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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Module Manager 4.2.3 (July 03th 2023) - Fireworks season


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Hello all, super confused newcomer here. I just downloaded ModuleManager today and tried to do something (anything) with it.

For starters, I thought, let's try and modify a stock part. Like a solid rocket booster. The default values have it running for ca. 30 seconds at 250 thrust, with an Isp of 225-240. I calculated that 310 thrust at 280-300 Isp should also run 30 seconds. So after carefully studying the instructions in post #2, I did the following:

@maxThrust = 310
@key = 0 300
@key = 1 280

After heading back ingame and checking in the VAB, I confirmed that the changes did indeed take effect. The part info shows 310 thrust and the Isp specified. The fuel flow rate changed as well, but only by the second or third digit after the comma, which basically means that runtime should be unaffected, just as I had planned and calculated.

Then I went to the launchpad... and upon igniting the booster, I got this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44754370/screenshot12.png

Ummm... what? o__O Help?

KSP 0.23 with ModuleManager_1_5_6.dll

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Try this

Here are the files if they don't work you have something wrong.



Pick just 1 and put it in the KSP/GameData folder.






name = ProtractorModule



EDIT and does he have ModuleManager in the KSP/GameData and only 1

so iv tried yours and it did not work ether.

and yes she has 1.5.6 .dll

well thanks for the help guys

here is my Modulemanager https://www.dropbox.com/sh/su457pxqutl11r0/HyqbiD5AzY

Edited by MissMolly
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Is she just not seeing it in VAB and thinking it's not working have seen it not show in VAB but will on launchpab.

EDIT and, I just check it and it works it doesn't show in VAB but it does show up on the luanchpad.

EDIT 2 @MissMolly looking at your Modulemanager you have it as a text look Add_Protractor_ALLCOMMANDPODs.cfg.txt you need to rename it and take off the txt so it looks like


Edited by Mecripp2
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Hello all, super confused newcomer here. I just downloaded ModuleManager today and tried to do something (anything) with it.

For starters, I thought, let's try and modify a stock part. Like a solid rocket booster. The default values have it running for ca. 30 seconds at 250 thrust, with an Isp of 225-240. I calculated that 310 thrust at 280-300 Isp should also run 30 seconds. So after carefully studying the instructions in post #2, I did the following:

@maxThrust = 310
@key = 0 300
@key = 1 280

After heading back ingame and checking in the VAB, I confirmed that the changes did indeed take effect. The part info shows 310 thrust and the Isp specified. The fuel flow rate changed as well, but only by the second or third digit after the comma, which basically means that runtime should be unaffected, just as I had planned and calculated.

Then I went to the launchpad... and upon igniting the booster, I got this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44754370/screenshot12.png

Ummm... what? o__O Help?

KSP 0.23 with ModuleManager_1_5_6.dll

Try this https://www.dropbox.com/s/0hw9esr8q5xi15j/solidBooster_test.cfg

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Okay, even more confused now. I started troubleshooting the issue by removing all my mods. The issue disappeared. Then I spent half an hour adding them back in, one by one. They are now all back in - the exact same folders, no changes - and the issue has not reappeared. The booster works fine...

...except that on close examination, I am getting 280-280 Isp and not 280-300. So I must have screwed up something with the atmosphere curve.

@MeCripp: Thanks for the suggestion, but by the understanding that I got from post #2, wouldn't that create duplicates of all those entries that the original file already has?

Maybe that's why the Isp is wrong, maybe I need to address the two identically named key values differently...

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Not sure but it is 1 MODULE would think it's just changing the 1 whole module.

EDIT being play around with the hot rocket mod and it's like if we try and change 1 thing in the module it drops the rest out so,I just add them in the change.

EDIT 2 O I do see,I added the the lower half 2 if it does it would show you add double the fuel.

EDIT 3 Add watch your spacing that can be tricky some times.

EDIT HEHE Glad you got it.

