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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Cassini spacecraft on Titan IVB:

It has stages and engines as close to real life as I could make them. Now the hard part is figuring out when to launch with Venus in the right place for a gravity assist.

Anyone else have an issue when trying to radial mount Stretchy SRB's like in metaphor's pics?

When I do it, initially it works fine and the first launch they're where they're supposed to be. But on a reset or if I load back into the VAB the SRB's are floating out a couple meters from the radial couplers.

I'll get a screenshot.

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Anyone else have an issue when trying to radial mount Stretchy SRB's like in metaphor's pics?

When I do it, initially it works fine and the first launch they're where they're supposed to be. But on a reset or if I load back into the VAB the SRB's are floating out a couple meters from the radial couplers.

I'll get a screenshot.

I've seen that in older versions, I thought it was fixed.

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Here is my Minuteman III replica for RSS, also using NathanKell's Modular Fuel Tanks (RFRW) + Ferram's FAR. As a comparison between RSS and stock, I also included a shot of my stock Minuteman for regular old KSP.

Both carried almost the same payload, and my first stage for the stock version used a 2.5m 650kN motor. My RSS Minuteman required a 3.5m 2400kN first stage :huh:

First and second shots are from stock, one of the missile, and one of the 3rd stage in sub-oribital flight. I included a lot of shots as I wanted to capture the somewhat elaborate staging :cool:

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Edited by Sternface
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I'm working on the surface attach bug right now for ST (both attaching to them, and attaching tanks/SRBs to decouplers).

Sternface: Nice! You might want to try with StretchySRB: you can have solids as big as you like for that missile, with custom thrust/burntime. :)

Also, you might want FASA: It has W88s and a MIRV bus.

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I used sephirotic's brilliant suggestion to include the Planet Factory planets, plus City Lights and Clouds and Universe Replacer:
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I used some slightly different settings:

// Note, bodies below MUST be in precedence order. Parents before children.
// So Sun, then the planets, then the moons.
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 696342000
Mass = 1.9891E+30

// Mercury = Moho
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2439700
rotationPeriod = 5067031.68
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 2.11
Mass = 3.3022E+23
semiMajorAxis = 57909100000
eccentricity = 0.20563
inclination = 7.005
meanAnomaly = 174.796
period = 7600530.24
LAN = 48.331
argumentOfPeriapsis = 29.124

// Venus = Eve
SSTScale = 0.99868058647931
Radius = 6051800
rotationPeriod = 20996798.4
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 177.36
atmosphereScaleHeight = 15.9
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 220000
atmosphereMultiplier = 55
GeeASL = 0.905
Mass = 4.8676E+24
semiMajorAxis = 108208000000
eccentricity = 0.0067
inclination = 3.39458
meanAnomaly = 50.115
period = 19414166.4
LAN = 76.678
argumentOfPeriapsis = 55.186

// Earth = Kerbin
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 6371000
rotationPeriod = 86164.1
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 23.44
atmosphereScaleHeight = 7.5
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 104000
semiMajorAxis = 149598261000
eccentricity = 0.01671123
inclination = 0
meanAnomaly = 357.51716
period = 31558149.7635456
LAN = 348.73936
argumentOfPeriapsis = 114.20783
SSFStart = 78000
SSFEnd = 80000
PQSfadeStart = 80000
PQSfadeEnd = 100000
PQSSecfadeStart = 80000
PQSSecfadeEnd = 100000
PQSdeactivateAltitude = 105000
PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute // doubles
deformity = 1000 // 485
persistence = 0.7 // 0.60000002384185791
frequency = 36 //12 // 24
PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 // floats
deformity = 6000 // 4000
ridgedAddFrequency = 48 // 48
ridgedSubFrequency = 32 // 32
//ridgedAddOctaves = 8 // 6 INT
simplexHeightStart = 400 // 800
simplexHeightEnd = 7000 // 4600

PQSMod_VertexRidgedAltitudeCurve // floats
deformity = 1800 //1100 // 750
ridgedAddFrequency = 140 // 25 // 140
//ridgedAddOctaves = 8 // 3 INT
PQSMod_VertexHeightMap // doubles
heightMapDeformity = 7000 // 5000
PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha // doubles
atmosphereDepth = 6000 // 4000
KEYname = KSC
repositionRadial = 158200.0, -220.0, -570000.0
lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial // floats
atmosphereDepth = 7500 // 5000, scale height in m
//resolution = 8192
//maxHeight = 12000
//oceanColor = 0.1255, 0.22353, 0.35683

