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Don't like Career Mode

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Personally, I do not like career mode as it is right now. There I said it. I feel better now. Don't take offense from this. I love the game.

I do like how science points are collected from sensors using electricity. This finally gives electrical power an important use. I do think you need more sensors though.

I don't like the biome scheme. This is a game about space. You should be rewarded more for achieving orbit and orbiting the planet than taking small jumps to the 3 or 4 biomes that are within sight of the Launchpad. Speaking of the launchpad, it irritates me that a lot of science points can be collected sitting on the launch pad.

I would also like to see the docking port and docking port jr. moved to a lower level of technology. I think docking, and other complex maneuvers should reward science points.

In sandbox mode there are several milestones that people naturally try to achieve. Getting to orbit, orbiting the Mun, landing on the Mun, orbiting Duna, landing on Duna, ect.... In career mode these milestones should be rewarded more than where you land when you return to Kerbin.

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Career mode is still in its infancy. The biomes on the Mun and most likely the planned biomes on other planets and moons provide much more science than the biomes on Kerbin.

I can't tell from your post. Are you against biomes in general, or just the idea of biomes on Kerbin giving science? Because I believe the science rewards for near and high above Kerbin are also much higher than from landing.

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I do agree. It is a bit too easy. I went half way down the tree by just doing stuff at the sea, launch pad and nearby biomes. You do get points for recovering a vessel that's went to orbit or landing at the moon.

But with the docking ports lower, like the Launch stabilizers and strut cables, it makes a terrible rocket an maybe game mode awesome!

But yeah I do agree and if anyone says I disagree then ignore them; It's your OPINION. If you don't know what opinion means then look it up. A view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. -Google

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I think your biggest issue is that you went for the biomes on Kerbal. I unlocked the docking ports, and I only collected a tiny bit of science on Kerbal, just enough for decouplers, after that, I shot for the mun, collected science on the first shot only by passing over the mun, next launch I landed on the mun. Which unlocked more science experiments for me, so I landed on the Mun again, for science. And, if you can shoot for the Mun, you can shoot for Mimus. So, I have had a landing on Mimus next. Pretty much felt like a proper space program, exploring more and more of space.

Now that I have docking, I can assemble enough fuel in space for a flight to Duna, which will be my next target, and oh boy, Jeb is excited for that mission. (Yes, you could do that without docking, but I'm not that good with large rockets launches for KSP)

And, a big part of space is landing on other planets. Biomes would add a reason to land multiple times on the same planet, and having targeted landing. But I think you can pretty much max out the tree without landing anywhere. There is quite a bit of science to collect by just going high and low orbit on all planets and moons.

Yes, the biomes on Kerbal are a bit silly IMHO. And the initial start feels a bit tough, initial science collecting for the first unlock felt a bit unreal/unrealistic. And I felt like cheating by collecting it on the kerbal surface around KSP.

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  • 4 weeks later...

While I agree that there are a lot of tweaks that can & should be made to career mode (isn't it only the 1st version), I've been enjoying it. I like the idea of having to unlock advancements by way of discoveries you make with simpler items. The tech tree is a little wonky in the way the research is done IMHO, but I thought I saw an editor for it while poking around the SpacePort. I thought I might try rearranging things to better suit my idea of how the tech should come about.

Check out

series. I really like his self-imposed limits on only unlocking 1 advancement per mission.
And, a big part of space is landing on other planets. Biomes would add a reason to land multiple times on the same planet, and having targeted landing.

I could not agree more. I'd even like to see more on Kerbin as it would give a reason to research more aircraft stuff.

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Career mode is going to change a hell of a lot over the coming months. First off add in financial constraints, training kerbonauts, hiring scientists to research all the parts, missions from governments and companies and other stuff that may or may not make it into the final game.

What we have here is just the start of career mode, it's going to get a whole load more challenging and interesting as more stuff gets added, be patient and you shall be rewarded with genius, I have little doubt.

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Career mode is going to change a hell of a lot over the coming months. First off add in financial constraints, training kerbonauts, hiring scientists to research all the parts, missions from governments and companies and other stuff that may or may not make it into the final game.

What we have here is just the start of career mode, it's going to get a whole load more challenging and interesting as more stuff gets added, be patient and you shall be rewarded with genius, I have little doubt.

Really? And who tell you that?

The only that we know, it is that in the future an "economic and mining-resource system" can be implemented. But we dont know how it would be.