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Good point. Thankfully unnecessary to experiment with it, though, because I just successfully fixed it. By doing @key,0 and @key,1 instead of two times @key, I got it to set the atmosphere curve correctly.

Which still does not explain the really strange error with the negative thrust/Isp I got before. *headscratch* I suppose I'll just have to wait and see if it returns during further experimentation...

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The negative Isp was probably because the FloatCurve had two time=1 values and no time=0 value and freaked out. (@ means modify the first value of this name, so @key twice would modify the first key twice). As you found, when values have the same name, you have to differentiate between them with ,n syntax.

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Is she just not seeing it in VAB and thinking it's not working have seen it not show in VAB but will on launchpab.

EDIT and, I just check it and it works it doesn't show in VAB but it does show up on the luanchpad.

EDIT 2 @MissMolly looking at your Modulemanager you have it as a text look Add_Protractor_ALLCOMMANDPODs.cfg.txt you need to rename it and take off the txt so it looks like


Opps now i feel like a… well im not going there thanks now it works how silly of me.

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well thanks guys for you help i was silly in missing the .txt at the end of the .cfg file, not sure how or why i missed that.

again thanks

And you could do something like this 2 add them both.





name = ProtractorModule




name = MechJebCore



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And you could do something like this 2 add them both.






name = ProtractorModule




name = MechJebCore



i was thinking that but was not sure is i can put them together, as well as kerbal eng

(i hate them parts on my ships)

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yes you can add it plus would think it's keeping the part count down also.

yes nice point

just rebooting as KSP does not like it when i use the debug menu



and unfortunately all 3 don't work with



so I'm going to try it as before

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yes nice point

just rebooting as KSP does not like it when i use the debug menu


From your file, I don't think that will work you can try this


Edit if you use kas can add the container to also if you want ?

It's here just need 1


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From your file, I don't think that will work you can try this


Edit if you use kas can add the container to also if you want ?

It's here just need 1


for KAS all i want is the info as i build most of the mod/plugins i us are for info only i like the hands on approach.


ok all works nicely now thanks

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Kas is the mod that as winches and pipe and containers to put parts in and lets you grab some part on EVA.

EDIT and have you try'ed VOID ? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54533

EDIT lol,I use it for the grab and container.

VOID yes i do us that one i like it a lot,

the grab and container parts are cool but i have not found it us full as of yet witch i do like ..

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ok so i got this to work but in the end it was causing a crash total freeze up only 90% in the VAB and once in awhile when loading from one screen to another. could not figure out what it was so i slowly pull plugin/modded parts out few at a time, it got down to this most wonderful Module Manager and only took it out bam no more freezing at all. this is whats in the folder https://www.dropbox.com/sh/su457pxqutl11r0/HyqbiD5AzY.

i can try to cause this to happen again but I'm not sure where i will find the right log file for you I'm on a mac tell me where its hiding and ill put it up for you thanks for all the help..

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ok so i got this to work but in the end it was causing a crash total freeze up only 90% in the VAB and once in awhile when loading from one screen to another. could not figure out what it was so i slowly pull plugin/modded parts out few at a time, it got down to this most wonderful Module Manager and only took it out bam no more freezing at all. this is whats in the folder https://www.dropbox.com/sh/su457pxqutl11r0/HyqbiD5AzY.

i can try to cause this to happen again but I'm not sure where i will find the right log file for you I'm on a mac tell me where its hiding and ill put it up for you thanks for all the help..

Thought you might be on a Mac or Linux should print a output_log.txt right in your KSP folder.

Not sure what the name is going to be maybe crash_file

EDIT did you have a craft before with BuildEngineer on it and don't know if it would help to get toolbar are not but looks like it might be BuildEngineer

EDIT try this 1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/0lgpvraphotqv3s/ALL_Command2.cfg

Sorry your having so much trouble in,I'm not much help.

Edited by Mecripp2
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