// Moon = Mun
SSTScale = 0.9832
Radius = 1737100
rotationPeriod = 2360584.68479999
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 1.5424
GeeASL = 0.1654
semiMajorAxis = 384399000
eccentricity = 0.0549
inclination = 5.145 //5.145 to ecliptic; 23.435 avg to Earth's equator (+-5.145)
period = 2360584.68479999
SSFStart = 170000
SSFEnd = 175000
PQSfadeStart = 170000
PQSfadeEnd = 175000
PQSdeactivateAltitude = 180000
heightMapDeformity = 9500 //7500
PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeight // doubles
deformity = 1200 // 400
persistence = 0.7 //0.5
frequency = 1 // 12
//octaves = 10 // 8 // A DOUBLE
PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight // floats
deformity = 1200 // 400
frequency = 12 // 12
//octaves = 7 // 6 // INT
KEYvoronoiSeed = 462
deformation = 600 //200
//voronoiFrequency = 100 //50

// Mars = Duna
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 3396200
rotationPeriod = 88642.6848
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 25.19
atmosphereScaleHeight = 11.1
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 154000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.02
GeeASL = 0.379
Mass = 6.4185E+23
semiMajorAxis = 227939100000
eccentricity = 0.093315
inclination = 1.85
meanAnomaly = 19.3564
period = 59354294.4
LAN = 49.562
argumentOfPeriapsis = 286.537

// Phobos = Bop
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 6100
tidallyLocked = true
Mass = 10720000000000000
semiMajorAxis = 9377200
eccentricity = 0.0151
inclination = 26.04
period = 27553.843872
LAN = 0
referenceBody = Duna

// Deimos = Gilly
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 4200
rotationPeriod = 109074.816
tidallyLocked = false
Mass = 1480000000000000
semiMajorAxis = 23460000
eccentricity = 0.0002
inclination = 27.58
period = 109074.816
LAN = 0
referenceBody = Duna

// Vesta = Inaccessable
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 223200
rotationPeriod = 19233
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 3
Mass = 2.591E+20
semiMajorAxis = 353268000000
eccentricity = 0.08862
inclination = 7.134
meanAnomaly = 307.8
period = 114553440
LAN = 103.91
argumentOfPeriapsis = 149.84
referenceBody = Sun

// Ceres = Minmus
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 487300
rotationPeriod = 32668
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 3
Mass = 9.43E+20
semiMajorAxis = 413690604000
eccentricity = 0.079138
inclination = 10.587
meanAnomaly = 113.410
period = 145123488
LAN = 80.3932
argumentOfPeriapsis = 72.5898
referenceBody = Sun

// Jupiter = Jool
SSTScale = 0.9999
Radius = 69911000
rotationPeriod = 35730
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 3.13
atmosphereScaleHeight = 27
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 374000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.13
Mass = 1.8986E+27
semiMajorAxis = 778547200000
eccentricity = 0.048775
inclination = 1.305
meanAnomaly = 18.818
period = 374335776
LAN = 100.492
argumentOfPeriapsis = 275.066

// Io = Pol
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1821300
tidallyLocked = true
Mass = 8.9319E+22
semiMajorAxis = 421800000
eccentricity = 0.0041
inclination = 2.21
period = 152853.5047104
referenceBody = Jool

// Europa = Eeloo
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1560800
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0.1
Mass = 4.7998E+22
semiMajorAxis = 671100000
eccentricity = 0.009
inclination = 0.47
period = 306822.0384
referenceBody = Jool

// Ganymede = Tylo
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2634100
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0.2
Mass = 1.4819E+23
semiMajorAxis = 1070400000
eccentricity = 0.0013
inclination = 0.2
period = 618153.375744
referenceBody = Jool

// Callisto = Ike
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2410300
tidallyLocked = true
Mass = 1.075938E+23
semiMajorAxis = 1882700000
eccentricity = 0.0074
inclination = 0.192
period = 1441931.18976
referenceBody = Jool

