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Hello World!

O Nerd

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Hello world! This is my first thread in the forum, and in this topic i'll explain a bit about me.

My history

I've started playing KSP near the end of 2012, when i first saw cazum8's videos (he's a brazilian youtuber, so am I), and since then i didn't stopped playing.

My first mission was trying to get out of the ground. It were very hard, because i didn't knew even that a Ant engine couldn't lift an Orange tank.

I've needed to learn everything with no help, like Spacebar being the magic button, Shift increasing the thrust, and then --

I landed on the Mün.

Wow, it was so cool, i taked my shirt off, jumped on my chair and said:


Sure, it was exactly like that. My mom had a small heart attack. :wink:

Since then, i've been playing KSP every day of my life. No exceptions.

Until near 2 weeks ago, i bought KSP for real. I gone to a bit of places, but only when i saw the sunrise on Eve, she ispired me to purchase the game.

No one could make this game as beautiful as the Devs. They need some reward for making a game as cool as this.

Now, i've made a forum account, and i WILL post cool things. I just need... Time.

My missions

My first target was to land on the Mun. It took about 1/3 of my full KSP time to do it. Wow, it was hard, even without these new craters on 0.21, i broke 2 out of 4 landing legs on my ship and almost destroyed my thruster. Well, nobody died.

My second target was Minmus. "Hmm, this will be very hard" was my firs thought. But it wasn't. I came there with my experience from the Mun landing, and i landed on a frozen lake. "Woohoo!" was my thought. Since that landing made me learn A LOT about inclination, i made my next mission being even harder.

Finally, the third target. I was very excited, because since that Minmus landing, i've learned a lot. There's a list of what:

-Angular phases


-Manuever planning

-TWR (Thrust to weight ratio)




And a lot of other things. Then, watching Curiosity's touchdown, I've got an idea:

-I'll take a car to Mar... Er, Duna!

But i've looked at the atmosphere's thickness and thought:

-Hm... Eve. Eve is beautiful. I'll go there.

So, after half a year (by KSP time), i've gone there. Well, after 3 tries. The car got down gently, but i can't proof that because i updated KSP, so the mods that i used in the car were deleted, and the car too. The only thing i can show you is this line of code (persistent.sfs on my save):



reached = 14261474.1342207



completed = 14261474.1342207




completed = 14345687.4445326



name = Reconhecimento

flag = Squad/Flags/default





completed = 29826393.7325892



name = Reconhecimento Probe

flag = Squad/Flags/default





completed = 15166971.049022


Well, that should proof something. I'm not very noob, i think. My next mission is Gilly.

Well, that's enough, time to build something. See you later! :)

~O Nerd

Edited by O Nerd
Removing the [spoiler] and [/spoiler]. I heard they were blocked right in this post. :)
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