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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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  griffin247 said:
ok so the new remotetech has just rendered my main engines and fuel tanks inoperable , VAB says tank cant hold resorces , so either i ned to somehow reinstall everything and somehow keep my progress and ships or , hell i dont know. am using the dev version of MJ whichi am asured works with RSS.

Did you make a backup of the save?

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Whenever you make a change to KSP (new MJ version, new RSS version, new RT2 version), you should always at least make a backup of your saves folder, and I usually even make a backup of the whole KSP folder, mods and all. This way if you start up with the new changes and things are broken, you can just roll back to the old version.

In your situation, I think there may be at least two potential issues. First is that you probably need to reinstall the RT2 config that makes everything Earth scaled and the other is that you may need to go into your saves and edit them to work with the new MechJeb version as it doesn't seem to be backwards compatible.

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  griffin247 said:
heck erhm can you talk a idiot old man thru that process please.

I wish I could. I'm not so great at save file editing myself and mostly have to do lots of trial and error to make it work. Hopefully someone like Nathan will pop in here and help figure it out.

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well my engines now work , however MJ still has its own idea , ive put in an inclination of 5 and yep MJ flies of at 90 .

further tests have proved something deff not right with guidance. i have input every permintation of degrees or my orbit inclination and MJ insists on giving me a orbit of 090.

maybe the MJ .dlls are in worong place or i have the wrong ones .

Edited by griffin247
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That's probably because you can't launch in a 5 degree inclination from KSC because it's at 28 or so degrees north of the equator. The only way to launch in less than 28 is to change inclinations after you are in orbit (which is extremely costly on dV).

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I've though of a launch site which could be added, though IRL it does not exist, but is still cool. Capo Passero from Orbiter, made by the guys at Forum Orbiter Italia. It's on the most southern point on Sicily. It's probably really simple, but could someone do it? Here's a link to the Orbiter Mods page: http://www.orbithangar.com/searchid.php?ID=5172

So if someone does make this little thing, Thanks in advance!

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So here's a question for those who use MJ for ascents... is it at all possible to calculate out an appropriate profile for a launch or is it always just a bunch of trial and error?

I only use one, and it works if the rocket is build correctly.

Orbit alt: 200km, Inclination: 5 (or more, I launch from Kourou). In ascent path editor - Turn start alt: 2km, Turn end alt: 200km, Final flight path angle: 0, Turn shape: 30%.

If you use the Ignitor mod, then the top stage needs 2 ignitions (if the payload is lighter/heavier than "perfect", MJ will shut the engines and float before final burn).

Link to image: http://i.imgur.com/Z4Eut72.jpg < as you can see, orbit inclination is set to -28, but the rocket will fly to 28 (not minus xD), because later it will fly to the moon. And yes... a bunch of trial and error ^^'. I hope this helps.

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one thing that kind of bugs me, is that with the ksp .23.5 update ksp went to 6 hour days, which works for stock scale but with RSS kerben has a 24 hour day, but ksp still tracks time by 6 hour days. is there a way I can fix that so I have a 24 hour day, with a 365 day year?

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  tmikesecrist3 said:
one thing that kind of bugs me, is that with the ksp .23.5 update ksp went to 6 hour days, which works for stock scale but with RSS kerben has a 24 hour day, but ksp still tracks time by 6 hour days. is there a way I can fix that so I have a 24 hour day, with a 365 day year?

There's a setting you get to from the main screen (in Settings) that lets you switch from 6 hour days to actual Earth time. I had to do this just recently myself.

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While playing with 10x kerbal I went to KSC2 and found it in a 800m deep hole. I'm looking to make it a second base but it would be nice to have it not so deep in the ground.Nathan what variable can lessen this effect in RealSolarSystem.cfg?

Edited by jsimmons
logic error
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  Thrust said:
I only use one, and it works if the rocket is build correctly.

Orbit alt: 200km, Inclination: 5 (or more, I launch from Kourou). In ascent path editor - Turn start alt: 2km, Turn end alt: 200km, Final flight path angle: 0, Turn shape: 30%.

If you use the Ignitor mod, then the top stage needs 2 ignitions (if the payload is lighter/heavier than "perfect", MJ will shut the engines and float before final burn).

Link to image: http://i.imgur.com/Z4Eut72.jpg < as you can see, orbit inclination is set to -28, but the rocket will fly to 28 (not minus xD), because later it will fly to the moon. And yes... a bunch of trial and error ^^'. I hope this helps.

See, this kinda bothers me... IRL, flying a spacecraft is all about calculating out the most minute details so that everything goes as close to plan as possible from engine ignition on the launch pad to the final end of life communication. That is in a highly complex system with multi-body gravitational effects and hugely varying orbital conditions. KSP is so much simpler and as a result should have more straightforward calculations to get the same results, yet the most common answer to everything here is "lots of trial and error". Is there no way to actually calculate everything out so my vehicles have a well prescribed ascent path?

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cardgame: replace the file named the same as the file you downloaded (main.png)

tmikesecrist3: 9535 should be enough. Launch directly east to a low apogee (~200km) with your main stage, line up prograde at apogee, and then fire your solids about 3 seconds before apogee. If you're getting 9535dV, though, you most certainly have realistic masses enabled.