// Saturn = Sentar
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 60268000
rotationPeriod = 38052
tidallyLocked = false
atmosphereScaleHeight = 59.5
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 800000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.16
Mass = 5.6846E+26
semiMajorAxis = 1433449370000
eccentricity = 0.055723219
inclination = 2.485
meanAnomaly = 320.34675
period = 929596608
LAN = 113.642811
argumentOfPeriapsis = 336.013862

// Mimas =

// Enceladus = Vall
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 252100
rotationPeriod = 118386
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 1.080E+20
semiMajorAxis = 237948000
eccentricity = 0.0047
inclination = 0.019
period = 118386
LAN = 0
referenceBody = Sentar

// Tethys =

// Dione =

// Rhea =

// Titan = Erin
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2576000
rotationPeriod = 1377648
tidallyLocked = true
atmosphereScaleHeight = 40
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 520000
atmosphereMultiplier = 4.5
Mass = 1.3452E+23
semiMajorAxis = 1221870000
eccentricity = 0.0288
inclination = 0.34854
period = 1377648
referenceBody = Sentar

// Iapetus = Ringle
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1492000
rotationPeriod = 6853334.4
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 1.8056E+21
semiMajorAxis = 3560820000
eccentricity = 0.028612
inclination = 15.47
meanAnomaly = 90
period = 6853334.4
LAN = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 179
referenceBody = Sentar

// Uranus = Skelton
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 25559000
rotationPeriod = 62063.712
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 97.77
atmosphereScaleHeight = 27.7
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 390000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.34
Mass = 8.681E+25
semiMajorAxis = 2876679082000
eccentricity = 0.04440558
inclination = 0.772556
meanAnomaly = 142.955717
period = 2661041808
LAN = 73.989821
argumentOfPeriapsis = 96.541318
referenceBody = Sun

// Puck =

// Miranda = Ablate
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 235800
rotationPeriod = 122125
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 6.59E+19
semiMajorAxis = 129390000
eccentricity = 0.0013
inclination = 93.5
meanAnomaly = 90
period = 122125
LAN = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 179
referenceBody = Skelton

// Ariel =

// Umbriel =

// Titania = Thud
Radius = 788400
rotationPeriod = 752218
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 3.527E+21
semiMajorAxis = 435910000
eccentricity = 0.0011
inclination = 97.4
meanAnomaly = 0
period = 752218
LAN = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
referenceBody = Skelton

// Oberon =

// Neptune = Laythe
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 24764000
rotationPeriod = 58000.3
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 28.32
atmosphereScaleHeight = 19.7
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 260000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.37
Mass = 1.0243E+26
semiMajorAxis = 4553946490000
eccentricity = 0.011214269
inclination = 1.767975
meanAnomaly = 267.767281
period = 5200418592
LAN = 131.794310
argumentOfPeriapsis = 265.646853
referenceBody = Sun

// Triton = Ascension
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1353400
rotationPeriod = 507760
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 2.14E+22
semiMajorAxis = 354759000
eccentricity = 0.000016
inclination = 129.812
meanAnomaly = 156.885
period = 507760
LAN = 73.989821
argumentOfPeriapsis = 96.541318
referenceBody = Laythe

// Pluto = Dres
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1153000
rotationPeriod = 551856.672
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 119.591
Mass = 1.305E+22
semiMajorAxis = 5874000000000
eccentricity = 0.244671664
inclination = 17.151394
meanAnomaly = 14.86012204
period = 7816176000
LAN = 110.28683
argumentOfPeriapsis = 113.76349
referenceBody = Sun

// Charon = Pock
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 603500
rotationPeriod = 551856.672
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 119.591
Mass = 1.52E+21
semiMajorAxis = 17536000
eccentricity = 0.00
inclination = 112.783
meanAnomaly = 0
period = 551856.672
LAN = 223
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
referenceBody = Dres


I couldn't find the J2000 mean anomalies of Ceres and Vesta but I imagine they're around somewhere. Also the J2000 mean anomalies, LAN and ArP of most of the moons are hard to find.

All the real planets with atmospheres are replaced by KSP planets with atmospheres, so you can use aerocapture/aerobraking anywhere you could in reality. I got a lot of textures from here.

