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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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hakan: yep, that's indeed possible.

Also, what do you mean by "including Mechjeb support"? MJ works fine in RSS...

Cool, then I'll try to wrap my head around the RealSolarSystem components. I just had a quick look at the sources on github, and was scared away by the power curves in the config files :confused:

And with "MechJeb", I meant the wiki page MechJeb-Ascents.

I guess I have to play around a bit over the weekend to see how much effort it will take to see a Steampunk ship flying over good old Britannia :cool:

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Thx :D


1. pic too dark, sorry.

Uhmm.. Ok? it looks ok for me. Does your browser resize pics automatically? I noticed it was quite dark when too small to see the details. It's taken during day, so I can't give you more light, and KSP won't let you increase gamma. I don't think default Paint lets you do that either.

Anyway, tried two more pics, see if they are easier to look at. You can see (hopefully?) that the crazyness only happens in the parts that are close enough to the flag (tiny blue dot in the middle) to get loaded fully. In the distance it looks quite smooth, but that changes once you move over there.


This one is taken at a distance. The pole itself is where the two sharp mountains and the valley meets. My flag had to end up to its right in this picture along the edge of the mountain.


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I'm using the 2048x1024 maps and "default" terrain detail. You're right, though; I tried changing it to "low", which made the north pole smooth and not problematic at all - in fact it didn't stand out at all. However, changing to "low" in stead introduced another issue: the launch site at Kourou that I use a lot was sunk in the terrain. Seems it stuck to the base heightmap and didn't load the decal. I still haven't deleted my extra launch site - dunno if that messes up anything (but I haven't noticed it do that in "default" detail).

I then tried changing to "high" and now the procedural terrain didn't go crazy. The pole was still visible as the place where two (semi) sharp mountains met a valley. I'd rather not introduce anything that strains my antique PC even further if it can be avoided, though.

PS I might add that even if I crashed, Eduki Kerman got back safe and sound - the rescue mission was the kind of epic I wish in hindsight I'd caught on camera (this was a few weeks ago, and I didn't even know about F1). I ended up having to build a long line with girder segments and ladders to pull him out of the hole. Moving him onto the ladder while trying to balance the thing flying at the same time was haaaard, but I pulled it off in the end. :D Had to leave most of the science, though.

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And since you seem like such a nice guy, I thought I could throw in a little extra: photos!

This is what it looked like under "high":


And this is what it looked like under "low" (might be too dark to see, but that's because there's no features with the terrain):


However, with "low", this happened to Kourou:


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capran: no idea about Bop and Gilly...or indeed the rest of it, sounds like maybe something misconfigured in the 1/10th config?

Encountered some more strangeness. Can't land at all on Io/Pol. Ship goes poof about 200-300m above the surface. Also this moon has this strange halo around it that extends quite far from the surface, it's completely non-solid.


Taken from the surface of Europa/Eeloo.

It's definitely a glitch in the config file, but I have no idea how to fix it. The strange surface problems occur in areas of Earth/Kerbin and the Moon too (and other planets). Has anyone updated the 1/10th config file lately? I prefer it to the real size. Takes too damn long to get anywhere, plus ridiculously high dV's are needed (and accompanying huge multi-multi-stage rockets!) Seems to me the game's just made for a small universe.

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here is hoping squad can fix what ever is up with 64 bit.... I seem to be having a lot if issues my self some of which seem to be hitting the memory wall at orbital speeds, That and I am seeing unknown file names in my out put log

Squad can't fix what Unity (the underlying game engine) broke. Squad can only wait for Unity 5, which will hopefully fix the x64 instabilities present in the current version of Unity.

In the meantime, do your best to reduce RAM usage or play on Linux.

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Namolis: Ah, can you remove partmods to free RAM and then grab the 8192 Earth heightmap (no other 8192s)? I think the issue might go away then.

And yeah, RSS needs at least "default" for terrain detail. And thanks for the extra pics! :)

Alas, no. I tried changing only the Earth height map (why would that work?), then changed all four of Earth_NRM, EarthColor, EarthHeight and EarthSurface. Apart from making the Earth look even more gorgeous, neither alteration did anything - still getting the now familiar:


I then, thinking you might have ment Moon, so I changed MoonHeight.dds, Moon_NRM.dds and MoonColor.dds to the 8096 version, and I got this (yup that is even worse as far as procedural terrain goes, but at least the maps approaching the pole from all sides agree that they should end in a little mountain):


Finally, I tried with "high" terrain detail, and got this:


So in conclusion: it seems the problem lies with how the game interprets the (height?) maps when terrain detail is set to "default". I haven't actually landed on any other pole besides the Moon's north pole; I'll try going to Earth's two poles to see if that brings the same issue.

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I then, thinking you might have ment Moon, so I changed MoonHeight.dds, Moon_NRM.dds and MoonColor.dds to the 8096 version, and I got this (yup that is even worse as far as procedural terrain goes, but at least the maps approaching the pole from all sides agree that they should end in a little mountain):


This looks awesome! Sorry - I had to say that :D

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This looks awesome! Sorry - I had to say that :D

Yup, it does - but it makes it quite impossible to land. Anyway; took a trip to the North Pole (Earth, that is). All maps are 8096, and detail is "default". Same story.


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So I tried to make a new launch site and uh.


name = us_nmspaceport
displayName = US - New Mexico Spaceport
KEYname = KSC
latitude = 32.990278
longitude = -106.969722
repositionRadiusOffset = 1401
repositionToSphereSurface = false
lodvisibleRangeMult = 6

radius = 4000
heightMapDeformity = 80
absoluteOffset = 0
absolute = true
latitude = 32.990278
longitude = -106.969722

What did I do wrong?

EDIT: It has something to do with absolute offset. Still getting weird results:


Edited by Nutt007
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How are inclinations working in the cfg file ?

Is a planets inclination to ecliptic, invariable plane or suns equator ?

Is a moons inclination to the parent planets orbit or to sun's orbit ?

Is there a more recent version of the 1/10 size RSS? I tried installing the one in http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-25-Real-Solar-System-v8-3-Nov-29-14/page222 but it didn't work, only changed the normals.

I'm currently working on that cfg to get it working again. For a quick solution change all the "SSColor32 = " in it to "SSColor = " that fixes the problem of textures not being loaded. But there's quite some more problems with it so i'm trying to get a more accurate scaling from earth (24h day - 365 day/y) time to kerbal time (6h day - 426d/y) and update some values that seem to be more accurate in the real size cfg file. (Venus Atmosphere for example has no pressure, temp curves currently in the the 1/10th size version)

Edited by thyriel
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thyriel: since KSP does not support axial tilt, it had to be faked by inclining *everything* such that Earth has the correct tilt vs. the equator. That means that the ecliptic has an inclination of ~23 degrees vs. the game's reference coordinate system. For that reason, it takes a fair amount of math to calculate what ingame inclination an object should have (talk to eggrobin, he did it all :) ).

Also, the typo is on purpose, there was a typo in the filename too.

Namolis: Sorry, I got confused. Thought you were talking about Earth, not the Moon...I'll take a look at the heightmaps.

Nutt007: there's a page on the RSS wiki detailing those parameters.

peadar1987: it's in the Realism Overhaul OP.

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