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Here's the log I promised on reddit. I don't see anything in particular that stands out, it's not that large either at 4MB.

In KSP.log a vessel switch happens at:

[LOG 23:33:59.045] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel Sat Ship ----------------------

[LOG 23:33:59.060] stage manager resuming...

[LOG 23:34:01.890] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel Sat Ship Debris ----------------------

[LOG 23:34:01.892] stage manager resuming...

[LOG 23:34:02.273] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel Sat Probe ----------------------

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Here's the log I promised on reddit. I don't see anything in particular that stands out, it's not that large either at 4MB.

In KSP.log a vessel switch happens at:

There doesn't seem to be a single RT2-caused exception in there, which leads me to believe it's a stock squad bug.

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@Cliph: Really enjoying the latest version. Fabulous! I also find KSP a lot less interesting without RemoteTech 2.

[*]Optional setting to allow dish reconfiguration in the tracking station even when out of contact. (Punishment by inconvenience instead of sending out a recovery mission or coding in a failsafe)

This sounds great to me. To my mind it simulates a scenario where having lost contact you must go to the tracking station to command the full resources of your Deep Space Network to re-establish contact. I wonder if it would still fail if your batteries are dead?

[*]EVA Radio (okay, there, you win.)


Back in the RemoteTech 1 days, Chatterer would stop if your manned ship was out of contact. This has broken (SPU not found) and I guess it is an issue with the Chatterer mod rather the RT2 really but it would be nice to get it back and working with EVA radio as well. When Jeb takes a lonely EVA stroll on the back side of the Mun with no chance of comms it always spoils the moment to have Chatterer barking in your ear. Hmm... I will try to link this post to the Chatterer forum.

Done: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25367-0-22-Chatterer-v-0-5?p=875125&viewfull=1#post875125

Edited by Kaa253
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I'm having an issue since I updated to 1.3.3 (from your 2013. pre-release build)

It's now impossible for me to switch to a different vessel without the game not knowing where it is. I have to restart the game every time. Twice even the space center wasn't loading and I could only see the atmosphere.

Though I'm using several mods, there's a bunch of RT2-related exceptions in the log, as well as evidence of active ship being in a broken state during save (eeek!)


Other mods:

Deadly re-entry, Kethane, Alarm clock, TAC life support, Kerbal Engineer, KW Rocketry, KAS, FAR, Interstellar, MagicSmokeIndustries, Enhanced Navball

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I am curious to know if anyone else is having a problem with dishes falling off craft? I built a ground based station to start to build my communications network and every time I loaded it or another craft the dishes were either gone or listed a debris. I just switched from sandbox to career mode and was rebuilding all my craft when this started. Also if it makes a difference I tried mounting the dishes to both stock parts and with robotics parts as well and it didnt seem to change anything, they were also 2 different dishes on the same craft.

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I am curious to know if anyone else is having a problem with dishes falling off craft? I built a ground based station to start to build my communications network and every time I loaded it or another craft the dishes were either gone or listed a debris. I just switched from sandbox to career mode and was rebuilding all my craft when this started. Also if it makes a difference I tried mounting the dishes to both stock parts and with robotics parts as well and it didnt seem to change anything, they were also 2 different dishes on the same craft.

If you made something without a pod, it can do that. Anything without a pod is debris.

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I have a unmanned pod and have control of the craft but the dishes keep falling off, just made a simple craft and got the same problem with the dish falling off, do they have to be manned pods for them to stay on?

With some more testing it seams to be any antenna that is deployable that separates from the craft, both stock and remotetech parts.

I have tested all the dishes that are deployable in orbit and they are fine, so how can I have them deployed on Kerbin for a comms truck? or do you have to use the non-break in astmosphere dishes?

Edited by H0LLYW00D
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I have some real issues here, the stock antennas refuse to connect.

Also after switching to a manned vessel I don't have control sometimes and last time I lost progress cause I couldn't control a Kerbal in EVA ....

edit: After a further test I don't get any connection in any way

Edited by Bizz Keryear
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Well in reality... The transmitters we have here on Earth are much more sensitive and can transmit at much greater powers than anything in orbit. Landers often have a low power transmitter to transmit back up to an orbiter and have that relay the info back to Earth... But it's happened several times that the Earth receivers could pick up the landers transmission directly. Even stuff really far out and low powered. Sending info the other way is a different story.

You can get situations where you can hear the spacecraft but the spacecraft can't hear you.