It's too bad the Universe Replacer mod doesn't work with Planet Factory. Also, adding bump maps to planets seems to mess up their lighting (the planet day/night sides are at 90 degrees to the Sun). There seems to be a bug where if you look at a planet with clouds from far away, you see flickering black specks in its atmosphere. I'm not sure if that's because the cloud textures are too low resolution (1024x512) or something else.

Whoa, your sytem looks gorgeous! Would you mind sharing those bump maps and textures? Did you only overwrite then or did you make some tweaks? I'll borrow the AoP of some bodies for mine that are missing too, thanks in advance for the CODE section.

I also wanted to add Miranda to Uranus but I thought prioritizing Saturn over the Ice Giants was a more reasonable thing to do since the chance of i ever doing a semi-realistic mission to the outer solar system part is very small.

And why did you change Skelton witch ringle? Skelton looks A LOT lake iapteus, it has the same enormous mountain and polar caps.

Also, i would love to have a realistic replica of the Pluto binary system, with the barycenter outside of charon and plutom and + the 3 extra moons of the system, but since we don´t have enough bodies for adding theses moons and pluto is so much far away and inaccessible in the first place, again it beats the purpose for having them for me.

Speaking of witch, i was wondering yesterday, if by simple coping and pasting the .bin files and texture and renaming them in the PF folder and adding the relative .cfg files in the RSS folder would create new effective bodies in the game, if that works it would be amazing to add all the moons i wanted to add for saturn uranus and neptune. I wonder what is inside PF's .bin files.

Edited by sephirotic
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I'm working on the surface attach bug right now for ST (both attaching to them, and attaching tanks/SRBs to decouplers).

Sternface: Nice! You might want to try with StretchySRB: you can have solids as big as you like for that missile, with custom thrust/burntime. :)

Also, you might want FASA: It has W88s and a MIRV bus.

Cool, I'll check it out thanks. I did use a liquid fuel first stage, even though they are supposed to be solid. The solid rockets have better exhaust effects anyways, so double bonus. :D

That is the W88 + MIRV bus btw. Interestingly, the RV required the spin-gas generators for stable reentry without tumbling. Not just for looks. :)

Sephirotic, I agree. My next project is making mine look like that. It's so weird seeing Dres the size of Saturn. However, it is really entertaining trying to orbit Saturn-sized Dres with the lowest eccentric Pe, or circular orbit possible. The velocity is insane when only a few hundred meters above the surface. Sometimes when you get too close tho, it starts to act weird with the ghost horizon.

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I'm working on the surface attach bug right now for ST (both attaching to them, and attaching tanks/SRBs to decouplers).

Not sure if you're aware or if this is part of the bug but using forced surface attach mode with the editor extension mod for some liquid engine's (like KW) causes them to appear halfway clipped into the stretchy tank. This means you have to use cubic struts to get an engine cluster setup on the bottom of a tank. Not a big deal just thought you should know about it.

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That's not a bug. If no node_attach is specified, the part center of mass is used as the surface attach node, and for KW engines the center of mass is, well, the center. If you're forcing on surface attach on a part with no surface attach node, it's going to surface attach at its center of mass.

Sternface: Doh! Clearly can't see. Sorry. It looked for some reason like an aerospike!

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Whoa, your sytem looks gorgeous! Would you mind sharing those bump maps and textures? Did you only overwrite then or did you make some tweaks? I'll borrow the AoP of some bodies for mine that are missing too, thanks in advance for the CODE section.

I also wanted to add Miranda to Uranus but I thought prioritizing Saturn over the Ice Giants was a more reasonable thing to do since the chance of i ever doing a semi-realistic mission to the outer solar system part is very small.

And why did you change Skelton witch ringle? Skelton looks A LOT lake iapteus, it has the same enormous mountain and polar caps.

Also, i would love to have a realistic replica of the Pluto binary system, with the barycenter outside of charon and plutom and + the 3 extra moons of the system, but since we don´t have enough bodies for adding theses moons and pluto is so much far away and inaccessible in the first place, again it beats the purpose for having them for me.

Speaking of witch, i was wondering yesterday, if by simple coping and pasting the .bin files and texture and renaming them in the PF folder and adding the relative .cfg files in the RSS folder would create new effective bodies in the game, if that works it would be amazing to add all the moons i wanted to add for saturn uranus and neptune. I wonder what is inside PF's .bin files.

