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BSC: Albatross 3 - And the winner is...

BSC: Albatross 3  

  1. 1. BSC: Albatross 3

    • antbin - Ahlbetossed 4b
    • Ekku Zakku - Ensoku
    • GusTurbo - Albatross 18
    • mcirish3 - Condor
    • Octagon - Diamond Flyer
    • Sirine - The Albatross

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the ZB-7 takes off by itself, lands at 40 m/s

It didn't take off by itself in my testing. I didn't let the engine rev with the brakes on or anything fancy, just hit the throttle and didn't pitch up. And it has a nasty habit of pitching down during yaw, which makes landing on the runway very difficult.

Edited by XolotlLoki
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Mhoram - wait, what? The HARP does not resemble the Albatross? I basically took the Albatross, clipped it's wings and fuselage to a reasonable size to get it's airframe. Also, no pitch? It does have some some problems with yaw (wich is merely exitant), but pitch?

Anyways - thaks for these detailed results, I allways love to read you guys notes. Also, a tip of the hat to gm537 and XolotlLoki (you guys are awesome) for testing all these planes. I fear, I lack time to test all thirty - so I will probably only test the short list.

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Mhoram - wait, what? The HARP does not resemble the Albatross? I basically took the Albatross, clipped it's wings and fuselage to a reasonable size to get it's airframe. Also, no pitch? It does have some some problems with yaw (wich is merely exitant), but pitch?

Perhaps I should have said that these are subjective opinions. I know that some planes don't get a good rating in my test and I hope that the participants take this as a constructive criticism.

In the top-view of your plane I am missing separated side-fuselages. In the HARP they look like as if they are integrated in the wings.

The HARP provides pitch, but usually I like to have more - it seems like my wording could be improved.

Edited by mhoram
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So my favourites (besides my own) are

Ekku Zakku - Ensoku, gm537 - Kalbatross and FallingIntoBlack - FS-1 Kestrel

In a super shocking turn of events those are some of the ones I liked. ;) I'm glad to see that even as a first timer other people share my view point on what makes a good Albatross replacement! :)

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I tested half of the planes.

So my favourites (besides my own :)) are

Ekku Zakku - Ensoku, gm537 - Kalbatross and FallingIntoBlack - FS-1 Kestrel

And here are the Detailed Test Results.

Thanks so much for picking mine as your first choice as the stock replacement! That means a lot =3 there's a reason why I said it's the best plane I've ever made! I surprised myself with how well it flies.

I know gm537 said that mine didn't do perfectly well with yaw, but that's only because I built it to be so stable. When it gets off the velocity vector on the horizontal axis, it will roll away from the velocity vector (if you yaw to the right, it will roll to the right) due to the dihedral design of the wings. I figured that stability in forward flight would be more important as it's a long range craft. I found it to stay mostly level with SAS enabled during yaw input.

It's funny though, I had an earlier version that was virtually the same aside from some wings moved around, and it would stay completely level forever with yaw input, but it would not roll with roll input XD

As for my vote, as I mentioned earlier, Octagon gets it. I know it's pretty vain to vote based on looks alone, but these are just the preliminary votes. I'll be putting much more thought into the final round.

Edited by Ekku Zakku
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aaagh why didn't i post this beauty by brobel? A winner for sure!

X-8 Dream carrier

This 69 ton giant is inspired by the real life giant the An-225 Mriya. It has 8 turbo jet engines over 6900 units of fuel and can fly for a long time. Needs the whole runway for takeoff but has no tail strike problems. Takes off at about 120 and can climb at about 10 degrees without losing speed (yes its really slow). Has a cut off range between 16000 and 18000. Is easy to land for being huge. You get this giant plane and i know your thinking holly crap i bet its part count is huge but its only 277.

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"The Albatross".

My goal for the design, fit in the name of "Albatross 3" replacement.

A flyable plane that simulate "Albatross" at very best. The original "Albatross 3", has this description :

"The Albatross 3 is a low-speed, long-range aircraft, capable of stable sustained flight for hours on end.

Its very long wings will flex quite a bit, but the flight operations handbook says that's "most likely normal".

It also recommends always using rudder and ailerons combined to turn it."

So, my understanding on that "Albatross 3", is a low-speed, long-range, long hours flight, and low-altitude due to its using the Normal-Jet-engines, and not Turbo-Jet.

