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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Yeah I meant a "go for it" moon encounter. It's surely possible to wait for the moon to get on one of the nodes, besides its SOI is gigantic anyway. Also, you can use MJ's limit acceleration option to get ridiculously low thrust from any engine. It's kinda cheating but useful if you forget some ion engines. It might not even work with some of the realism focused mods, I don't know if any recommended mods fix engine thrust so they can't go from 0 to 100%.

I play with MedievalNerd's carrer mode, so no ion engines...yet. Using limit acceleration is unrealistic and since the whole setting is meant to be realism, it's kinda buzzkill :)

Here is my moonar science sat right after entering Moon SOI and separating booster on collision course:



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So, i'm planning on getting this to make a realistic install. I saw the one you had on the first post with saturn, Uranus, Neptune, ect. all the real planets (and they still remember Pluto) and even some of the moons. How would i go about getting that system. I have a fresh install so if i need any mods i will get them. I'm assuming i need planet factory? And the mod that is linked to on the first page that gets the system i was talking about? Any other mods?

Edit: Also, how does this work with the science gathering in career mode? and how does this work with FAR and Deadly Reentry?

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So, i'm planning on getting this to make a realistic install. I saw the one you had on the first post with saturn, Uranus, Neptune, ect. all the real planets (and they still remember Pluto) and even some of the moons. How would i go about getting that system. I have a fresh install so if i need any mods i will get them. I'm assuming i need planet factory? And the mod that is linked to on the first page that gets the system i was talking about? Any other mods?

Not sure about that (didn't install these mods as I'm running on the edge of memory limit already :().

Also, how does this work with the science gathering in career mode?

I'd suggest you installing this mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/58135-TechTree-0-22-Milestone18-Realistic-Progression-LITE-%28Get-on-TreeLoader%21%29 and all related mods which are mentioned there. Biomes are not adjusted (yet) for RSS Earth though.

and how does this work with FAR and Deadly Reentry?

FAR works just fine, as for DR - RealismOverhaul takes care of that.

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Yeah I meant a "go for it" moon encounter. It's surely possible to wait for the moon to get on one of the nodes, besides its SOI is gigantic anyway. Also, you can use MJ's limit acceleration option to get ridiculously low thrust from any engine. It's kinda cheating but useful if you forget some ion engines. It might not even work with some of the realism focused mods, I don't know if any recommended mods fix engine thrust so they can't go from 0 to 100%.

Forgot to mention that in real life with right timing it's possible to launch from KSC directly into lunar orbit plane.

Here is what direct intercept looks like:


This one is 3184 m/s deltaV.

The Russians have been always flying to the Moon like that since plane change from 51.6° is prohibitively expensive.

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I decided to get back to 6.4:1 Kerbin today, absolutely loving v6 pre1. First off, some issues (last two pictures in this gallery):

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First, KSC looks good. It's actually a little out in the water if you use the coordinates from KSP Maps, but the camera works great. Then I moved KSC to somewhere I thought would be fun and fiddled with the values until I got something nice. Problem is that the space center camera is centered pretty high above the buildings and the entire center is oriented off of east. This isn't a huge deal, you can obviously launch just fine, but I'm wondering if there's an orientation value that can be added?

Second, I'm gathering

vHeightMax = 11800 // 3500

does what I think it does (terrain height scale from terrain map)? If so, I'm going to jack that up on the other planets. Do I need to have the game recalculate the planet or anything?

Anyway, keep up the great work! I'm going to move this config over to my play install and see how broken it is. Here is a download for anyone interested:


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regex: thanks! :)

If you use a v5.x cfg, but add only a MapDecal node and set only one key/value, radius = 79637.5, then it *should* place KSC exactly as before.

I need to upload a new pre build that adds support for the orientation member. I don't know what's causing the camera issues; I'll dig in when I get a chance (I'm currently on a trip, with spotty net access and a meh laptop...)

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I'll dig in when I get a chance (I'm currently on a trip, with spotty net access and a meh laptop...)

Not a problem, I'm a patient man, enjoy yourself. :D

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So due to popular demand, here is a config that changes it to a kerbin-size solar system (real solar system but 1/10 scale). As before, other than Real Solar System, needs Planet Factory, Visual Enhancements, and Universe Replacer.

There might be some bugs, especially with Phobos and Deimos, which are really small even on full scale.

Hmm, while Duna has mars texture, jool has jupiter, and etc, it doesn't change kerbin into an earth texture, is it really that way or am i installing something wrong? I'm using the 1/10 config as to not make it harder and need a bunch of realistic mods

another bug: I tried installing the abbadon system for planetfactory, now the clouds and custom textures won't load, is it not compatible?

EDIT: SOLVED MY PROBLEM, turns out i was running out of memory, i wish 64 bit windows exe was here already

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Hmm, while Duna has mars texture, jool has jupiter, and etc, it doesn't change kerbin into an earth texture, is it really that way or am i installing something wrong? I'm using the 1/10 config as to not make it harder and need a bunch of realistic mods

He posted that config before the latest pre-release, so he doesn't know about the new Earth texture and it is not included. Should be easily fixed but I'm sorry to say I don't know how

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He posted that config before the latest pre-release, so he doesn't know about the new Earth texture and it is not included. Should be easily fixed but I'm sorry to say I don't know how

thanks, where can i see that latest pre-release? i cant seem to find it, is it the one on github?

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thanks, where can i see that latest pre-release? i cant seem to find it, is it the one on github?

