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BSC: Albatross 3 - And the winner is...

BSC: Albatross 3  

  1. 1. BSC: Albatross 3

    • antbin - Ahlbetossed 4b
    • Ekku Zakku - Ensoku
    • GusTurbo - Albatross 18
    • mcirish3 - Condor
    • Octagon - Diamond Flyer
    • Sirine - The Albatross

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I admit that I did bend the rules a bit. My approach was to look at what the Albatross 3 is currently, and then think about what it should be, trying to fulfill a similar role in the process. One of my fatal flaws was that I didn't test it enough, which is why the range isn't great and why it could control better. It was a lot of fun though.

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I admit that I did bend the rules a bit. My approach was to look at what the Albatross 3 is currently, and then think about what it should be, trying to fulfill a similar role in the process. One of my fatal flaws was that I didn't test it enough, which is why the range isn't great and why it could control better. It was a lot of fun though.

that's the point isn't it? have fun challenging ourselves, sometimes outside our comfort zone, and creatively come up with something that we're proud of? pathetic ballot-stuffing for some imaginary status in a fictional internet contest hardly seems to be something that should bring any well adjusted person satisfaction.. my first and only challenge entry was for the heavy lander, and though i didn't even make it to the finals i'm really happy with the final product and still use it in my day-to-day kerballing

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Congratulations to Ekku Zakku with his Ensoku - a worthy winner and thanks to Xeldrak for hosting this challenge!

I had much fun participating in it and learned quite a lot about planes - a part of the game I previously did not spend much time with.

Ok so I've been flying a bunch of planes today and yours is the first (possibly ever) to be yaw stable!!!

Thanks! I think the main reason is that I designed my plane to be not only horizontal-symmetric but also mostly vertical-symmetric.

So as an experiment I reworked the plane to be completely vertical-symmetric and the resulting plane can land on both sides.

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AWESOME!!! I'm really excited that I managed to put a plane together that was worthy of winning this challenge, thanks so much to everybody who voted for me! Hopefully I'll do this well next time around XD

I did quite enjoy the aesthetic of my plane, I thought it looked pretty cool, and I also put a lot of work in to make it fly well (such as the inclined rudders that Rhomphaia mentioned, to yaw through the center of mass). Now I can say for sure that it's the best plane I've ever made!

Also, do I get an e-cookie for winning? XD

Edited by Ekku Zakku
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Congratulations Ekku Zakku! Your plane was a great joy to fly, I'm glad that it won the competition (you had my vote from the get-go even though I submitted an entry myself.) Hope to see you in the next BSC competition as you bring a lot of talent to the table to work with/against :D

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Congratulations Ekku Zakku! Your plane was a great joy to fly, I'm glad that it won the competition (you had my vote from the get-go even though I submitted an entry myself.) Hope to see you in the next BSC competition as you bring a lot of talent to the table to work with/against :D

Yeah, I figured that I did (I'm a freaking natural at KSP, some might even call me a genius XD), the one thing I can't bring though is time xAx that's why I've missed all of the BSC challenges up until now lol. Thanks for your support!

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I admit that I did bend the rules a bit. My approach was to look at what the Albatross 3 is currently, and then think about what it should be, trying to fulfill a similar role in the process. One of my fatal flaws was that I didn't test it enough, which is why the range isn't great and why it could control better. It was a lot of fun though.

Yeah that about summarizes it! Your's is good for sure and by no means do I think the looks were not amazing but as I mentioned once before in this competition it's not about being able to design an 8 or 9 you need a 10 to win and the Ensoku is just the complete package. Attractive looks, long range, and some of the best control I've EVER seen in a KSP craft. And hey for next time you know to get in a bit more testing time!

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Oh, FYI, for anyone planning on building another long-winged high altitude plane, this seems to be the only way to use Delta wings (which have 3x the lift of a plain box wing). I recommend putting the first delta wing on backwards, it should improve the yaw-roll coupling.


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I figured out a way to improve passenger jet appearance: place a Mk.2 fuselage at the bottom of the Mk.3 fuselage. It eliminates that reentry tiles look and gives it a better shape. See here:




Edited by GusTurbo
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