Thanks. Most of the textures I used are from that Celestia source I linked to. Vesta was from here (2/3 of the way down and the post after that). Ceres was just Ascension's texture mapped to Minmus since Ceres doesn't have a close-up texture.

I used Skelton for Uranus since it has an atmosphere which can be rescaled to be used for aerobraking/aerocapture. I don't know of any big mountain on Iapetus besides the equatorial ridge. And the ice caps are just part of the white half of the moon.

Pluto's barycenter being outside the planet doesn't really matter from Pluto's reference frame. The conic-patch system is still an excellent representation of its orbit. It's like the Earth-Moon barycenter being almost outside the Earth's surface, but we don't notice that even as far out as geostationary orbit.

It would be really nice to be able to add more moons. I think it should be possible to copy/paste planets since that's how Planet Factory came up with the new planets (copying and changing existing bodies), but not sure exactly how.

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Solar panels are working now, Nathan. Loaded the game with the same craft (got the save point before leaving Kerbin SoI) - power is normal. Thanks.

BTW has anyone achieved re-entry with less than 7g acceleration of the crew. My record is 7.3. Periapsis was above 82 kilometres and still once you hit the thicker atmosphere the Gs go high. In this video they say Soyuz maximum g-load is 4G:

Is this because they use guided reentry, lifting the capsule until it slows down sufficiently or it's just because Kerbin atmosphere starts too low and doesn't slow the craft down enough at higher altitudes?

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@iVG: The reason your g loads are so high is because you're doing a ballistic reentry, as opposed to a lifting reentry; honestly, I'm surprised you could bring the gs down to 7.3. Soyuz, Apollo and pretty much any capsule more advanced than "can with human in it" has a slightly offset center of mass and does a lifting reentry. The current released version of FAR makes it difficult, but in my testing version, having put the mk1-2 capsule CoM offset by ~5cm, I was able to achieve this:


G-force maxed at about 4, mostly hands-off reentry. The offset CoM will be something players will have to add themselves, but the next version of FAR will make doing these reentries very easy.

As a note, the fuel fraction is because FAR thinks that ablative shielding is a type of fuel. :P I'll have to fix that.

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@iVG: The reason your g loads are so high is because you're doing a ballistic reentry, as opposed to a lifting reentry; honestly, I'm surprised you could bring the gs down to 7.3. Soyuz, Apollo and pretty much any capsule more advanced than "can with human in it" has a slightly offset center of mass and does a lifting reentry. The current released version of FAR makes it difficult, but in my testing version, having put the mk1-2 capsule CoM offset by ~5cm, I was able to achieve this:


G-force maxed at about 4, mostly hands-off reentry. The offset CoM will be something players will have to add themselves, but the next version of FAR will make doing these reentries very easy.

As a note, the fuel fraction is because FAR thinks that ablative shielding is a type of fuel. :P I'll have to fix that.

7.3, I'll take that as a compliment :P

Anyway, can we get these off-centre CoM pods? Please? :D

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Also, the rescaled pods have lower BCs, so you'll get higher drag force in the high atmosphere. Although IIRC higher BC doesn't mean lower Gs, just at a different altitude?

With the rescaled pod (the big one) - 7.8 g's. Absolutely no control inside the atmosphere. Couldn't even stop it spinning :)

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7.3, I'll take that as a compliment :P

Anyway, can we get these off-centre CoM pods? Please? :D

Would infernal robotics work to create a de facto CoM shifter? Not sure if the program recognizes the attached part's location along the axis when figuring mass. I suppose this is easily tested.....(must. go. to. bed). You see, I have this strange problem where firing up KSP creates a space-time anomaly in my living room. It has a similar effect to chilling out with a beer around an event horizon. Time just flies for everything else but me.