No but he posted it about ten pages previous :D

Well, here goes. I'm now ready to release a test version of Earth.


1. This will gobble up a couple hundred megabytes. And no, these files will not be touched by rbray89 (though you probably need to run ATM to compress everything else) since I put them all in PluginData and load them myself.

2. It comes set for maxLevel 14 (!) so turn it down if it chugs too badly. (In RSS.cfg). Note that the value set there should override anything in your KSP/Settings.cfg file, but just in case, find your current preset in Settings.cfg and find Kerbin within it and change maxSubdivisions to the same thing you set maxLevel to.

3. I have changed the SS<->PQS fade range so that PQS should remain visible in really-low orbit. If it chugs too badly in orbit change them back to the commented values (look for the block that starts with SSFStart and ends with PQSdeactivateAltitude)

4. Feel free to mess with all values in the file. Crowdsourcing is cool! I've exposed tons of new settings you can change in the CFG.

5. If you want to export a map of the terrain, change fooExport to Export, and set size as desired. A 1024 takes me 12 seconds; a 2048, 37; etc. Exporting is useful to get an overview of your terrain height and landclass changes. Exports will be in your KSP folder once you reach mainmenu (a colormap and a heightmap).

6. No GUI yet for launchpads. In RSS.cfg, find the MapDecalTangent block and the PQSCty block, and change their latitudes and longitudes to desired location. Then increase the decal's absoluteOffset to match the surrounding terrain, and the PQSCity's repositionRadiusOffset by the same amount.


Passing over mountains in northern China.

Oh, and scaled-space meshes should be all perfect now. :)

Download RSS v6_pre1

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So due to popular demand, here is a config that changes it to a kerbin-size solar system (real solar system but 1/10 scale). As before, other than Real Solar System, needs Planet Factory, Visual Enhancements, and Universe Replacer.

There might be some bugs, especially with Phobos and Deimos, which are really small even on full scale.

I am currently enjoying this but I have one problem, I don't how to compute delta-Vs, and I can't use both the stock tables and the rss tables for reference, because this one is the 1/10 version of the rss.. can anyone help me? I find it so hard to travel around, don't know if i'm gonna have enough fuel for a mission or not

edit; sorry for double post

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I am currently enjoying this but I have one problem, I don't how to compute delta-Vs, and I can't use both the stock tables and the rss tables for reference, because this one is the 1/10 version of the rss.. can anyone help me? I find it so hard to travel around, don't know if i'm gonna have enough fuel for a mission or not

edit; sorry for double post

In the 1/10 scale version, all the delta-v's should be about 1/3 of what they are in RSS. Basically if it's scaled up by a factor of X, the delta-v increases by a factor of sqrt(X).

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Metaphor, how do i get the Real System with planet factory that you have? I have Planet Factory downloaded, and i tried downloading your planets, but nothing happened. What parts of the download do i put where?

Just extract it and merge it with your own GameData folder, overwriting files if you're asked to (if you make a backup of your RealSolarSystem.cfg file, put it somewhere else or it will conflict). It's not including the map of Earth NathanKell just released, I'll put that in when it's on the front page.

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Hmm? I still can't seem to get Metaphors system installed. Although i did manage to get the normal Real Solar System, Krags planets aren't moved. I'm also having issues with getting the universe replacer installed to get the new planet textures, along with the cloud and city light mod that is included in Metaphors download. Could anyone help me out, it would be much appreciated :D Looks good so far, i just want it even more realistic :) Sorry for so many questions.

Also, i have a few questions in the album:

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Yes, thats the one i'm talking about. I've been told to put the whole thing in gamedata. Do i put the folder in gamedata as a whole, or each separate folder in gamedata? So far, i've downloaded RSS, then then Metaphors config, and put all of metaphors in gamedata. Anything you can pick out that i did wrong :confused: ?

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You need to put each folder in GameData separately, you will know you are doing it right if it asks you if you want to replace some files, which you should

If you don't have the clouds and city lights mod, the clouds won't appear, same goes for universe replacer

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Yes, thats the one i'm talking about. I've been told to put the whole thing in gamedata. Do i put the folder in gamedata as a whole, or each separate folder in gamedata? So far, i've downloaded RSS, then then Metaphors config, and put all of metaphors in gamedata. Anything you can pick out that i did wrong :confused: ?

What AbeS said.

In the download there's a GameData folder with other folders inside it. You want to either extract the GameData folder to the folder your KSP is in (so that the GameData folder in the download merges with the GameData folder that's already in your KSP install), or extract each of the 4 individual folders into your KSP/GameData folder, and click yes when it asks you to replace files. You'll need to download the Visual Enhancements and Universe Replacer mods if you want clouds and textures respectively. The file I linked is just a config that you add on top of those mods after downloading them.

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In the 1/10 scale version, all the delta-v's should be about 1/3 of what they are in RSS. Basically if it's scaled up by a factor of X, the delta-v increases by a factor of sqrt(X).

Wow thanks, I don't really know the math involved in that, so thank you

EDIT: while I'm at it, I made a simple delta-v table specifically for this version (1/10 Real Solar System)

It's not a complete list, I only computed for the bodies that I'm gonna go to soon, Aerobraking is not factored in, and the Delta-Vs are commulative so you won't have to add. Everything starts from the launchpad and goes into the following(the first row), orbit of said body, land on said body, land and back to orbit of said body, and roundtrip landing mission on said body. These are rough estimates, only use them if you have zero idea on how much delta v to put.


yeah, forget going on a single roundtrip landing mission on jupiter and saturn

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