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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Any idea why i still have stock biomes ? (CustomBiomes Folder from RSS plugin is in GameData)


edit: Interestingly, if i use normal RSS it has stock biomes. When i use my 1/10th size config it has earth biomes, but they are mirror-inverted

some others i checked meanwhile:

Moon: stock biomes

Venus: Biomes are mirror-inverted

Mars: mirror-inverted

Custom biomes expects the mun files to be named "the mun.att" and "the mun.png" to work. Rename the files and it works, at least its not stock anymore then. But about the mirroring I don't know anything.

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I have a problem on KSP 0.90! This mod takes forever to load. It's stuck on the Moho PQS_vertexheightmap or something like that. I opened KSP around one hour ago and it's still loading. I have a few mods installed all of them are at their latest. They are: Active Texture Manager, KER and Procedural Fairings

Thankyou for answering. Sorry for my 12YearOld Vocab.

I assume that you use the 32 bit Windows version of KSP. In that case you probably run out of memory. RSS needs a lot of memory.

Try the suggested memory saving options from the opening post.

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Custom biomes expects the mun files to be named "the mun.att" and "the mun.png" to work. Rename the files and it works, at least its not stock anymore then. But about the mirroring I don't know anything.

Thanks. Are they mirrored for you too or only me having that problem ?


Two screenshots showing the problem. Custom Biomes map window shows them as they should be, but all are mirrored




Jool's biomes aren't loaded too but renaming Jool's files like mun's didn't work. Any idea on that ?

For the mirror problem: I just mirrored the png files now. That fixed the problem. And normal RSS is loading the biomes, not as i said before. It just seems custom biomes isn't working in space center where it still shows stock biomes with the new debug option.

Edited by thyriel
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Custom biomes expects the mun files to be named "the mun.att" and "the mun.png" to work. Rename the files and it works, at least its not stock anymore then. But about the mirroring I don't know anything.

To be exact its probably case sensitive so "the Mun.att" and "the Mun.png" is how it works.

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I have a problem on KSP 0.90! This mod takes forever to load. It's stuck on the Moho PQS_vertexheightmap or something like that. I opened KSP around one hour ago and it's still loading. I have a few mods installed all of them are at their latest. They are: Active Texture Manager, KER and Procedural Fairings

Thankyou for answering. Sorry for my 12YearOld Vocab.

redownload the archive. this is due to DSSLoader being missing in the initial release. just redownload it and you will be fine, no you are not running out of memory.

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thyriel: I'll look into the mirroring, they may behave like scaled space textures now...

Thanks :) But isn't much of a problem if the png's are just mirrored that works pretty well.

Something else i noticed that is more of a problem: When i switch launchsite i can't click tracking station, admin building and launchpad anymore. Removing the last launchsite from savegame makes it clickable again, but only until next launchsite change. Seems that's happening with normal sized too when i tested it with that. Tried around 10 launchsites and it happened for all. Doesn't make any difference if those are non upgraded or fully upgraded buildings.

Edited by thyriel
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Thanks :) But isn't much of a problem if the png's are just mirrored that works pretty well.

Something else i noticed that is more of a problem: When i switch launchsite i can't click tracking station, admin building and launchpad anymore. Removing the last launchsite from savegame makes it clickable again, but only until next launchsite change. Seems that's happening with normal sized too when i tested it with that. Tried around 10 launchsites and it happened for all. Doesn't make any difference if those are non upgraded or fully upgraded buildings.

I get this too! I used a completely fresh install of KSP with no other mods, and have been unable to resolve this issue. One thing I noticed is that the first time you get into the space center, the button in the top right corner that shows a list of all the launch sites including your active one indicates that you have no active launch site (i.e. none of the launch sites are coloured green)

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I think the starting KSC location is none of the launchsites at all, at least a flag placed there looks like being ~100km NW of kennedy space center, and clicking the kennedy space center changes the visual area around KSC


To be exact its probably case sensitive so "the Mun.att" and "the Mun.png" is how it works.