Right now, the only that I know, is that career mode with the weird tech tree "when you unlock new tank sizes and shapes :P" and the toy science system, looks silly and boring.

So said that we dont like some things "even when is not finish" is just a way to help the developers to make choices about the stuffs that they are not sure how to do it.

I guess that is better than said "all is perfect" and then realize the things that you dont like remains the same, so you left the game.

Right know, the only that keeps me playing the game are some mods. But when new versions come out and some mods stop working, then I lose all my things that I build and set up; so is a turning point.

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Really? And who tell you that?

The only that we know, it is that in the future an "economic and mining-resource system" can be implemented. But we dont know how it would be.

Right now, the only that I know, is that career mode with the weird tech tree "when you unlock new tank sizes and shapes :P" and the toy science system, looks silly and boring.

Harvestr revealed that contracts for missions and financial/reputation constraints were coming in 0.23 in the Reddit AMA.


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Currently all the parts are "high tech" optimized and balanced for sandbox.

Like LV 909 30 45 engines and SRBs are all too good engines to start with.

We need bunch of crappy parts to start career 1t probe core, 150isp motor, heavier fuel tanks with less fuel...

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Guest Brody_Peffley
Really? And who tell you that?

The only that we know, it is that in the future an "economic and mining-resource system" can be implemented. But we dont know how it would be.

Right now, the only that I know, is that career mode with the weird tech tree "when you unlock new tank sizes and shapes :P" and the toy science system, looks silly and boring.

So said that we dont like some things "even when is not finish" is just a way to help the developers to make choices about the stuffs that they are not sure how to do it.

I guess that is better than said "all is perfect" and then realize the things that you dont like remains the same, so you left the game.

Right know, the only that keeps me playing the game are some mods. But when new versions come out and some mods stop working, then I lose all my things that I build and set up; so is a turning point.

If you don't like career mode you don't have to play it. Its going to get better overall like having to buy the parts. Which will make everybody try to make a cheap rocket.

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back up your install...

I always use different folders for mod versions of the game, but what happen if I want the new changes in conjunction with the ships and mods that I already have?

Harvestr revealed that contracts for missions and financial/reputation constraints were coming in 0.23 in the Reddit AMA.


OK, that will shut me up :)

Lets wait and see.

Currently all the parts are "high tech" optimized and balanced for sandbox.

Like LV 909 30 45 engines and SRBs are all too good engines to start with.

We need bunch of crappy parts to start career 1t probe core, 150isp motor, heavier fuel tanks with less fuel...

Why people like the idea of unlock different tank sizes or wings, etc.

Science advance does nothing to do with different tank sizes and shapes.

If you don't like career mode you don't have to play it. Its going to get better overall like having to buy the parts. Which will make everybody try to make a cheap rocket.

That can be the answer to any complaint.. The problem come if my opinion represent more than 30% of other players concerns.

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Why people like the idea of unlock different tank sizes or wings, etc.

Science advance does nothing to do with different tank sizes and shapes.

actually, it does.

Materials science has a lot to do with how big you can make things, how much they end up weighing, etc.

If you can't make a tank wall except out of half inch thick cast iron, you're not going to get up very high. Make it out of 0.01 inch thick carbon fiber and get the same structural strength and you're getting somewhere.

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Why people like the idea of unlock different tank sizes or wings, etc.

Science advance does nothing to do with different tank sizes and shapes.

Why Russians started to play with V2 rockets?

Why they didn't built buran straight away?

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I like daid comment to be honest. It's alot more like what I did. I just jumped into career without knowing anything about science. I just got enough points to unlock the things that I needed and started exploring. I went mun first then minmus. (2 missions with same ship) I then started sending probes to Duna and Eve. As I didn't have the tech to have Docking yet. And so forth Don't think I had nuclear engines yet either. With some self restraint and not being just a min-max player I'm finding career mode brought me back to the game after a 6 month absence. That and how sas works now is so much nicer for landing small craft on other celestial bodies.

Edited by Turvok
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actually, it does.

Materials science has a lot to do with how big you can make things, how much they end up weighing, etc.

If you can't make a tank wall except out of half inch thick cast iron, you're not going to get up very high. Make it out of 0.01 inch thick carbon fiber and get the same structural strength and you're getting somewhere.

One thing is make a tank 200 times the normal size, another is just 2 times or 3 times. It has not sense.

You would not find any example in the real world.

And what about the shape of different parts?

Why Russians started to play with V2 rockets?

Why they didn't built buran straight away?

