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KMP v0.1.5.1 [0.23] [alpha] [inactive]


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@Yilmas: If you terminate a non-active, non-private and non-loaded ship, then it should be gone forever. If it's not, you might want to open a bug on github: https://github.com/TehGimp/KerbalMultiPlayer/issues/new

There are still many bugs in KMP, you will experience more :)

Also, bad news about that one. You can access the KMP_universe.db using 'sqlite3', to delete a vessel you have to set its "Destroyed" flag to 1. The only problem is the Guid's are stored in a binary format, so are the vessels: sqlite3 KMP_universe.db "SELECT * from KMPVessel;"

I mentioned "/dekessler 0" and "/set autoDekessler" true because they are pretty much well needed on public servers.

I think destroyed vessels take a resync for the client to find out...

EDIT: For anyone interested, here's a visualization of the git repo (idea stolen from totemcatcher):

Many people have contributed to make KMP better. This video really shows that, thanks everyone :)

EDIT 2: Just saw the issue Yilmas, thanks.

Just opened an issue on the github.

Anyway to force a resync, that you know of ? Besides reconnecting that is.

Nice video :P Good to see how the community is contributing to the project.

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@JeXus, You have to set the mode before starting the server, and by default it's sandbox already:

/mode sandbox


You can't change the mode while the server is running.

EDIT: Just thought about this, Did you run the server in career mode first and then change it back to sandbox?

Thanks for the reply; I changed mode to career before starting the server then back to sandbox (server was stopped when I changed it back).

Anyway it is fixed: apparently the mode is changed, but the actual spaceship component list does not change if your Kerbal Space Program is still running (i.e. disconnect from server, then reconnect to server). You have to quit KSP, restart it for the changes to apply.

Thanks for the help though!

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@Ratzap: I've heard of this: It looks like it has been fixed for

Subassembly sharing works the same way as craft sharing. Type !sharecraft craftname. A message will appear in chat for everyone, they can type !getcraft yourname to receive it.

Note: !sharecraft looks for the ship in the VAB first, then SPH, then subassembly. If it shares the wrong type you will have to rename the subassembly

Ah right ok, for some reason I had it in my head that KMP just shared it in the background. So IRC type copy commands then, still quicker than dropbox eh. We'll give it a try again once is out, we went to try docking together last night and the ship I'd left in orbit just exploded when I switched back to it ;)

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@kaldt: I also had the problem of career mode science disappearing after reconnecting with 1.5.0. It's claimed to be fixed in latest code, so I'm going to try out the latest (as of 1/4/14).

Edited by bassgojoe
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Getting the following error when I try to start the server on my Debian box:

WARNING: The runtime version supported by this application is unavailable.

Using default runtime: v1.1.4322

** (KMPServer.exe:20078): WARNING **: The class System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 could not be loaded, used in mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'KMPServer.ServerMain' from assembly 'KMPServer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

Any thoughts on how to fix?

EDIT: second question. Could someone please explain what the MD5 readmode in the modfile does? Is that for checking if the client has modified the config file of a part or something? How do we use that?

Edited by ChronicSilence
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@kaldt: When i set up a server in career mode it does not save the progress

This *should* be fixed in the development version, but will be fixed for

@Yilmas: I know if you warp and come out of it you do some type of sync, but it's not a full sync. Reconnecting seems to be the only way :-/

@JeXus: It sounds like you had career data saved, changed back to sandbox and it still downloaded your career data from the server. That's a bug ;)

@Ratzap: Yeah, sub assembly sharing works in the same way as craft sharing for kerbal live feed (which KMP is based upon). I just extended what was there.

@ChronicSilence: "Debian" "WARNING: The runtime version supported by this application is unavailable.".

I'm a debian user myself, except I run debian unstable. If the server doesn't work with "apt-get install mono-complete", then "ls /usr/lib/mono" probably isn't showing a 4.0 folder.

Debian stable is old, but hopefully you just didn't install the mono-complete package *crosses fingers*

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@fresh_sms: Obviously forgot to reply to your post. Unfortunately it's a serialized vessel type, so nothing short of a C# wrapper that depends on the assembly/unityengine dll's is going to help :-/

thank you for reply

i found a solution of C# unserialization for php. but i cant use (i dont know how to use) hahaha and i was not became need this solution when i see your reply

so, i want to get orbit info Apoapsis,Periapsis,inclination, for web from mysql. can you add this in new field of mysql when next?