That could only be the case for Linux (and perhaps mac), windows can't differ between upper and lowercase in filenames ;)

Edited by thyriel
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Apologies if this is answered already but I'v read several pages back and saw nothing. I tried out RSS for the first time today. I used hyperedit to put me in an orbit of Duna/Mars and proceeded to retroburn to land. At some point the texture of the planet went away and the ground was blindingly bright white, and then I crashed into the ground. Have I done something wrong?

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Anyone else observing vastly increased RAM usage since the update to 0.90?

Back in 0.25 I was able to comfortably run 8k textures for all planets in addition to RVE and several large part packs while barely exceeding 2 gigs of RAM. This was with all parts converted to DDS in opengl mode.

Now I am almost hitting the memory cap using only RVE and 8k textures, leaving no room for the parts I previously ran without issues.

After some digging in the log files it seems as if KSP is loading the RSS textures twice. First by the stock loader and then again by the RSS loader.

Is this just something on my end or do other people have the same problem?

Log for those who'd like to check my observations

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Nathan hello... i brig you a bugreport... so i have updated RO to 0.90... everythig works fine exept mars and venus surface textures. Just look http://imgur.com/a/tu5tO/embed#0

i use ATM basic and forceopengl mode. DDS loader 1.8 Problems just with mars and venus, i checked other planets, they are fine.

Also i remove all mods, ATM and turn forceopengl mode off. check 2048 and 4096 maps packs. Same result. =( see you in irc tommorow

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Nathan hello... i brig you a bugreport... so i have updated RO to 0.90... everythig works fine exept mars and venus surface textures. Just look http://imgur.com/a/tu5tO/embed#0

i use ATM basic and forceopengl mode. DDS loader 1.8 Problems just with mars and venus, i checked other planets, they are fine.

Also i remove all mods, ATM and turn forceopengl mode off. check 2048 and 4096 maps packs. Same result. =( see you in irc tommorow

That's what I just wanted to report. I'm still playing on KSP 0.25 (just RSS without any other mods) and this bug is already here. Haven't checked Venus but Mars turns white when I'm landing.

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Checked Venus now on my 1/10th too and it's the same. Entering Atmosphere looks like i would crash into some violet water (could be intended it's a soupy atmosphere) and when i'm through that it's mostly white texture fading to some red on the edge:


I will check now every planet / moon (wanted to do that anyway to ensure terrain is at it should be with my config file) and edit results in here.

edited results:

Perfectly working:

Mercury, Moon, Ganymede, Callisto, Titan, Pluto

(sidenote: Pluto's biomes don't work. CB shows the correct map and correct list + colors, plus biome debug (alt+f12) shows the CB map, but everything is considered "poles" biome somehow)

Visual Problems only:

Venus: Surface Texture missing - landing works

Mars: Texture fading out at around 110km until its completely red, landing works,Atmosphere from ground during day is black (no stars visible like during night)

Uranus: Atmosphere not visible during day (black sky like on Mars)

Landing problems:

Io: No visual problems but exploding - terrain attitude jumps from +260 to -440 the moment it explodes (crashed into pol), speed was at 3m/s only

Europa: Falling through ground, landed at -100m but can't move camera there, no visual problems.

Phobos & Deimos: exploding on touchdown

Would be great if someone could confirm me if Io and Europa are working in RSS or having the same issue. Not sure if that's a general problem or my config file.

No problems but inaccurate behavior i think:

Titan: Atmosphere seems to big with 600km titan vs 130km earth - wikipedia saying it should be 1.19 times as massive as earths. (would be rather strange if a moon thats only 3 times bigger then earths moon had an atmosphere almost as big as saturn or jupiter)

Jupiter / Saturn: flying inside the atmosphere (descending) on Saturn works, but getting under ~700km on Jupiter just makes *poof*. I guess they should behave more or less the same.

(all done now..Phobos & Deimos i tested now with them being normal RSS size (except semiMajorAxis reduced, both exploding on touchdown with surface)

edit 10 or so:

Engineer Redux showing Infinity Mm instead suicide burn was my own fault :/ Can't work when i use fuel debugger to check the planets ^^

Edited by thyriel
added Phobos & Deimos (exploding on touchdown)
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Jumbo 32 is released for RSS 8.4.


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What is this mod, Mr. Super-Awesome-Guy?

