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U can fine edited cfg file around that add Aies and LLL for 1 look at the top of this page for the aies and its not hard to edit them if u dont know open the *.cfg files with notepad have a look see what makes them tic

Edited by Mecripp2
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it wasnt at first as u can see it says 1.2.6 and the new 1 is 1.2.7 if u look at your RemoteTech_Settings.cfg u see

MissionControlRange = 7.5E+07

MissionControlPosition = -0.1313315,-74.59484,75

MissionControlGuid = 5105f5a9d62841c6ad4b21154e8fc488

ActiveVesselGuid = 35b89a0d664c43c6bec8d0840afc97b2

MissionControlBody = 1

ConsumptionMultiplier = 1

RangeMultiplier = 1

SpeedOfLight = 3E+08

MapFilter = Omni, Dish, Planet, Path

EnableSignalDelay = True

RangeModelType = Standard

NathanKell_MultipleAntennaSupport = False

ThrottleTimeWarp = True

if u need or want to u can change EnableSignalDelay = False to turn delay off

There is no config file of that name.

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u dont have RemoteTech_settings.cfg ? or u looking for parts ? u should have around 5 *.cfg files in RT





RemoteTech_Squad_Probes .cfg


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yep i forgot about that 1 is there a part u guys have in mind ? ill try to take the Hermes Deep Space Probe nice little mad good sat but u want to use it in RT first we need to fine the name of the part so open Lionhead_Aerospace_Inc\Hermes Deep Space Probe\ here i see 3 files but i just want to edit the pod so Lionhead_Aerospace_Inc\Hermes Deep Space Probe\pod there look for the part.cfg open it with notepad and u see all this



// --- general parameters ---

name = LH_Hermes

module = CommandPod

author = Yogui

// --- asset parameters ---

mesh = model.mu

scale = 1

rescaleFactor = 0.5

// --- node definitions ---

// definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z

node_stack_top = 0.0, 3.65, 0.0, 0, 1, 0, 1

node_stack_top2 = 0.0, 3.65, 0.0, 0, 1, 0, 1

node_stack_engine = 0.0, -0.7, 0.0, 0, 1, 0, 1

node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -2.3, 0.0, 0, 1, 0, 2

// --- editor parameters ---

cost = 600

category = Pods

subcategory = 0

title = Hermes deep space probe

manufacturer = Lionhead Aerospace Inc.

description = A scientific probe made for one way intersideral travel.

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

attachRules = 1,0,1,1,1

// --- standard part parameters ---

mass = 0.5

dragModelType = default

maximum_drag = 0.2

minimum_drag = 0.15

angularDrag = 2

crashTolerance = 12

maxTemp = 3400

stagingIcon = COMMAND_POD

// --- pod/rcs parameters ---

vesselType = Probe

CrewCapacity = 0



name = ModuleCommand

minimumCrew = 0


// --- SAS parameters ---



name = ModuleReactionWheel

PitchTorque = 5

YawTorque = 5

RollTorque = 5



name = ElectricCharge

rate = 0.3





name = ModuleSAS


//--- Animation ---



name = ModuleAnimateGeneric

animationName = deploy

startEventGUIName = Deploy antennas

endEventGUIName = Undeploy antennas

isOneShot = true


// --- Sensors ---



name = ModuleEnviroSensor

sensorType = ACC

u could just edit this file and be done but i like to just add new file so at anytime i can just take them out.

but im just looking to make a file not edit there parts so look for name = LH_Hermes

now with with new open notepad i made this





name = ModuleSPU




name = ModuleRTAntennaPassive

TechRequired = unmannedTech

OmniRange = 60000000000

EnergyCost = 0.93



PacketInterval = 0.3

PacketSize = 2

PacketResourceCost = 15.0




and save it made sure you rename the *.txt change the TXT to *.cfg

there u have a 60 gm omni sat

is u used LLL mod and u still want 60 gm change @PART[LLLAttchDishSmall] or @PART[Commtow] or @PART[LLLRadar] or @PART[LLLRotDish] or @PART[LLLRotDish2-5] thats all i think hope help change the range what ever good luck

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I haven't gotten into it much yet (looking into it now) but I'm guessing (and it may be a far fetched/half brained guess) it maybe due in part to module manager. I had Kerbal Engineer all pods installed, and earlier in 0.22 it had similar graphics display issues (parts of the KE interface messed up/solid colors). Same thing happened in 0.23, and RT2 shows "N/A" which happens when module manager isn't installed correctly or there is a issue with the current version installed.

Link to the Module Manager thread, just in case: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219-Module-Manager-1-5-%28Nov-11%29 Not updated just yet, but 0.23 only came out a few hours ago, and as much as we'd like the devs to drop everything and update their mods, they do have a life out of KSP, shocking as it may seem. :)

I've updated a few of my mods (Kethane and KAS so far are the only ones I use that have been updated). I guess I'll give it a go and see if it's still as broken lol.

Edited by Sma
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Aw drat. Every single time I finally go to build an RT2 comms network, KSP update and breaks RT.

lol yep, know what you mean. Though in my case I'm being stubborn and trying to make it using kOS to automatically deploy the komm sats.

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Yeah, does indeed look like Remote Tech is not happy about .23

I don't think is module manager it self... unless remote tech is using something special in there, as FAR uses the same module manager just fine.

At least for now, I can do stuff with live kerbals and when an update lets me, I can start using remote tech again.

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In vanilla 0.23, I had communitron 16 on a craft that I loaded up on VAB. When I checked action group with that part it didn't show up, I had to delete it and put a new communitron 16 back on for it to work. I had other problems with saved craft files, I found it best to start all over and make new craft from scratch.

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Tried to make a .23 quickfix.

It seems to have fixed the "root" issue :)

But havn't checked it THAT much yet...

Have a go if you want:

-removed link-

(Install the latest RemoteTech, and replace the DLL file in RemoteTech2/Plugin folder)


This is just a compile of the sourcecode that follows the mod, with the errors changed to new KSP code.

The source is availible as a fork in GitHub (reelgood).

I do not own, or have not created this mod. The dropbox entry will be removed once a patch is officially released, or if the devs request I remove it.

Edited by arsenic87
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Yeah, does indeed look like Remote Tech is not happy about .23

I don't think is module manager it self... unless remote tech is using something special in there, as FAR uses the same module manager just fine.

At least for now, I can do stuff with live kerbals and when an update lets me, I can start using remote tech again.

I "removed" module manage (renamed the dll to dl) and my problem seems to have gone away. I was able to launch a rocket with out it going crazy (rocket noise starts as soon as launch pad loads and screen zooms out to the rocket engine burning way above the ground). Though I guess that's not exactly proof that is is MM, could be something RT2 is calling in MM. Though from the looks of it someone has "fixed" RT2. Although I think I'll wait until its official. No offense. :)

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I "removed" module manage (renamed the dll to dl) and my problem seems to have gone away. I was able to launch a rocket with out it going crazy (rocket noise starts as soon as launch pad loads and screen zooms out to the rocket engine burning way above the ground). Though I guess that's not exactly proof that is is MM, could be something RT2 is calling in MM. Though from the looks of it someone has "fixed" RT2. Although I think I'll wait until its official. No offense. :)

None taken :)

The source I have changed is availible as a fork in github if you want to check which changes are made.

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