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[1.4.3]ALCOR,"Advanced Landing Capsule for Orbital Rendezvous" by ASET (08/02/2017)


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Sorry if you keep getting pestered with this, but is there a 2.5m version in the works? I don't tend to use the small docking ports and the docking cam and light aren't terribly useful for the large ports. Just increasing the base and top to 2.5 and sizing up the body a bit to match (but not so it can't fit into a 3.75 fairing) would be all that's needed, I think..

See, the stock 2 man lander can may be ugly, heavy and whatever, but they are 2.5m :wink:

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I finally understand all the references, is that a descent stage in the fore(or mid)ground?

Yes, it's the descent stage from previous lander. I put another lander down beside it just for fun, and ended up with this silly view out the pilot's window. :)

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I have been looking for a command pod that gives a good view from inside the capsule while approaching a station and during docking. I've just started using the ALCOR again and so far like it a lot (the realistic sound inside the capsule is a great touch). I guess there's no way to use the big window to monitor the docking from inside. What other way would give the best inside docking view with the ALCOR?

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I have been looking for a command pod that gives a good view from inside the capsule while approaching a station and during docking. I've just started using the ALCOR again and so far like it a lot (the realistic sound inside the capsule is a great touch). I guess there's no way to use the big window to monitor the docking from inside. What other way would give the best inside docking view with the ALCOR?

The ALCOR have 3 windows, 5 on-board external cameras and 7 MFD... :)

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1. Press "B" to open "Target Menu"

2. Find "reference part" line, press "Enter". select your docking port part by pressing "Enter" - this exactly match with "Control from here" command if you in EVA-view.

3. Use "Vessels" line in same menu to select target vessel, than you less 200 meter you can select target docking port on this vessel - exactly the same as "set as target"

3. Press "3" button on MFD for "Docking screen"


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Thanks to this capsule and RPM with its plethora of informational displays, I've successfully performed my first completely manual IVA flight to the Mun and back (MJ installed for information, but not used for automation; No Maneuver nodes used). The aesthetics are great, and fit perfectly with the KW Rocketry parts I used to build the craft. I only had to exit IVA once, and that was to monitor the altitude of my Kerbin periapsis on my return trip, as none of the displays gave me any of that information it while I was still in the Mun's SoI. That, along with a couple things I noticed with the interior controls, befuddled me a tad. Forgive me if these questions have been answered already, but I couldn't find the relevant posts.

Firstly, as regards to my problems during my all-manual test flight, is there some way to display the closest approach data for a return from a moon? That was the only thing that broke my IVA experience. No matter what screens I flipped through, I could not find any orbital data beyond the SoI of the Mun, despite having an escape trajectory; unlike my arrival, in which I could get my closest approach via several different displays. This forced me to enter Map Mode for the first time in the flight to see and adjust my return periapsis. If it's viewable, and I'm just a dummy, please explain where I can find that information IVA. If not, would it be possible to find a way to display that on one of the informational panels?

Secondly, I saw that the roll orientation buttons on the rightmost panel are locked out, despite the function being present in the Auto-Pilot menu. Will these buttons be "unlocked" like the rest of MJ's SmartASS module in a future update?

On a related note, I saw that MechJeb's automated ascent and node execution features have a usable switch/button, and that MJ's Auto-Dock and Auto-Descent were present, but locked out. If their implementation is dependent on future RPM versions, feel free to disregard this. If not, what's the ETA on their implementation?

Thanks for all the great work! This is now on my list of necessary mods, and I look forward to all the new things you've been demoing in the thread, especially that finalized service module!

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is there some way to display the closest approach data for a return from a moon?

Hopefully, you will have this opportunity when maneuvers edit plugin for RPM will be created.

But, you could choose as a target any ship on the Kerbin orbit and perform an EJECTION maneuver. And you got your periapsis equal to the target ship.

Secondly, I saw that the roll orientation buttons on the rightmost panel are locked out, despite the function being present in the Auto-Pilot menu. Will these buttons be "unlocked" like the rest of MJ's SmartASS module in a future update?

Yes. you're right. these features will be available in the next(0.15) official RPM release.

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Never been one for IVA flying but this makes it look temptingly enjoyable! Kudos.

The difference is that you normally are supplied with little and bad info, while now you have a full suite of sweet displays.

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Those look incredible, the texturing is amazing. Awesome work you are doing, love using the ALCOR command pod. Any chance you would release the "Big Bag" as it's own part? Something that could be used by the life support mods out there?

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