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radial engine challenge

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Someone whose username starts with 'm' (but I forget the rest) showed that you can in fact do a grand tour using a single aerospike, so this challenge is certainly doable with enough parts and patience. But the challenge needs more structure.

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Well I don't think I have the patience to do a Grand Tour, and the rules should be defined better, but this has sparked my curiosity, so I want to see what I can come up with using only these:





Going to the VAB now, BRB

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Actually, i doubt it is possible to build a lifter that puts more than 10 tons into lko. Come-on, the highest-thrusting option has 120 kN thrust at a lousy ISP. I think even 5 tons to lko with these is a great display of engineering skill. Every planet? not very likely. And if we can start in LKO it immediately goes down to almost zero challenge if you have a good enough computer. Sorry, back to the drawing board.

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Please read the Challenge Submission Guidelines as has been recommended and perhaps review other people's challenges (at the very least the popular ones) to get a better grasp of how to create a successful challenge.

As this challenge lacks in design (information, scoring, etc) the thread will be closed. Please create a new thread when ready to do so.

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