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Planets data info unknown untill close observation with science equipments?

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I doubt that this isn't suggested yet but i'll put it up here just in case.

Currently if you can check any planet's every detailed information like it's radius, presence of atmosphere and so on(when in mapview the button on the right)

But Can't we make this informations unknown untill we do detailed observation with science equipments?

for example, for temperature you actually need to bring a thermometer, for gravity a gravetron, for atmospher the atmosphere measuring device and such.

The only info given in start would be it's radius, period of day, etc.

This would make probes really important before sending a manned vessel.

For example you would have to know if duna have an atmosphere to decide if you should send a manned vessel with a parachute or with rockets.

I think this would make the game really fun.

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