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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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This is exactly what I've been juggling with regarding city lights, the trick is 4 or 8k textures that have some variation but are overall fairly average/continuous, this has been a difficult issue to overcome but i feel I'm getting there

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Took this screen yesterday. This is Paris (it looks alien enough to me).


I'm in the process of making the Paris texture seamless. This will take quite some time considering its sheer size and level of detail.

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No. However, that was done for the testing purposes.

I will work on the city overlay texture once I know what the detail image is, so I know what the scale is. This is why I am leaving that for the last.

Also, the detail texture will be larger than 8k.

Edited by Astronomer
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There is no resolution problem with making it just as detailed. The problem is tiling which will become much more apparent than it would on Kerbin when you get high.

And you know I the game won't use the resolution any much higher than it already is. Guess I'll have to either make another texture but at a different scale (same res), or just stick to this and see what happens.

I have not tried this on RSS. I will once I make it tileable.

Edited by Astronomer
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  Astronomer said:
Took this screen yesterday. This is Paris (it looks alien enough to me).


I'm in the process of making the Paris texture seamless. This will take quite some time considering its sheer size and level of detail.

heh, that pack even looks a little like a kerbal with his hands on his hips ;D

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Well... now I am really tempted to put a face on it.

BTW, I am thinking of making it look more alien looking.

What would you guys think of more alien looking cities?

There is much I cannot do with just a texture, but this would be the best possible outcome imo:


Maybe some day...

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One tiny request, if you do end up importing these city textures, can you make sure that there's a large "exclusion zone" around KSC? It's always bugged me that the cities disappear as you're coming in to land. Or is this artefact being solved with the "baking" method?

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  Astronomer said:
Well... now I am really tempted to put a face on it.

BTW, I am thinking of making it look more alien looking.

What would you guys think of more alien looking cities?

There is much I cannot do with just a texture, but this would be the best possible outcome imo:


Maybe some day...

I personally don't like the idea, but it would be cool if you included both "normal" cities and alien cities in the pack, so you can switch texture after personal preference :)

Edited by ABAthedude
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  TMS said:
One tiny request, if you do end up importing these city textures, can you make sure that there's a large "exclusion zone" around KSC? It's always bugged me that the cities disappear as you're coming in to land. Or is this artefact being solved with the "baking" method?

They won't disappear. The cutoff is sudden around the coast though - nothing I can do about that.

  ABAthedude said:
I personally don't like the idea, but it would be cool if you included both "normal" cities and alien cities in the pack, so you can switch texture after personal preference :)

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. A modern version and a +1000 years version of the pack.

Update: If things go the way they are, the pack will weigh more than KSP itself.

Update: Don't worry - multiple resolutions will be provided as not everybody has an x64 processor at this point in time.

Here is a picture of Venus:


And here is my vision of Eve:


Less sand, more rocky planitia.

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Hey rbray, do you think if you get some time you could just fix the bug that's removing all layers from scaledspace/mapview, at least then I could continue work with the latest overhauls. I understand if you're too busy still though.

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hey guys, figured i'd post a somewhat working clouds.cfg file for anyone using the Overhaul branch from github - this only has tweaks for Kerbin at the moment, its rough and dirty but lets you get something up and running that "works"

copy and paste (overwriting everything) to your clouds.cfg file in BoulderCo/Atmosphere

altitude = 4000
speed = 30
_Color = 0.41, 0.80, 1, 0.25
_Visibility = 0.00001
altitude = 2000
speed = 100
texture = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
offset = 0,0,0
_Color = 1,1,1,1
_TopTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/1
_LeftTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/2
_FrontTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/particle/3
_DistFade = 0.5
_DistFadeVert = 2e-400
_LightScatter = 1
_MinLight = 10
altitude = 4000
speed = 100
detailSpeed = 60
offset = 0,0,0
shadow = true
shadowOffset = 0,0,0
_Color = 1,1,1,1
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_FalloffPow = 0.5
_FalloffScale = 0.5
_DetailScale = 0.5
_DetailOffset = 0,0,0
_DetailDist = 0.5
_MinLight = 10.5
_FadeDist = 1
_FadeScale = 1
_RimDist = 1
_RimDistSub = 1
_Color = 1,1,1,1
_MainTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/kerbin1
_DetailTex = BoulderCo/Atmosphere/Textures/detail1
_FalloffPow = 2
_FalloffScale = 3
_DetailScale = 6
_DetailOffset = 0,0,0
_DetailDist = 0.0012
_MinLight = 0.5
_FadeDist = 2.25
_FadeScale = 0.00375
_RimDist = 1
_RimDistSub = 0.01

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I was just wondering, if I make my own cloud layers, such as 2 or 3 on Kerbin, and save them, will they stay there? Or will they reset when I restart the program?

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PS my config has some render distance issues that may slow down some lower end machines (it's rendering volumetric clouds even when in space)

also is there a definitions file anywhere (or comments in the code) that spells out which each config parameter does?

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I am having similar issues with the x64 Gitub build. Which is a pity, as it looks like it has potential to be awesome.


I'm getting these errors related to the Kerbin1 texture.

As well as that, there is still light at midnight on Kerbin. The picture above is also at midnight.


The cloud layer dialogue thing like in the older version is not working. Not yet included?

I think I'll stick with the older one for now, but I look forward to setting this up.

Output log if it's any use at all.


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  Tw1 said:
I am having similar issues with the x64 Gitub build. Which is a pity, as it looks like it has potential to be awesome.


I'm getting these errors related to the Kerbin1 texture.

As well as that, there is still light at midnight on Kerbin. The picture above is also at midnight.


The cloud layer dialogue thing like in the older version is not working. Not yet included?

I think I'll stick with the older one for now, but I look forward to setting this up.

Output log if it's any use at all.


This is either caused by Texture Replacer, or an outdated ATM.

The GUI is now mapped to ALT+E

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  rbray89 said:
This is either caused by Texture Replacer, or an outdated ATM.

The GUI is now mapped to ALT+E

Ok, not currently using ATM, so must be texture replacer.

Is having multiple cloud layers per planet no longer supported?

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  Tw1 said:
As well as that, there is still light at midnight on Kerbin. The picture above is also at midnight.

the light at night is a byproduct of the atmosphere information contained in the config or the GUI, you can tweak the color and/or visibility setting to get it how you like it, _Color is (R,G,B, Opacity) while Visibility appears to be either the density of the atmosphere or the distance at which you can see it, this one i'm not a hundred percent sure of yet

  Tw1 said:
Is having multiple cloud layers per planet no longer supported?

this is supported just fine in the current GUI, you can add or remove layers, name them, all on the left side of the GUI, the config file i posted on the previous page currently uses three layers for Kerbin, one for Atmosphere, one for 2D clouds, and one for volumetric clouds

  AndreyATGB said:
Can you change the GUI to something that doesn't activate trim? CTRL+E is fine for example but ALT sets a slight roll trim.

i'm sure it will eventually support blizzy's toolbar but for now, in this development version, we may just have to put up with that extra button press (alt+x) to reset our trim...

Edited by skbernard
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