I'm glad you called me that! Also that you asked! KSPJ32 is a mod with a priority on rescaling the planets to 3.2 times their normal scale, with atmospheric heights scaled to 1.16 times their normal scale. It also has a few other neat additions.

Why 3.2?

Ferram4 once said, unless I'm mistaken, that if you make Kerbin 2x it's normal size, you have stock Delta-V to orbit using Ferram Aerospace. I decided that stock delta-v was still a bit too unchallenging, so I instead elected to half the popular 64K (6.4x) mod. Why 6.4 you ask? Well, Kerbal rocket parts are roughly 64% real scale. Also, 64 may not sound like a round number to the layman, but it's actually super-important in computer-type speaking.

What else does this mod do?

In addition to making the planets bigger, it also adds a few more features.

-Eeloo is given an atmosphere. Eeloo was originally meant to have an atmosphere, but the atmosphere renderer doesn't work for planets smaller than stock Duna. EelooXL is bigger than stock Duna, so Eeloo has been given an atmosphere! It's pretty thin though!

-Dres spins way too fast! Dres now spins slightly faster than orbital velocity, allowing for some interesting physics to take place. Falling sideways, falling upwards, falling into an advertisement for PlanetFactory that shows off Inaccessible.

-More compatible with EnvironmentalVisualEnhancement mods than 6.4x is.

Sounds pretty neat, what's the catch?

Well, there's only a few minor problems with this so far.

-The Solar PowerCurve is still that of 6.4x scale.

-Eeloo's Atmosphere currently has no actual mesh. (Which means I might as well have added the atmosphere to stock Eeloo) This will be fixed! The stars do disappear in the atmosphere though!

-The skybox rotates slower than the Sun on Dres. This is inherited from Stock, there is no know fix. Inaccessible also had this bug. Deal with it.

But... Dres isn't realistic anymore!

So what? You'd never even be going to Dres anyway if it was realistic! Almost no one goes to Dres because it's boring! Might as well spruce it up a little! Besides, gravity isn't the only thing that can hold a planet together! Gravity isn't holding your desk or that rock together!

Isn't it now too flat and boring?

Nope! In fact, I think it looks even better than stock.


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I noticed that every planet except Mars and Venus has such lines in RSSTextures.cfg file (in RSSTextures folder)

@heightMap = GameData/RSSTextures/PluginData/MoonHeight.dds
@vertexColorMap = GameData/RSSTextures/MoonColor.dds

while only Mars and Venus had

@heightMap = GameData/RSSTextures/PluginData/MarsHeight.dds
@vertexColorMap = GameData/RSSTextures/MarsColor.dds

Thinking that's the mistake we are looking for, I corrected it. Now I can see surface texture for Mars and Venus, but it's from Duna and Eve (red and violet)


//first edit


I've landed on every Jupiter moon in KSP 0.25 with RSS 8.3, and they worked, except one spot on Europa where I felt through the ground. But in another place I was able to land safely on the normal (visible) surface. No bugs with Io noticed.

//second edit

Textures of Mars and Venus work when applied to another celestial bodies. On the other hand it seems that none of the textures is working on Mars and Venus.

Edited by von Ziegendorf
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@von Ziegendorf: Nice find with the textures. I will try around with that. For Io and Europa would be nice to know for 0.90, but i'd maybe gonna check that with default config once i'm through all moons / planets now.

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Anyone else observing vastly increased RAM usage since the update to 0.90?

Back in 0.25 I was able to comfortably run 8k textures for all planets in addition to RVE and several large part packs while barely exceeding 2 gigs of RAM. This was with all parts converted to DDS in opengl mode.

Now I am almost hitting the memory cap using only RVE and 8k textures, leaving no room for the parts I previously ran without issues.

After some digging in the log files it seems as if KSP is loading the RSS textures twice. First by the stock loader and then again by the RSS loader.

Is this just something on my end or do other people have the same problem?

Log for those who'd like to check my observations

Did you check to make sure you only have one copy of the RSS textures installed? If you didn't blank out your gamedata folder, the RSS textures moved to their own folder in the last few updates. It's entirely possible you have one installed in GameData/RealSolarSystem/PluginData and one installed in GameData/RSSTextures

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