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Fuel lines/struts disappeared in VAB

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So, I'm half way through the tech tree, and I thought it'd be "fun" to complete the tree in one go. So, I'm building an Eve lander/Gilly lander mission w/ Rockomax-32s, LV-T30s, Skippers, and LV-909s. I actually think I have a workable design.

Or, at least I did. I was almost done strutting the damn thing up. When I went to finish today, I saw this:


Every single strut and fuel line has become a nub. I don't know if I have the fortitude to re-strut and re-line all 57 stages of this thing.

Does anybody know what's going on here, and if it's reversible?


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I had something similar happen to me months ago in .18. Mine was a far simpler design and I wasn't using fuel lines. But I figured I'd try to launch anyway given that both nubs showed... probably just some kind of video/visual error I thought. As far as I can remember the launch went off without a hitch.

So, unless the look of it disturbs you, why not launch and see what happens?

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There can also be alignment issues if you accidentally pick up a portion of the ship and it spins to a different alignment than it was originally at. The strut hubs are all there, but they are trying to connect to different pieces.

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Is it a subassambly? If so, there used to be a bug where loading a subassambly would sometimes load the fuelline before the tank, and thus there was nowhere for the fuelline to attatch. Thus the fuelline became a nub. Not exactly sure if that's still pressent though

PS: I'd personally suggest to assamble the rocket in parts and dock them tougether in orbit. Might be alot easier :P

Ofcourse, that only works if you already have docking ports, not sure off that

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Scogdog, Unfortunately, I wasn't done strutting, and I'm fairly certain the ship will fall apart on the pad. I can't tell what has and hasn't been strutted yet, since I can't see where my struts are.

Sirrobert, it's not a subassembly, and unfortunately I'm incorporating as much in orbit docking as I can manage. This is just the Eve return stage, it will dock with a Eve transport stage once in orbit. If I can get it in orbit.

numerobis, it's an interesting idea, but I don't see that error when I load the ship up. Instead, I get lots of "Skipped rendering frame because Gfxdevice is in invalid state" error spam. I see that error in other contexts too, but I've never been able to figure out what it means.

aven17, I haven't touched a thing. My struts and fuel lines went from 100% connected to 0% connected without warning.

Anybody else recognize this error?


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I've had this and it's annoying, sometimes struts cant "path" through parts properly and they break, and the only real fix is you reseat them so they don't skim the fuel tanks surface (or the surface of any other part) quite so closely.

They can also break if they are part of a sub assembly, that's a real bug and needs addressing, hopefully for the next release.

Edited by sal_vager
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