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Fuel dump

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makes landing safer with spaceplanes etc. Realy no point in landing with to much fuel.

I dump fuel by shutting of Ithere lox or the fuel then run the engines to deplete on of them then I switch to dump the last fuel.

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In addition it would be nice to select multiple tanks as sending or receiving tanks when shuffling fuel around on your ships.

So for example I could pump fuel from one tank in to two at the same time/rate. That or allow you to type in the value of how much fuel/oxidizer you want to shuffle from one tank to another.

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I totally agree. Dumping fuel makes the craft lighter, so there could be uses for it. For example, if I build a generic lander that can land on bodies with an atmosphere or ones that have none, I will have a parachute assist in one case and not in the other. Therefore it might take more fuel in the case of the vacuum, and in the atmosphere case I might want to dump the unneeded fuel to lighten the load and reduce the likelihood of parachute and landing gear breaks.

Anyway, I like the idea of complete control of that stuff just for cool micromanaging. I love transfering fuel. Wish there was a way to it more precisely (as in the above post). I would also like a way to automatically rebalance it for symmetry against the axis of lift, so when you shuffle stuff around it can then be exactly symmetrical again.

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If by damping you mean damping it to space here is how you can do it for oxidizer/liquid fuel:

- you will need a rocket engine

. right clicks on the tanks you don't want the fuel to be dumped from, and click on that little green arrow next to the resource level (that will disable the flow of that fuel for that tank)

. for the tank you want to dump fuel right click on on of the fuel and disable the flow, start your engine and put them at full thrust (since it is missing one of the fuel, it won't have thrust), the enabled fuel will be dumped.

. re-enable the fuel you have disable on the tank with the fuel to dump, and disable the other fuel if you still have some, and restart your engine ...

. once dumped, re-enable all the fuel tank, and feel light.

Edit: on a easier/faster way: Tac fuel balancer will allow you to do it

Edited by UbioZur
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