Speaking of black holes..... Squad? .23? :P

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A simpler way to do it would be a pair of radial decouplers and you only decouple one. I honestly don't want to have the CoM offset as a standard thing with FAR, since that will mess up so many people's crafts; you really need to design the orbital module below it to counteract the offset, and the optimal offset depends heavily on what's attached to the pod, otherwise it can tip too much and parachutes can get burned off. Of course, once you start designing things to be offset, there's no reason to stick with traditional symmetry anymore:


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I used sephirotic's brilliant suggestion to include the Planet Factory planets, plus City Lights and Clouds and Universe Replacer:
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I used some slightly different settings:

// Note, bodies below MUST be in precedence order. Parents before children.
// So Sun, then the planets, then the moons.
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 696342000
Mass = 1.9891E+30

// Mercury = Moho
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2439700
rotationPeriod = 5067031.68
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 2.11
Mass = 3.3022E+23
semiMajorAxis = 57909100000
eccentricity = 0.20563
inclination = 7.005
meanAnomaly = 174.796
period = 7600530.24
LAN = 48.331
argumentOfPeriapsis = 29.124

// Venus = Eve
SSTScale = 0.99868058647931
Radius = 6051800
rotationPeriod = 20996798.4
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 177.36
atmosphereScaleHeight = 15.9
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 220000
atmosphereMultiplier = 55
GeeASL = 0.905
Mass = 4.8676E+24
semiMajorAxis = 108208000000
eccentricity = 0.0067
inclination = 3.39458
meanAnomaly = 50.115
period = 19414166.4
LAN = 76.678
argumentOfPeriapsis = 55.186

// Earth = Kerbin
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 6371000
rotationPeriod = 86164.1
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 23.44
atmosphereScaleHeight = 7.5
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 104000
semiMajorAxis = 149598261000
eccentricity = 0.01671123
inclination = 0
meanAnomaly = 357.51716
period = 31558149.7635456
LAN = 348.73936
argumentOfPeriapsis = 114.20783
SSFStart = 78000
SSFEnd = 80000
PQSfadeStart = 80000
PQSfadeEnd = 100000
PQSSecfadeStart = 80000
PQSSecfadeEnd = 100000
PQSdeactivateAltitude = 105000
PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute // doubles
deformity = 1000 // 485
persistence = 0.7 // 0.60000002384185791
frequency = 36 //12 // 24
PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 // floats
deformity = 6000 // 4000
ridgedAddFrequency = 48 // 48
ridgedSubFrequency = 32 // 32
//ridgedAddOctaves = 8 // 6 INT
simplexHeightStart = 400 // 800
simplexHeightEnd = 7000 // 4600

PQSMod_VertexRidgedAltitudeCurve // floats
deformity = 1800 //1100 // 750
ridgedAddFrequency = 140 // 25 // 140
//ridgedAddOctaves = 8 // 3 INT
PQSMod_VertexHeightMap // doubles
heightMapDeformity = 7000 // 5000
PQSMod_AltitudeAlpha // doubles
atmosphereDepth = 6000 // 4000
KEYname = KSC
repositionRadial = 158200.0, -220.0, -570000.0
lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial // floats
atmosphereDepth = 7500 // 5000, scale height in m
//resolution = 8192
//maxHeight = 12000
//oceanColor = 0.1255, 0.22353, 0.35683

// Moon = Mun
SSTScale = 0.9832
Radius = 1737100
rotationPeriod = 2360584.68479999
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 1.5424
GeeASL = 0.1654
semiMajorAxis = 384399000
eccentricity = 0.0549
inclination = 5.145 //5.145 to ecliptic; 23.435 avg to Earth's equator (+-5.145)
period = 2360584.68479999
SSFStart = 170000
SSFEnd = 175000
PQSfadeStart = 170000
PQSfadeEnd = 175000
PQSdeactivateAltitude = 180000
heightMapDeformity = 9500 //7500
PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeight // doubles
deformity = 1200 // 400
persistence = 0.7 //0.5
frequency = 1 // 12
//octaves = 10 // 8 // A DOUBLE
PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeight // floats
deformity = 1200 // 400
frequency = 12 // 12
//octaves = 7 // 6 // INT
KEYvoronoiSeed = 462
deformation = 600 //200
//voronoiFrequency = 100 //50

// Mars = Duna
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 3396200
rotationPeriod = 88642.6848
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 25.19
atmosphereScaleHeight = 11.1
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 154000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.02
GeeASL = 0.379
Mass = 6.4185E+23
semiMajorAxis = 227939100000
eccentricity = 0.093315
inclination = 1.85
meanAnomaly = 19.3564
period = 59354294.4
LAN = 49.562
argumentOfPeriapsis = 286.537