Becouse the economic restraint of course.

And always is better to start to test things in small scale. But it does nothing to do with the science or knowledge needed.

I just hope that when the economic system is implemented, then in that point the size of parts it would not matter in the science tree, just the cost.

Science needs to be about different kind of engines (different isp), better materials, etc.

I can understand from the gameplay point of view some things like decouplers or fuel ducts.

But different shapes or sizes.. I dont.

And it does not matter if you have only 1 small tank at begining, you stack a lot of those and you build a big rocket anyway.. so what is the point??

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Becouse the economic restraint of course. ... But it does nothing to do with the science or knowledge needed.

Did you really just say that the only difference between the Wright Flyer and an X-15 is that the X-15 is more expensive?

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The problem come if my opinion represent more than 30% of other players concerns.

Your opinion does not represent anyone but yourself. Everyone with a gripe always believes that they speak for some silent, uncountable majority. Remember that this forum does not represent the complete player base - there are many people who are registered but never post, and still more who never register (or even visit) here at all.

We are not a republic - we do not somehow represent a cross-section of the overall player base. We are just the sort that feels a need to get more involved than most casual players.

In short, you can't claim to speak for 30% of players, because the total membership of the forum doesn't even constitute "30% of the players".

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My problem with career mode is also tech-tree related. The order of unlocking parts there is almost entirely opposite of my usual ship progression. While I can understand the logic behind it (including tank sizes, yes), it feels uncomfortable as hell. I also feel forced into playing it, because science is disabled in sandbox for some weird reason.

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Harvestr revealed that contracts for missions and financial/reputation constraints were coming in 0.23 in the Reddit AMA.


Minor clarification just so that people don't go ballistic when this doesn't happen: Harvester said "soon" rather than "in 0.23" and given that the devs have said that money won't be in 0.23, I'm working under the believe that soon meant 0.24, maybe 0.25. Given the fact that they mentioned that 0.23 may go into experimentals soon in yesterday's livestream, 0.24 may be sooner than some would expect.

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Communists were pretty free of economic restraints.

They just needed to unlock some technologies first.

LOL.. WTF?? 14 words and I dint find sense in any of those.

Did you really just say that the only difference between the Wright Flyer and an X-15 is that the X-15 is more expensive?

ehh? who said that? just read my comment or the part that you are quoting, stop imagine things.

Your opinion does not represent anyone but yourself. Everyone with a gripe always believes that they speak for some silent, uncountable majority. Remember that this forum does not represent the complete player base - there are many people who are registered but never post, and still more who never register (or even visit) here at all.

We are not a republic - we do not somehow represent a cross-section of the overall player base. We are just the sort that feels a need to get more involved than most casual players.

In short, you can't claim to speak for 30% of players, because the total membership of the forum doesn't even constitute "30% of the players".

People love to imagine things, Where I claim that I am the 30% from the people who think like me?

I just said that in case that my opinion represent more than 30% then it will matter to them. just that.

I was not the one who did this topic. I was not the first who used the word Toy, boring, spam, arcade, etc to describe the actual career mode. This was not the only topic about this.

And is just a discussion and opinions. Look Teodzero, he seems agree too.

Minor clarification just so that people don't go ballistic when this doesn't happen: Harvester said "soon" rather than "in 0.23" and given that the devs have said that money won't be in 0.23, I'm working under the believe that soon meant 0.24, maybe 0.25. Given the fact that they mentioned that 0.23 may go into experimentals soon in yesterday's livestream, 0.24 may be sooner than some would expect.

Thanks for clarification. I do not care very much if they do it in the 0.24 or 0.26 meanwhile is well planned and thought out, with relevance with the reality and the name of the game, "an space program".

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People love to imagine things, Where I claim that I am the 30% from the people who think like me?

I just said that in case that my opinion represent more than 30% then it will matter to them. just that.

...and I pointed out why your opinion (or anyone else's) represents no one else. What was unclear about that?

You can't say "in case my opinion represents more than 30%" if you realize that you speak for yourself alone. Each of us represents only ourselves, and this forum is the farthest thing from a representative sample that no legitimate statistical data could be gained.

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About the only thing I don't like about Career mode is how long it takes to get decent plane parts. You're telling me that Kerbals researched rocket engines and solid rocket boosters before they thought about jets, wings, or landing gear? I know they're space-crazy, but it'd take some of the sting out of my earlier missions where there's a lot of one-way trips because I can't think of a safe way to bring them home again.

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