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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Cool! Though, will this mod ever be able to re do the whole planets or will we just have to settle with having it look different on the outside than it does the inside?

You mean how like when you're approaching from orbit the terrain suddenly changes?

I don't know for sure but I don't believe in insurmountable problems. It's probably just a scaling issue that still needs to be solved. I hope.

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Ok, i followed some advice and did my Munar lander launch just now.

My ascent was very inefficient at around 9450m/s dV as my lift-off TWR was around 1.05(not enough variety of 2.5m engines, I was using @NathanKell's edited MFS engines). So I spent a lot of time loitering below 20m/s and wasting fuel.

My landing I completed in 1854m/s dV, but it was hair raising. Ended up with 0.5L of RCS fuel(out of 5 budgeted for the descent, I removed all probe/command pod torque). This high usage was due to the lander being a little more un-centered as I designed it in the VAB and I lost all practical rotational control during the proceedings. It's back to the drawing board for now. I set my periapsis at 6km and about 5 degrees ahead of my target, I then tried to keep my time to touchdown(based on vertical speed and radar altitude) to the same amount of time it would take to burn off all my horizontal speed. It's worked quite well so far as I landed with an additional 336m/s dV still in the lander's tank right in the center of my target crater( I aimed for the edge though).


*PS Ignore the Aerozine. I used it as a filler so I could auto-fill only a certain amount of the tank with the proper ratio of fuel and I just forgot to remove the Aerozine tank afterwards.

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How did you change the atmosphere's colors? I really wanna make the other planets actually look the part, instead of some mutant half purple half yellow eve.

I used the Clouds and City Lights mod on the planets with atmospheres to give them clouds which are the right color.

So I was messing with some values...

That happened to me as well when I tried to make some planets ~1 km or smaller in diameter. They look like pulsating mutant popcorn. It seems the surface height is not rescaled.

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You mean how like when you're approaching from orbit the terrain suddenly changes?

I don't know for sure but I don't believe in insurmountable problems. It's probably just a scaling issue that still needs to be solved. I hope.

I mean like you go to let's say....Jool. You get in real close then OMG GREEN WHERE DID YOU COME FROM!?!?! If you can edit the size and other stuff of the planet, i *assume* that you may be able to edit the terrain.

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Well, let's do out the math, shall we?

T = 2À * sqrt(a3 / μ)

where μ = 398600 km3 / s2 for earth.

So let's say your periapsis is at 100 km; you're taking a very shallow trajectory to minimize your dV. So that gives us a semimajor axis of:

a = (6378 km) * 2 + (100 km) + (35,786 km)

a = 48642 km.

Working through the math, it will take you:

T = 106,764.86 seconds to complete an orbit, so the time we're after is:

t = 53,382.43 seconds.

How many revolutions does Earth make in 53,382.43 seconds?

Well, it's sidereal day is 86,164.1 seconds. This means that Earth will complete 0.6195 of a full rotation. Given that there are 360 degrees latitude, that means that if you burn at 0 degrees, when you reach apoapsis 223.02 degrees latitude will be under your periapsis. Since apoapsis is on the other side of the planet, 43.02 degrees latitude will be under your apoapsis. If you set your periapsis to be higher, then it will take longer to reach apoapsis, which means that Earth will rotate more. So your answer is that you'll probably end up somewhere around 43 - 50 degrees east of your periapsis burn location.

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Hey Nathan. Amazing mod btw. This is my all time favourite mod without a doubt. I literally haven't played stock since this came out. Makes the game a real challenge again.

I've encountered what may be some kind of bug/ problem? When using Kerbal alarm clock and/ or protractor, it seems those mods no longer recognise some of the adjusted planets and moons.

For example, I want to set an alarm for the next transfer window to Laythe. That planet is no longer recognised as even existing any more. Same for all moons except The Mun. Protractor does exactly the same and those planets and moons no longer show in the the list to allow me when to calculate burns. Mechjeb still recognises them however so one can use mechjeb to get to those if one so desired.

Not sure where the problem lies but just a FYI :)


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Kass: thanks!

I don't use those for transfer windows--I used http://alexmoon.github.io/ksp/ since it can give you off-angle transfers. I was meaning to do a fork of that for RSS, but for now you can just use real NASA plots, since the orbital parameters are all real. KSP year 0 = 2000CE, btw, though in the next major RSS it will become 1950CE.