I feel inclined to point out that while landers and rovers have relatively weak transmitters and do often transmit up to an orbiting satellite for relay, they are fully capable of transmitting to Earth and said transmitters are designed directly for that purpose. The orbiting satellites used as relays are not essential in any way to the operation and data gathering of the rovers. The transmitters are not designed specifically for relay use and those "several times" that a Mars transmission has been received were not luck nor fluke, but intended design and operation. Also, sending info the other way is not really a different story and if you are receiving data from a vehicle you can almost 100% of the time send info back. The only reason for relay use is a faster data transmission rate as well as satellites having a more constant supply of power, spends much more time in view of Earth, uses less energy than direct Earth transmission.and often has larger, higher powered transmitting equipment due to somewhat less constraint due to weight.

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I have some real issues here, the stock antennas refuse to connect.

Also after switching to a manned vessel I don't have control sometimes and last time I lost progress cause I couldn't control a Kerbal in EVA ....

I'm not Cilph but I can definitely guess what he's gonna answer. Give KSP_Data/output_log.txt then he can actually see what's going wrong.

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I have some real issues here, the stock antennas refuse to connect.

Also after switching to a manned vessel I don't have control sometimes and last time I lost progress cause I couldn't control a Kerbal in EVA ....

edit: After a further test I don't get any connection in any way

OK here is the log file https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8G15uDawhyDWU9BU2hselduaHc/edit?usp=sharing

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I feel inclined to point out that while landers and rovers have relatively weak transmitters and do often transmit up to an orbiting satellite for relay, they are fully capable of transmitting to Earth and said transmitters are designed directly for that purpose. The orbiting satellites used as relays are not essential in any way to the operation and data gathering of the rovers. The transmitters are not designed specifically for relay use and those "several times" that a Mars transmission has been received were not luck nor fluke, but intended design and operation. Also, sending info the other way is not really a different story and if you are receiving data from a vehicle you can almost 100% of the time send info back. The only reason for relay use is a faster data transmission rate as well as satellites having a more constant supply of power, spends much more time in view of Earth, uses less energy than direct Earth transmission.and often has larger, higher powered transmitting equipment due to somewhat less constraint due to weight.

The specific example I was thinking of ... I'm not sure of... so didn't want to call it out. The Cassini Hyugans(Spelling?) probe that landed on Titan. That probe was not designed to send directly back to Earth... But I believe we did pick up its signal from Earth and then waited for the relay from the Cassini orbiter. I'm unsure because I know we lost half of the data from the probe... so maybe what we picked up was just a carrier signal or something and or too badly degraded to get data from.

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Nasa's choice of relays path, for speed/bandwidth, also ties into the limitations of the Deep Space Network's antennae. They could listen to a rover directly, but often choose a relay if doing so means using either a smaller dish or spending less time on the big one. There are only three of the big (70m) dishes and only one ever available for a given direction.

I wonder if NASA could get the NRO/NSA to turn around some of the mentor sats. Their 100m+ dishes might make a great extension of the DSR.

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So I take my favourite aircraft to test RT2 I've just installed, clear its cockpit so that it is remotely controlled, take off and fly away from the KSC. 5km... 10km... nothing happens, I can still control it. Hyperedit it into orbit - same thing. Then, after a few minutes of what-could-I-be-doing-wrong reflection, I switch to some old probe orbiting the Mun, and - finally! - can't do a thing, flight computer button works and says "connection error" (wouldn't ever imagine I'd be glad to see that...)

Turns out that first craft had a probe core from B9, and RT knows nothing about it.

Well, my bad, really, should have tried something more conventional first. But may I suggest adding module manager definitions for probe cores from some other mods too? Something like

name = ModuleSPU

name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive
TechRequired = advUnmanned
OmniRange = 3000

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPU
IsRTCommandStation = true

name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive
TechRequired = largeProbes
OmniRange = 3000

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

name = ModuleSPU
IsRTCommandStation = true

name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive
TechRequired = automation
OmniRange = 3000

PacketInterval = 0.3
PacketSize = 2
PacketResourceCost = 15.0

(The last one is from Interstellar mod and its custom tech tree)

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The specific example I was thinking of ... I'm not sure of... so didn't want to call it out. The Cassini Hyugans(Spelling?) probe that landed on Titan. That probe was not designed to send directly back to Earth... But I believe we did pick up its signal from Earth and then waited for the relay from the Cassini orbiter. I'm unsure because I know we lost half of the data from the probe... so maybe what we picked up was just a carrier signal or something and or too badly degraded to get data from.