// Phobos = Bop
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 6100
tidallyLocked = true
Mass = 10720000000000000
semiMajorAxis = 9377200
eccentricity = 0.0151
inclination = 26.04
period = 27553.843872
LAN = 0
referenceBody = Duna

// Deimos = Gilly
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 4200
rotationPeriod = 109074.816
tidallyLocked = false
Mass = 1480000000000000
semiMajorAxis = 23460000
eccentricity = 0.0002
inclination = 27.58
period = 109074.816
LAN = 0
referenceBody = Duna

// Vesta = Inaccessable
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 223200
rotationPeriod = 19233
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 3
Mass = 2.591E+20
semiMajorAxis = 353268000000
eccentricity = 0.08862
inclination = 7.134
meanAnomaly = 307.8
period = 114553440
LAN = 103.91
argumentOfPeriapsis = 149.84
referenceBody = Sun

// Ceres = Minmus
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 487300
rotationPeriod = 32668
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 3
Mass = 9.43E+20
semiMajorAxis = 413690604000
eccentricity = 0.079138
inclination = 10.587
meanAnomaly = 113.410
period = 145123488
LAN = 80.3932
argumentOfPeriapsis = 72.5898
referenceBody = Sun

// Jupiter = Jool
SSTScale = 0.9999
Radius = 69911000
rotationPeriod = 35730
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 3.13
atmosphereScaleHeight = 27
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 374000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.13
Mass = 1.8986E+27
semiMajorAxis = 778547200000
eccentricity = 0.048775
inclination = 1.305
meanAnomaly = 18.818
period = 374335776
LAN = 100.492
argumentOfPeriapsis = 275.066

// Io = Pol
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1821300
tidallyLocked = true
Mass = 8.9319E+22
semiMajorAxis = 421800000
eccentricity = 0.0041
inclination = 2.21
period = 152853.5047104
referenceBody = Jool

// Europa = Eeloo
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1560800
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0.1
Mass = 4.7998E+22
semiMajorAxis = 671100000
eccentricity = 0.009
inclination = 0.47
period = 306822.0384
referenceBody = Jool

// Ganymede = Tylo
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2634100
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0.2
Mass = 1.4819E+23
semiMajorAxis = 1070400000
eccentricity = 0.0013
inclination = 0.2
period = 618153.375744
referenceBody = Jool

// Callisto = Ike
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2410300
tidallyLocked = true
Mass = 1.075938E+23
semiMajorAxis = 1882700000
eccentricity = 0.0074
inclination = 0.192
period = 1441931.18976
referenceBody = Jool

// Saturn = Sentar
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 60268000
rotationPeriod = 38052
tidallyLocked = false
atmosphereScaleHeight = 59.5
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 800000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.16
Mass = 5.6846E+26
semiMajorAxis = 1433449370000
eccentricity = 0.055723219
inclination = 2.485
meanAnomaly = 320.34675
period = 929596608
LAN = 113.642811
argumentOfPeriapsis = 336.013862

// Mimas =

// Enceladus = Vall
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 252100
rotationPeriod = 118386
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 1.080E+20
semiMajorAxis = 237948000
eccentricity = 0.0047
inclination = 0.019
period = 118386
LAN = 0
referenceBody = Sentar

// Tethys =

// Dione =

// Rhea =

// Titan = Erin
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 2576000
rotationPeriod = 1377648
tidallyLocked = true
atmosphereScaleHeight = 40
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 520000
atmosphereMultiplier = 4.5
Mass = 1.3452E+23
semiMajorAxis = 1221870000
eccentricity = 0.0288
inclination = 0.34854
period = 1377648
referenceBody = Sentar

// Iapetus = Ringle
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1492000
rotationPeriod = 6853334.4
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 1.8056E+21
semiMajorAxis = 3560820000
eccentricity = 0.028612
inclination = 15.47
meanAnomaly = 90
period = 6853334.4
LAN = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 179
referenceBody = Sentar

// Uranus = Skelton
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 25559000
rotationPeriod = 62063.712
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 97.77
atmosphereScaleHeight = 27.7
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 390000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.34
Mass = 8.681E+25
semiMajorAxis = 2876679082000
eccentricity = 0.04440558
inclination = 0.772556
meanAnomaly = 142.955717
period = 2661041808
LAN = 73.989821
argumentOfPeriapsis = 96.541318
referenceBody = Sun

