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  kalizec said:

Not sure which of these are caused by RT. But the duplication almost surely is.

  EnterElysium said:
Sadly I have to add my voice to the list of people having issues with this (amazing) mod. I got a lot of crashes that progressively got more and more frequent and massive performance drops until now when as soon as I try and enter the tracking station the game hangs. The error log for these crashes almost always blames an access violation with Mono.dll.

I am running a very modded game on this install but I cannot see any problems once I remove the remotetech plugin. :(

  DerekL1963 said:
That's a known bug in the current release.

Hopefully you guys saw a couple pages back a fix we have been using to these issues while Cilph is away.

Since updating the DLL, I haven't had RT issues in my game and think others have had similar success.

Credit to madadam+JDMJ for fixes to issue 189 on the github, I call this 1.3.3 fixpack 2:


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  Peppe said:
What do you mean hangs at the tracking station?

Your logs giving a remotetech error?

I've had this 2 days ago. I played 1-2 hours without the dll and when I put it back I also changed the settings file barely. It loaded fine after that. As for logs I didn't see anything in either of them. The last message after change to planetarium was remote tech loading the button icons, no errors or anything. The game then completely freezes and starts taking RAM like crazy. It goes from 2GB to 3+ in 10 seconds or less. And yes it goes over 3 somehow.

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I have a satellite in Minmus orbit with the stock round dish on it and a station in low Kerbin orbit with a dish aimed at Minmus. When I control the Minmus satellite and target Kerbin I get no connection, but if I target the station directly it works. Sup wid dat?

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  SnappingTurtle said:
I have a satellite in Minmus orbit with the stock round dish on it and a station in low Kerbin orbit with a dish aimed at Minmus. When I control the Minmus satellite and target Kerbin I get no connection, but if I target the station directly it works. Sup wid dat?

Does it 'Target' Minmus?

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Yeah when I say aimed at I mean I've selected it from the target menu.

There's also a small problem where if you open the target menu and change from a target that gives connection to one that doesn't you lose connection as you should, but you can still change targets if the target menu is still open. If you try to open the target menu it says no connection to send message on but if it's already open you can bypass this.

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As per your connection problem, hard to say without a save / screenshots. There are a number of issues with the tracking of satellites since 0.23. Try relaunching the game and try again to see if that fixes it

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Relaunching the game doesn't work. I have a separate station in Minmus orbit which has a dish from RT2 that works when I target Kerbin, so I think maybe it's to do with the stock dish. I can upload screenshots, what do you need to see? I could upload my save but I have a lot of mod parts that make up my stations etc. I'll try to make a minimal reproduction of the problem and upload it when I can.

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  SnappingTurtle said:
I have a satellite in Minmus orbit with the stock round dish on it and a station in low Kerbin orbit with a dish aimed at Minmus. When I control the Minmus satellite and target Kerbin I get no connection, but if I target the station directly it works. Sup wid dat?

Just to make sure, on minmus you are using the 50Mm or 90Mm dish?

Any others will have a cone angle too small to see more than a small window of kerbin until they are 1000-2000 Mm out.

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I'm using the Communotron 88-88 with 40 Gm range. This one doesn't have enough field of view?

OK I see now it has barely a twentieth of a degree cone angle, I didn't realise it was so constricted. Thanks guys, my mistake.

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  SnappingTurtle said:
I'm using the Communotron 88-88 with 40 Gm range. This one doesn't have enough field of view?

OK I see now it has barely a twentieth of a degree cone angle, I didn't realise it was so constricted. Thanks guys, my mistake.

Sounded like that type of problem.

Also the super long range dishes have a smaller cone angle than the game displays. I've put the values in their part files here:


The largest two dishes basically need to be about 10 times further out to see even half of kerbin using the cone targetting. ~10,000-20,000 Mm

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So I just installed this mod and the parts are there but not the information like their range of communication. I can't use right click because on the info display box when you hover your mouse over the objects is says No More Info? Anybody else have this issue?

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  Ca11MeKarma said:
So I just installed this mod and the parts are there but not the information like their range of communication. I can't use right click because on the info display box when you hover your mouse over the objects is says No More Info? Anybody else have this issue?

Did you install the included Module Manager? There should be a Module_Manager_1_5_6.dll in your GameData folder.

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I have noticed when targeting a planet with a dish, it won't connect to a dish in range around a moon. The same is true if I target a moon, the dish won't connect to sats in range around the planet. Are there any plans to fix this, or a way to make it work?

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