#Craft file updated#1. Adding a few wings under the bird belly, and tail-fin. The bird now consider flying stably, although the turning is a bit hash, but I will keep it that way. Due to this is the characteristic of the Albatross itself.

#Craft file updated#2. Adding fuellines, science equipment, batteries etc..

My personal point of view:-

The spirit of making a replacement, should be always by referring to its original version.
And enhance upon it. My enhancement was: it look more like an albatross now.


I don't think I can make it in the 1st round vote. But I love my creation. I vote for myself.

However, for those who tested my craft. Thanks for flying it.

(My ship part are 64. Please double check if you are flying the latest version.)

and enhancement of a 'pistol' is till a 'pistol', not a sniper rifer, not a machine gun.

Some people just doing it way off the chart.

My personal opinion are...

Parts more than 100 is way over.

Turbo Jet are too powerful, and high altitude.

VTOL is way off the original design.

Don't call it "Albatross replacement" if it does not resemble an 'Albatross'. and the goal for this challenge, '"Albatross replacement"'.

Edited by Sirine
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Alrighty so I just voted but before saying for who I voted for, I am going to post my runner up prizes:

The prize for most similar design to original Albatross 3 goes to: LazyMoon 1 by spaceBrezel

The prize for Time Warp master who's craft best survived and even thrived at 4x time warp goes to: FS-1 Kestrel by FallingIntoBlack

The prize for Longest Range on Basic Jets with easily a 1.5 circumnavigation all at less than 500m/s goes to: Condor by mcirish

The prize for Sexiest Design goes to: Klobal Flyer by Ojimak

The prize for most all around functionality goes to: Ahlbetossed IVb by antbin

Loved all of those designs but couldn't quite bring myself to vote for them for one reason or another.

Edited by gm537
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The prize for Longest Range on Basic Jets with easily a 1.5 circumnavigation all at less than 500m/s goes to: Condor by mcirish

Thank You for the honorable mention.

Just a comment on my own design. The three things things I thought most important for the winner of this challenge to have was long range, basic jets, and look similar to the albatross. I know I nailed the first two. and I think I did a good job on on the third. I felt that there should be a stock craft that utilized shuttle cockpit, and it would seem others thought the same. I am sure I have one of the largest craft in this competition, if not the largest. My logic was if I am going to scale up the cockpit I will need to scale up the rest of the craft as well, while making a more stable craft. By the way the curved wing design was inspired by watching a glider fly.

Oh and also wanted to say nearly all the craft in this competition are par excellence and glad to have the chance to fly them.

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I've finished testing antbin, Blaster, BlazeFallow, briansun1, DaveofDefeat, Ekku Zakku, El_Gato_Bandito, ethan829, Sirine, SpaceBezel, vetrox, whistlehead, Xeldrak, xoknight, and zekes.

So far my favorites are Blaster and vetrox; both handled wonderfully, and I was able to land both centered on the runway (which if you've ever flown for real, is *very* important). Ekku Zakky was very close.

Edited by XolotlLoki
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aaagh why didn't i post this beauty by brobel? A winner for sure!

Uhm...because your entry should be designed by yourself? Do I actually have to write this into the rules?

Hm, I just can't decide for whom to vote - and I don't have the time to testfly everyone....AAAARGGGHHH

But it looks like this time I didn't impress anyone (allthough thanks for the one vote!) - well, into every life a little rain must fall. ;.;

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Thank You for the honorable mention.

Just a comment on my own design. The three things things I thought most important for the winner of this challenge to have was long range, basic jets, and look similar to the albatross. I know I nailed the first two. and I think I did a good job on on the third. I felt that there should be a stock craft that utilized shuttle cockpit, and it would seem others thought the same. I am sure I have one of the largest craft in this competition, if not the largest. My logic was if I am going to scale up the cockpit I will need to scale up the rest of the craft as well, while making a more stable craft. By the way the curved wing design was inspired by watching a glider fly.

No arguments here! The few things that kept me from thinking yours was the best stock craft meant for beginners was that I had some flameouts which I personal was putting a pretty big hit to, and some challenges I had with take-off and landing (also the atmospheric sensor package but no comms device is a knit-pick) nothing major to be honest but you were a 9 competing against 10's. Personally I will likely be using yours in the future, as not a beginner I can deal with the problems and 4,500+ km of range is hard to argue with.

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