SpacedInvader: awesome! Expect a PM shortly, sorry for delay.

pingopete: until rbray finally fixes scaling on his end, I'll do a workaround on mine...

Major Gene: Sparker 99% answered this, but for the rest: you can use MechJeb. Target the satellite/station/moon/whatever whose orbital plane you want to match, and click "launch into plane of target" in the ascent guidance window. Then launch at T-0 seconds. If you want to do it by hand, you can again target the desired object, go to map view and look at the AN/DN, and launch when they're nearly 0?

Sparker, that is a *very* handsome(ly done) mission!

EliteAnax17: something's crashing during load. First guess might be Tweakable Everything (it's well known to have issues with RSS-related mods), but if you don't have that post your output_log.txt.

pingopete: Sorry, not sure what you're asking about regarding PQS fade distance--what is it doing, and what do you want it to do?

griffin247: enter 90 in the orbital inclination dialog box on MJ ascent guidance. That will give you a near-polar orbit. You really, really need to sit down, take a break, and learn some orbital mechanics (and other tidbits about rocketry). Like, say, what orbital inclination means, and how it's different from your heading and/or launch azimuth. RSS is not the sort of thing you can just pick up and run with, even if you know stock KSP cold.

Kitspace: I don't know what's doing that to the water. I need to compare notes with rbray about the water shader, something's borked. It's not that the water is too shallow, it's that something gets broken in the shader regarding transparency.

K3achas: known issue. regex and I tried mucking with the camera; regex fixed some issues, but neither one of us has figured out how to reset the camera in exactly the way that going into and leaving a building (VAB/SPH/TS) does.

SpacedInvader: There's no math I'm aware of for figuring out what to put in an MJ ascent profile, other than match turn start to 100m/s (modulo your TWR; high TWR first stages need an earlier turn start, lower TWR ones need a later turn start). At one point Sarbian was talking about writing a FAR ascent guidance module for MJ, but I think got busy.

(Note that as that implies, this isn't an MJ-RSS issue per se, but 90% an MJ-FAR issue made slightly more complicated by RSS).

As it happens, trajectory optimization is hard (in the technical senses of both math and computer science); it's certainly not a problem that anyone's "solved" in real life, and KSP+FAR is not actually all that much simpler than real life. Here is a paper I found in a two-minute google, for example. TL;DR most everyone uses numerical methods. :] (Google optimal ascent trajectory, or trajectory optimization, or...etc.) The Big Guys use sophisticated 6DOF simulators to optimize their ascent profiles, which is basically Ye Olde trial and error, just done real fast by computer.

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  NathanKell said:

pingopete: Sorry, not sure what you're asking about regarding PQS fade distance--what is it doing, and what do you want it to do?

Wow epic multiquote :P Can you see where the two yellow cloud layers just stop in the sky, that happens allot, and there's nothing in EVE that'll change it, I started seeing it in 6.x + I think, even without EVE I recal seeing a distant curved line on the horizon where the fade/SS earth texture starts, although not nearly as noticeable as with EVE running.

One other thing, I'm using SpacedInvaders Planet pack RSS config but my AFG nodes won't affect any other bodies except earth :/ They all remain with their original wavelengths, although I can change them ingame, temporarily with alt+G.


EDIT: never mind about AFG I can do it with KittopiaTech :)

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  Kitspace said:
How can I survive the reentry from a suborbital path without diving deep into the atmosphere too fast?

It's pretty tricky. If your suborbital hop is too steep, you'll always either die from explosions or g-forces. (The Mercury suborbital hops experienced in the neighborhood of 10 G's, so you might want to study that trajectory as a starting point.)

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  Kitspace said:
How can I survive the reentry from a suborbital path without diving deep into the atmosphere too fast?

Is this a deliberate suborbital or an accidental one that you're trying to survive?

If the former, add extra heat shielding or better shields if they exist.

If it's an accidental one.... you might try burning +radial, I've had some luck that way with capsules that had a bad reentry and I needed to modify their reentry angle.

Also don't forget using lift to keep your capsule in the upper atmosphere longer. Angle your nose up.


Edited by Starwaster
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IIRC on that suborbital Soyuz abort the cosmonauts experienced ~15-18G. And that's with a lifting reentry! It'd probably be over 20 on a straight ballistic reentry like you'd get with Mercury or Vostok/Voskhod.

pingopete: lemme try my workaround for EVE not handling scale changes. I'll get that fixed and post a beta, you can try it out and let me know if it helps at all.

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I'm having real trouble getting this to work with the planetfactory thing so I can have the real world texture. Is there any way I can just 'slap' textures onto the planets in RSS without planetfactory? If not could I be a real pain and ask someone to put all of the files in working order up in a dropbox for me so I can transplant?

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  NathanKell said:
IIRC on that suborbital Soyuz abort the cosmonauts experienced ~15-18G. And that's with a lifting reentry! It'd probably be over 20 on a straight ballistic reentry like you'd get with Mercury or Vostok/Voskhod.

I've read in book 'Energiya 1946-1996' that they experienced even 21.3G overload instead of predicted 15G. It happened because guidance system was diverged from vertical plain because of high angular velocities and it made the pod fly with negative aerodynamic quality.

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