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I used this cloudLayer.cfg file. The textures are opaque so I just used texture maps for the planets (like this one for Neptune). It's definitely not perfect, let me know if you find a better configuration.

You appear to be giving me the wrong Config file. i need usercloudLayers.cfg

Edited by Thesonicgalaxy
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You appear to be giving me the wrong Config file. i need usercloudLayers.cfg

Apparently there was a new patch to that mod yesterday. But the config file is still called cloudLayers.cfg and it seems to be in the same format so I'm not sure what the problem is.

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@iVG: The reason your g loads are so high is because you're doing a ballistic reentry, as opposed to a lifting reentry; honestly, I'm surprised you could bring the gs down to 7.3. Soyuz, Apollo and pretty much any capsule more advanced than "can with human in it" has a slightly offset center of mass and does a lifting reentry. The current released version of FAR makes it difficult, but in my testing version, having put the mk1-2 capsule CoM offset by ~5cm, I was able to achieve this:


G-force maxed at about 4, mostly hands-off reentry. The offset CoM will be something players will have to add themselves, but the next version of FAR will make doing these reentries very easy.

Yes please! Been meaning to ask around on the forum about lifting re-entries, since I couldn't manage to pull one off using current stock FAR (regardless of any attempts at using off-center ballast or tons of SAS torque to keep the nose up). You the man, Ferram!

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Amazing mod btw. This is my all time favourite mod without a doubt. I literally haven't played stock since this came out. Makes the game a real challenge again.

Same thing on my part. I *can't* go back, everything just looks so cartoony.

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Hey Nathan. Amazing mod btw. This is my all time favourite mod without a doubt. I literally haven't played stock since this came out. Makes the game a real challenge again.

I've encountered what may be some kind of bug/ problem? When using Kerbal alarm clock and/ or protractor, it seems those mods no longer recognise some of the adjusted planets and moons.

For example, I want to set an alarm for the next transfer window to Laythe. That planet is no longer recognised as even existing any more. Same for all moons except The Mun. Protractor does exactly the same and those planets and moons no longer show in the the list to allow me when to calculate burns. Mechjeb still recognises them however so one can use mechjeb to get to those if one so desired.

Not sure where the problem lies but just a FYI :)

Part of the problem there is that some of those planetary bodies had different parents before. Additionally, Alarm Clock uses (IIRC) 100 years of precalculated data which RSS invalidates. (or rather, the data is only valid for the Kerbol star system, not Sol)

I don' know about Protractor having any major issues. I have used it to make transfers in RSS so I don't think it's using any data tables such as KAC does.... but it's not by itself accurate enough either. What I do is I use it to calculate my ejection burn. Once that's done and I'm out of Kerbin's SOI...

I target the planet and bring up a Target info window (I don't think MJ has it by default, I think I had to make it with the custom window editor) and find out the time of my closest approach.

You might have to play with this part a bit... sometimes you really don't have to do anything but tell MJ to fine tune your approach. If it complains (yellow text...) then I abort the course correction. (do not have auto-warp on for any of this until you're sure that you're sure.)

If fine tune failed me then I use the 'Intercept Target...' option. The one that lets you define how long after the burn you actually intercept. (default is 0s but you may want to schedule the burn for later, I'll assume you already know when you want to make these kinds of burns). The real question is the 'how long after burn' part. I use the time of my closest approach as a starting point and if I don't like the numbers I play with either the intercept time or the burn time. One caveat with this approach is that MJ might do something foolish and try to put you into a retrograde orbit around Kerbol because it apparently thinks you're piloting a warp driven starship...

One possibility might be to use the Rendezvous Autopilot but it really has no concept of time and it basically assumes you've got lots of fuel to spare and lots of time. It might be ok in stock KSP but RSS could trip it up. But it might be worth trying.

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Apparently there was a new patch to that mod yesterday. But the config file is still called cloudLayers.cfg and it seems to be in the same format so I'm not sure what the problem is.

The new GUI has a reset feature now, so it creates a new config file called usercloudlayers.cfg when you make changes. You'll need to update it and give me the usercloudlayer config. But don't rush, i can wait.

If you wanna know the exact problem i'm having, the clouds are not changing at all. Nothing is changing so....it would be nice if you could update it. Trying not to sound forcey or anything, but it would be really nice if you could update it as soon as you can.

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