed and there's no node creating stuff like "hohmann-transfer" or "fine-tune", etc... or is there and I just missed it? but anyway, I would like to have a way to create some simulated engine burns with simulated orbits to see how it would work. Right now I'm doing a Mun-Minmus 2-in-1 mission with a LM and a CM but I waste some fuel to try things out instead of looking for the best solution (like we do with a maneuver node :) ).

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I have two more question:

1. can you transfer fuel between the tanks? (I just arrived back to my fuel-tank and I would like to refuel my lander and go for the next moon)

2. I have several external cams but only the first two works, all the others are plain black. Is it a bug or my mistake?

btw I LOVE this mod! I enjoy piloting my Mun-Minmus expedition from IVA very much! AWESOME! Respect and Thank you!!!

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So, is there any answers to my questions?

1. can I create and edit maneuver nodes in IVA? If yes, how?

2. can you transfer fuel between the tanks? (I just arrived back to my fuel-tank and I would like to refuel my lander and go for the next moon)

3. I have several external cams but only the first two works, all the others are plain black. Is it a bug or my mistake?

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So, is there any answers to my questions?

1. can I create and edit maneuver nodes in IVA? If yes, how?

2. can you transfer fuel between the tanks? (I just arrived back to my fuel-tank and I would like to refuel my lander and go for the next moon)

3. I have several external cams but only the first two works, all the others are plain black. Is it a bug or my mistake?

1, No.

2, Not that I'm aware of (you could use Goodspeed Fuel Pump or TACFB though).

3, Have you assigned a unique ID to each cam? The way RPM works is by using the closest camera with the selected ID. If you have a same ID camera further away, it won't be shown (before you ask, camera assignment can't be done from IVA (unless VesselViewer can, but I don't know)).

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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Thank you for your answers!

Yeah, I know TAC fuel balancer but I would like to solve everything from IVA. :)

Hmm, I didn't know about IDs for the cams, I'll check it! ...hmm, I was looking for it but didn't find any information about how to set up unique IDs to each cam? Can somebody show me a link or tell me more please?

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Thank you for your answers!

Yeah, I know TAC fuel balancer but I would like to solve everything from IVA. :)

Hmm, I didn't know about IDs for the cams, I'll check it! ...hmm, I was looking for it but didn't find any information about how to set up unique IDs to each cam? Can somebody show me a link or tell me more please?

Right click on the external Camera part in VAB or after launch and use +/- signs to assign unique ID #;

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...or, how can I know when to start to got the Mun, to Jool, to one of the moon of Jool inside Jool's SOI, how to aim at target in the same orbit, etc? (I know how to target something, I just need the node :) )

I asked a similar question a while back about HOW to complete all-IVA missions without maneuver nodes. Specifically, how to know when to burn for a return to Kerbin from the Mun. Alexustas explained it....

Select target, orbiting at Kerbin

And when the"EJECT ANGLE" is close to zero, perform your burn


Hope this helps!

Edited by nukeboyt
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Are the monitors broken for anyone else in .25? I double-checked the folder structure, and have the newest version of RPM and MM installed in 32-bit.

RPM version 0.18.2 does not want to work with KSP 0.25, but has been quickly repaired by Mihara and RPM 0.18.3 works well. I have edited OP.

1. can I create and edit maneuver nodes in IVA? If yes, how?

Unfortunately, RPM does not allow to create and edit maneuvers using MFD or other tools .. This topic has been discussed for a long time, but no avail.

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