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Repeating science tasks in different missions

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I find myself struggling to complete my tech tree.

Do you get smaller science amounts everytime you repeat an action you did in a previous mission? Or is it like it was new all over again every time you launch a new ship?

E.g. : I go to the mun, do the experiments in orbit and get back to kerbin. I get certain amount of sceince points for this , let's call it X. If I run the same mission all over again from scratch, will I still get X or less?

Also, if you get diminishing returns for repeating, is there a way to check a list of "achievements not completed yet" . For example I don't know if I completed the EVA in each of kerbin's and mun's biomes etc.

Tyvm in advance.

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This is how it's supposed to work. After you already know the outcome of an experiment, you learn less by repeating it. :) The idea is that you use what you've learned to go on to grander endeavors with fresh potential for science points. There may be a checklist of experiments to be done at some point, but there isn't one in the game yet because nothing is in its final form while the game remains under development.

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Thanks, Another question

I noticed that some experiement results can be sent "early" through the radio, but you achieve much much less (like 20% overall). If I am to send my experiment (e.g. materials deck on the mun) therefore getting 20%, if I manage to land back in kerbin do I get the extra 80% or is it lost forever?

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As I understand it (somebody correct me if I'm wrong), there is a certain amount of science points which can be derived from performing a specific action. Transmitting multiple reports will add little bits toward the maximum possible, and bringing home the whole scientic device will add a bigger chunk toward that total, but you don't lose anything by using one approach rather than another.

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Vanamonde has it correct. Each experiment has a max number of science points. You can either do a bunch of transmissions to get full points, or you can return a smaller number of samples to get the full points. Value is never lost forever.

There are changes coming in the next build. Some experiments will require samples to be returned to get full points. Details are in "The Daily Kerbal" in the General section of the forum.

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