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I would like to know if anyone has had any success running any of these addons without much added bugginess.


Extraplanetary Launchpads

Infernal Robotics

Kerbal Attachment System


I have checked the server list but I suspect most people are doing what I do and just run a private server for friends.

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@fresh_sms: Probably not, but as I have written a few other utilities for KMP I'll knock up something in C# that dumps the vessel data in a sane format, probably CSV. It will help me understand the vessel code a little better...

@Spider0804: I know kethane stores its data in a scenario block, and that's how career mode saves too. There's a bug in that doesn't reliably save/load this type of data though.

One quirk with kethane though: The scan/deposit data exists for your player only. you won't see the same data..

I'm unsure about the other mods, give em a whirl :)

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@ChronicSilence: "Debian" "WARNING: The runtime version supported by this application is unavailable.".

I'm a debian user myself, except I run debian unstable. If the server doesn't work with "apt-get install mono-complete", then "ls /usr/lib/mono" probably isn't showing a 4.0 folder.

Debian stable is old, but hopefully you just didn't install the mono-complete package *crosses fingers*

I did just install mono-complete package, as specified in the installation instructions. Should I not have? What's the "*crosses fingers*" for, is there a major issue I just caused?

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I found nothing of interest when I searched this thread for the word "throttle," so I'm going to throw this issue out there: when I click away from the KSP window without the mod, my throttle does nothing. When I click away from it with the mod installed, it instantly goes up to one-half. This is tremendously frustrating to have to remember to shut down my engines every time I click away. Has anyone else encountered this?

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@ChronicSilence: Type "mono --version" into the command line. If that says something like, You need to stop using squeeze and start using wheezy (the current stable). The debian stable version is "" - which supports .NET 4

Mono-complete is the correct package to install, I'm guessing you have squeeze in your /etc/apt/sources.list instead of wheezy or stable. That could explain it...

And don't worry, you didn't break anything :)

@Wilmotron: I've never heard of this been reported - ever. You wouldn't happen to have a joystick plugged in would you?

@Spider0804: I've seen vessels explode for no good reason even without KAS, but glad to hear it *kind of* works for you :)

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@fresh_sms: Probably not, but as I have written a few other utilities for KMP I'll knock up something in C# that dumps the vessel data in a sane format, probably CSV. It will help me understand the vessel code a little better...

yeah!!! thanks very much for your work

i'll glad to your message. i hope complete your work successful

good luck!! and take care your health (here is winter: s.korea)

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Career mode is implemented but, everyone has it's own progress, so there is no shared progres.

But, there is a bug in wich when you leave the server, you will loose all progres.

Acoording to the devs this should be fixed in release.

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Has anyone had a successful multiplayer rendezvous in KMP? I just want to know. I can dock solo, but not with a friend. Why is there no video proof of such on Youtube?

Everytime I've tried things get laggy, players drop or clients crash. I've not met a single soul on the public servers who said they were successful. Private servers same thing. Is this hype?

Edited by inigma
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My friend and I tried career again today with the latest dev build. Clean database, clean saves - a complete fresh start. He got into the game first and later when we restarted to check it had saved everything his tech had been saved and his science progress but I was set back to no tech, no science but my persistant.sfs had the science gathering in it so I couldn't repeat the experiements.

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@inigma I can not dock in kmp with friends because they move around too much even on a dedicated server, but we have been making bases near or with eachother.

I think it is probobly a problem with syncing, maybe when syncing another players ship the player with the better server connection should become the master ship and the other ship syncs according to that ship, maybe it would be more precise.

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@inigma I can not dock in kmp with friends because they move around too much even on a dedicated server, but we have been making bases near or with eachother.

I think it is probobly a problem with syncing, maybe when syncing another players ship the player with the better server connection should become the master ship and the other ship syncs according to that ship, maybe it would be more precise.

I just docked on KMP today. Did your friend sit in the target ship? If so, try without him there.

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