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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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So I've noticed ever since .23, with DRE installed the Mk2-R Radial-Mount Parachute doesn't actually work anymore. The normal stack mounted parachutes still work, but not radial. It doesn't show up in the staging, and cannot be activated manually because right click menu only shows temperature. Tried in both DRE 4.0 and 4.1.

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Read have Read, rickyhewitt, thanks! Will check.

SSR Kermit: for now, open the Rapier's part.cfg and cut both heatProduction lines in half.

Ah, the good ol (uhm, brand new) ModuleEnginesFX has thrown my custom hybrid-VTOLs for a spin (literally, the flat kind) already :)

Looking at it again, I'd say there are two issues, one with the heat production but the other is a UI problem. Perhaps (probably?) a knock-on effect of the first.

Cutting the heat production does restore the timing afaict, btw, and should be good enough; certainly for my purposes -- but the gauge is still decreasing and gives the impression of something glitching which might upset more sensitive users....

Thanks for the workaround!

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hello, this is my first time using DRE ( and FAR), is it supposed to be this easy? in Scott manleys videos it looks like his ships break apart just by coming back from a low kerbin orbit, but I just returned from minimus with my Pe as low as around 30 km and nothing happened. ( remember I said I was using FAR)

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hello, this is my first time using DRE ( and FAR), is it supposed to be this easy? in Scott manleys videos it looks like his ships break apart just by coming back from a low kerbin orbit, but I just returned from minimus with my Pe as low as around 30 km and nothing happened. ( remember I said I was using FAR)

The atmosphere on Kerbin at 30km is still less than 1% the density that it is at sea level. A Minmus return is not fast enough to produce catastrophic effects under those conditions.

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You need to change some stuff to make it more realistic for stock Kerbin, I think the defaults are made for the rescaled Kerbin

I think 'Better Than Starting Manned' mod by FlowerChild has a cfg file that changes those parameters for vanilla KSP

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Ok, this has been a long time coming while I worked on balancing my own mod, but here's the custom config settings that I promised for people that want a more challenging DR experience with stock sized Kerbin and otherwise stock install. I've tweaked them to present a real challenge for those that find default DR values way too easy, while maintaining vanilla's "gamey" feel, and personally find them to fit in very well with the rest of vanilla KSP.

Just drop the following file into your Gamedata/DeadlyReentry folder and you're good to go:

Download Link

If you already have a custom.cfg file in that directory, you will likely need to delete it in order for these changes to take effect.

I've tried to balance it so that the 1.25m heatshield (and the Mk1 capsule integrated shield) are effective for reentry from low Kerbin orbit. 2.5m on a direct return trajectory from the Mun. 1.25 effective for small probes entering thin atmospheres (like Duna), and 3.75 effective for entry and aerobraking maneuvers in thick atmospheres like Eve or Jool. I've left the reflective heat shields at default values given they get rid of a percentage of the heat accumulation regardless of other settings. I will warn that I have not fully tested the 1.25 and 3.75 heat shields yet to make sure they really fill their roles, so they may require further tweaking down the road. I've tested the other values though many many times over to ensure they're capable of doing the job they're intended for.

For reference, here's the contents of the config file in question:

// config file to rebalance Deadly Reentry parts and stock parts with DR heat shields for stock game feel.

@shockwaveExponent = 1.09
@shockwaveMultiplier = 1
@heatMultiplier = 25
@startThermal = 250
@fullThermal = 1150
@temperatureExponent = 1.03
@densityExponent = 0.85
@gToleranceMult = 2.5
@crewGClamp = 30
@crewGPower = 4
@crewGMin = 5
@crewGWarn = 300000
@crewGLimit = 600000
@crewGKillChance = 0.75

// Command Pod MK1
@key, 1 = 800 480

// 1.25m Heatshield
@key, 1 = 800 480

// Heat Shield for Mk 1-2 Pod

@key, 1 = 800 240




@key, 1 = 800 640




@key, 1 = 800 60



Note that I've also reduced the visible threshold on the reentry effects from what they normally are in DR for more flamey goodness.

Keep in mind I've done this to present a good gameplay challenge in keeping with the spirit of my own mod, NOT for realism. If that's the kind of thing that you're personally looking for, then you may want to give it a try.

Here's the post he made for just the configs btw ^

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Soyuz has had some survivable reentries pretty far off nominal trajectories/attitudes. I'd say the difficulty with FAR and stock Kerbin feels about right. Lone capsules on circum-Munar trajectories should be pretty forgiving - see what happens with larger constructs or interplanetary velocities.

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So, im going for a realistic game (RSS, FAR, DRE, Real everything!). Having an issue right now with trying to re-enter that causes the DRE heat shields (and everything else) to over heat and explode. I tried playing with the shock wave mult and I'm just making things worse. Almost NO ablasive material will be used before overheating. anyone know how I should set up the .cfg file to bring it in line with real life, or at least not instant death?

also, any tips to survive the very high G-force of this now extreamly fast reentry would also be awesome ;P

Edited by Joseph_Terran
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also, any tips to survive the very high G-force of this now extreamly fast reentry would also be awesome ;P

Come in at a much shallower angle. If you've got RSS/RO installed, the atmosphere gets thick around 50km. Your craft needs to bleed off as much speed as possible before hitting this point or it will decelerate so quickly that your astronauts will die from the resulting g-forces.