Ah, I see. The Huygens probe, part of the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft/mission was a little bit of a different story. We did receive the signal, however it was fairly weak and so far as I know, was used mainly for Doppler experiments and most data came from the Cassini spacecraft. While more data was lost than should honestly have been, I don't think it was half. They lost half of all pictures and a Doppler experiment. These losses were not due to any actual signal issues, but rather the fact that the ESA forgot to write a program to turn on one of the channels leaving only one working. While the channels were mostly redundant and transmitted most of the the same information,the doppler experiment was only on the non-working signal and the 700 pictures were split between the two channels.

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Hello there,

I've been setting up Sat nets for a while, and recently I decided to venture to the mun and throw 4 sats in random orbits there.

I ended up with:


The detachable satellites have Communitron 16s.

Anyways... fast forward to the execution stage and here's what happens:

-Achieve Munar orbit -> Detach satellite -> No connection error on detached satellite

I'm maybe 100m away from the parent, each child satellite has a probe core & fully extended Communitron 16. The parent satellite has the same. So... yeah, dunno what's going on here, any ideas?

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I'm maybe 100m away from the parent, each child satellite has a probe core & fully extended Communitron 16. The parent satellite has the same. So... yeah, dunno what's going on here, any ideas?

I have had this occur before. Going to the tracking station and/or doing a restart, reload has always fixed it for me. Oh, and another thought, RT might be getting confused because your 4 child probes will have the same name. Perhaps try renaming them all.

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Oh, and another thought, RT might be getting confused because your 4 child probes will have the same name. Perhaps try renaming them all.

OK maybe that's also the cause for me ...

but this needs to be fixed ...

one way to deploy satellites is to launch more than one with the same rocket!

And even if not, as soon as you deploy a satellite it has the name as the rocket it was attached to.

That makes two (and maybe even more debris) parts with the same name...

I am going to edit the save file and have a look...

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Looked back through quite a few pages, couldn't really find anything useful.

I'm trying to set up a network around Kerbin. Each sat has a KR-7 and a DP-10. The first two sats (I'll call them sat1 and sat2) get targeted against Mission Control. But then the next one that goes up targets against either sat1 or sat2 (because mission control is out of line of sight), loses contact.

I assume that I need two dishes on each of these sats? One to target the previous link in the chain, and another to target the next link?

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I have some real issues here, the stock antennas refuse to connect.

Also after switching to a manned vessel I don't have control sometimes and last time I lost progress cause I couldn't control a Kerbal in EVA ....

edit: After a further test I don't get any connection in any way

Up in the top corner where the mission timer is, does RT show "N/A"? Usually if it does it could mean module manager is not installed properly or something along those lines )a pretty common problem). Mine is currently showing N/A after i installed the latest version of RT, I just haven't had time to try reinstalling MM (the one from 1.3.3 likely when I get around to it). Just a thought

I have had this occur before. Going to the tracking station and/or doing a restart, reload has always fixed it for me. Oh, and another thought, RT might be getting confused because your 4 child probes will have the same name. Perhaps try renaming them all.

I haven't had this problem I launched a vessel with 3 sats attached, and in testing it have disconnected all 3 at the same time on accident with out any problems that I noticed. Though because it was an accident I don't think I did much with it.

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Looked back through quite a few pages, couldn't really find anything useful.

I'm trying to set up a network around Kerbin. Each sat has a KR-7 and a DP-10. The first two sats (I'll call them sat1 and sat2) get targeted against Mission Control. But then the next one that goes up targets against either sat1 or sat2 (because mission control is out of line of sight), loses contact.

I assume that I need two dishes on each of these sats? One to target the previous link in the chain, and another to target the next link?

Stick an omni range antenna on all your sats. You don't need dishes pointing at each other around Kerbin. Omnis will communicate with all in range satellites and automatically relay through other omnis back to mission control. Omnis have very limited range compared to dishes, so are best utilized for communication between satellites around a specific body.

I assume that I need two dishes on each of these sats? One to target the previous link in the chain, and another to target the next link?

And yes you do for dish to dish communication.

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Just got this mod and I'm not sure If I'm doing something wrong, would appreciate some help.

I've got 4 probes set up with 2 dishes(KR-7 and KR-14) as well as a omnidirectional antenna, communotron 32. They are orbiting kerbin at 400km. All the dishes and antenna are on and on the map view I can see that the form a little network over mission controll and kerbin. Then I've got a science lab orbiting the mun. It's on the side of the moon facing kerbin, the communication devices are on(comms-DTS-M1 and communotron 32), But every time I try to transmit science, I get the error message "No comms devices on this vessel. Cannot transmit data". I've tried pointing the dish on the science lab at mission control, kerbin and all the probes orbiting kerbin. Can't get it to transmit. Anyone know what could be wrong?

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