// Puck =

// Miranda = Ablate
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 235800
rotationPeriod = 122125
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 6.59E+19
semiMajorAxis = 129390000
eccentricity = 0.0013
inclination = 93.5
meanAnomaly = 90
period = 122125
LAN = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 179
referenceBody = Skelton

// Ariel =

// Umbriel =

// Titania = Thud
Radius = 788400
rotationPeriod = 752218
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 3.527E+21
semiMajorAxis = 435910000
eccentricity = 0.0011
inclination = 97.4
meanAnomaly = 0
period = 752218
LAN = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
referenceBody = Skelton

// Oberon =

// Neptune = Laythe
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 24764000
rotationPeriod = 58000.3
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 28.32
atmosphereScaleHeight = 19.7
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 260000
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.37
Mass = 1.0243E+26
semiMajorAxis = 4553946490000
eccentricity = 0.011214269
inclination = 1.767975
meanAnomaly = 267.767281
period = 5200418592
LAN = 131.794310
argumentOfPeriapsis = 265.646853
referenceBody = Sun

// Triton = Ascension
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1353400
rotationPeriod = 507760
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 0
Mass = 2.14E+22
semiMajorAxis = 354759000
eccentricity = 0.000016
inclination = 129.812
meanAnomaly = 156.885
period = 507760
LAN = 73.989821
argumentOfPeriapsis = 96.541318
referenceBody = Laythe

// Pluto = Dres
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 1153000
rotationPeriod = 551856.672
tidallyLocked = false
axialTilt = 119.591
Mass = 1.305E+22
semiMajorAxis = 5874000000000
eccentricity = 0.244671664
inclination = 17.151394
meanAnomaly = 14.86012204
period = 7816176000
LAN = 110.28683
argumentOfPeriapsis = 113.76349
referenceBody = Sun

// Charon = Pock
SSTScale = 1
Radius = 603500
rotationPeriod = 551856.672
tidallyLocked = true
axialTilt = 119.591
Mass = 1.52E+21
semiMajorAxis = 17536000
eccentricity = 0.00
inclination = 112.783
meanAnomaly = 0
period = 551856.672
LAN = 223
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
referenceBody = Dres


I couldn't find the J2000 mean anomalies of Ceres and Vesta but I imagine they're around somewhere. Also the J2000 mean anomalies, LAN and ArP of most of the moons are hard to find.

All the real planets with atmospheres are replaced by KSP planets with atmospheres, so you can use aerocapture/aerobraking anywhere you could in reality. I got a lot of textures from here.

It's too bad the Universe Replacer mod doesn't work with Planet Factory. Also, adding bump maps to planets seems to mess up their lighting (the planet day/night sides are at 90 degrees to the Sun). There seems to be a bug where if you look at a planet with clouds from far away, you see flickering black specks in its atmosphere. I'm not sure if that's because the cloud textures are too low resolution (1024x512) or something else.

How did you change the atmosphere's colors? I really wanna make the other planets actually look the part, instead of some mutant half purple half yellow eve.

Edited by Thesonicgalaxy
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A simpler way to do it would be a pair of radial decouplers and you only decouple one. I honestly don't want to have the CoM offset as a standard thing with FAR, since that will mess up so many people's crafts; you really need to design the orbital module below it to counteract the offset, and the optimal offset depends heavily on what's attached to the pod, otherwise it can tip too much and parachutes can get burned off. Of course, once you start designing things to be offset, there's no reason to stick with traditional symmetry anymore:

Hmm, I'll try that out. I do like the idea of an 'analog' CoM shifter though, like in the Ravenstar from Orbiter. I use the fuel tanks for this when I need too, but by the time I am done my SSTO is liable to have turned into a graveyard spiral from not paying attention. On the subject of death spirals, one thing I really like about your FAR is that it seems to create a coffin corner in the flight envelope which is different for every craft.

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How did you change the atmosphere's colors? I really wanna make the other planets actually look the part, instead of some mutant half purple half yellow eve.

KSP has atmospheric handlers that you can change properties on through code. RSS will have that soon.

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