I've only come back as far away as geosynchronous orbit (roughly 10km/s hitting 104km altitude). Aiming for a periapsis of 58-60km seems to be pretty safe. Higher than that and you bounce off and go around for another orbit or two. Lower and you risk explodey badness. The re-entry window is much narrower than it was in stock.

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Yeah, I've been playing in RSS too. I've got my re-entry windows memorized pretty good now. If you go into space, you need to get up to at least 6500 m/s horizontal velocity at very low orbit. Else you will get excessive Gs on rentry. From a low orbit of say 120km, you need to set periapsis to about -120 on the other side of the planet. Then you will land at about 1/4 orbit from burn. G forces will climb to about 7 Gs.

Coming in from moon you need to set periapsis about 55 km at Kerbin/Earth. This is not an aerobrake, you will come down for landing. I haven't got an aerobrake into low orbit solution yet. BTW, if I remember correctly, the G forces are about 8 on this one.

Right now, I'm still waiting on the fix to MFS.

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Found a rather amusing way to trivialize your first flight (that I haven't tested since .23 came out, as I'm waiting on FAR and B9):

By using the heat shields as decouplers, you can make the first rocket have staging, which greatly simplifies the first flight and allows you to get to Minmus and blow through the first few tiers.


Push the heat shield back a tier, so you get it when you get decouplers.

If the player still wants to take the easy path and do the initial research to skip the first flight, that's their call.

But for those of us that like using everything at our disposal to build with, it's not trivializing what should be an incredibly risky flight.

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Found a rather amusing way to trivialize your first flight (that I haven't tested since .23 came out, as I'm waiting on FAR and B9):

By using the heat shields as decouplers, you can make the first rocket have staging, which greatly simplifies the first flight and allows you to get to Minmus and blow through the first few tiers.


Push the heat shield back a tier, so you get it when you get decouplers.

If the player still wants to take the easy path and do the initial research to skip the first flight, that's their call.

But for those of us that like using everything at our disposal to build with, it's not trivializing what should be an incredibly risky flight.

FAR works with .23, there is a patch already out for it.

B9 works except for the SABREs, and I put up the changes to the SABRE engines cfg to get them to work in .23.

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Come in at a much shallower angle. If you've got RSS/RO installed, the atmosphere gets thick around 50km. Your craft needs to bleed off as much speed as possible before hitting this point or it will decelerate so quickly that your astronauts will die from the resulting g-forces.

I've only come back as far away as geosynchronous orbit (roughly 10km/s hitting 104km altitude). Aiming for a periapsis of 58-60km seems to be pretty safe. Higher than that and you bounce off and go around for another orbit or two. Lower and you risk explodey badness. The re-entry window is much narrower than it was in stock.

lol, I actually found this out a few hours after posting. problem im running into is the new learning curve with restarting for .23 and now doing the RSS/everthing. game is so much harder now :'<. finally got enough deltaV to get my peri to -80km on launch. Max G- of only 3.4 this time (as apposed to 12)

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FAR works with .23, there is a patch already out for it.

B9 works except for the SABREs, and I put up the changes to the SABRE engines cfg to get them to work in .23.


Wrote FAR, was thinking KW Rocketry.

Eh, I can definitely hack the mods to work as intended, but I'd rather wait until the official releases are released.

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hello, this is my first time using DRE ( and FAR), is it supposed to be this easy? in Scott manleys videos it looks like his ships break apart just by coming back from a low kerbin orbit, but I just returned from minimus with my Pe as low as around 30 km and nothing happened. ( remember I said I was using FAR)

Kerbin has 2.2km/sec orbital speed. Earth has 7.7km/sec. In an Earthly atmosphere, that's a difference between a shockwave temperature of ~2000C and ~7400C. Kerbin ain't never gonna be hard.

I second the recommendation for BTSM if you want challenging gameplay (or RSS/RO/etc if you want realism).

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By using the heat shields as decouplers, you can make the first rocket have staging, which greatly simplifies the first flight and allows you to get to Minmus and blow through the first few tiers.


Push the heat shield back a tier, so you get it when you get decouplers.

Considering recent versions of DRE have the staging drop the heatshield rather than what's below it, I think the best solution would be removing the capsule's built-in ablative shielding. It doesn't make much difference to me, as my first flights in career mode are always Grasshopper-style short displacements.

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It's more like DRE doesn't detect it as an engine since it uses new modules, and thus doesn't cut its heat production in half, but DOES cut its maxTemp in half since it has too high a maxTemp. Like I said above, quick fix is to manually halve the heatProduction values in its part.cfg

Is this going to be patched or is it a problem on KSP's end?

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