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[1.1.3] AntennaRange 1.11.4 - Enforce and Encourage Antenna Diversity


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No problem MeCripp. I think it's great that already-programmed MJ operations will continue without a connection. As you said, this is perfectly intuitive.

I was merely wondering if it allowed new MJ operations to be initiated without a connection. I'm glad to hear it does not, because doing so could be used to basically circumvent the comm link requirement for probe control altogether, in which case you might as well just turn off the requirement.

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I want to add another experiment to the right-click menu for kerbals.

In the MM thread I found a 2+years old post, that it was only possible via a plugin.

Now my question to you - and KospY in his KIS mod thread - as you change the EVA "part" with you mod, can you adept it to accept MM configs or use configs to further change the EVA menu?

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KerbMav, my EVAManager plugin (currently only used here and by TweakableEverything) already lets you do that. For example, if you wanted to add a thermometer experiment to a Kerbal, put something like this in a .cfg file in GameData:

name = ModuleScienceExperiment
experimentID = temperatureScan
experimentActionName = Log Temperature
resetActionName = Delete Data
useStaging = False
useActionGroups = True
hideUIwhenUnavailable = False
xmitDataScalar = 0.5
dataIsCollectable = False
rerunnable = True
usageReqMaskInternal = 1
usageReqMaskExternal = 8

You can get it from the AntennaRange and TweakableEverything archives, or from KerbalStuff. Someday maybe I'll release that more officially.

EVAManager discussion relocated over here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121146

In unrelated news, I'm releasing a testing version of AntennaRange featuring pretty lines! If you're both brave and committed to providing useful bug reports in the event of a problem, you're welcome to check it out and see if anything horrible happens.

Download: [zip] [tar.gz] [tar.xz]

It also comes with a really rough first draft of a VOID panel for AntennaRange. It's mostly useless at this point, but if you want to check it out you will need this dev build of VOID, as well: [zip] [tar.gz] [tar.xz]

Edited by toadicus
EVAManager discussion moved.
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  toadicus said:
In unrelated news, I'm releasing a testing version of AntennaRange featuring pretty lines! If you're both brave and committed to providing useful bug reports in the event of a problem, you're welcome to check it out and see if anything horrible happens...
I saw what you said. Specifically, nothing horrible. Out-of-range antennas do not display network visualizations, and instead show a single red line back to Kerbin, which I assume is the intended functionality. Haven't yet tested occlusion. In-range switching seems to work, but only tested with a single relay.
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For me it seems to kill all FPS - going to Map view instantly reduces my FPS from solid 50 to ~15 constantly.

Also, sometimes the intermediate lines disappear(maybe there is a limit of projections?):


Here's an output log if you can find something related to the FPS drops:


EDIT: Seems like zooming around in Map View causes some artifacts related to lines(on zoom out it seems like a yellow line is projected towards the camera):


Also, rather than just FPS drops, the physics time increases too, effectively slowing down time in map view. This is immediately visible and occurs 100% of the time when you are in Map View, just like the FPS drops.

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  dudecon said:
I saw what you said. Specifically, nothing horrible. Out-of-range antennas do not display network visualizations, and instead show a single red line back to Kerbin, which I assume is the intended functionality. Haven't yet tested occlusion. In-range switching seems to work, but only tested with a single relay.

I actually haven't tested out of range relays at all, only occluded ones. In theory out of range relays should show a red line to the least out-of-range target; a relay if there's one closer than Kerbin, Kerbin if not. Occluded relays do exhibit that behavior, and will e.g. show a red line to a nearby, but blocked, relay when LOS is obscured and nothing better is available.

  smunisto said:
For me it seems to kill all FPS - going to Map view instantly reduces my FPS from solid 50 to ~15 constantly.

Also, sometimes the intermediate lines disappear(maybe there is a limit of projections?):


Here's an output log if you can find something related to the FPS drops:


EDIT: Seems like zooming around in Map View causes some artifacts related to lines(on zoom out it seems like a yellow line is projected towards the camera):


Also, rather than just FPS drops, the physics time increases too, effectively slowing down time in map view. This is immediately visible and occurs 100% of the time when you are in Map View, just like the FPS drops.

Thanks for all the reports! I am looking in to better options for drawing the lines; it looks like LineRenderers are pretty heavy performance-wise. I might also try to get network resolution done in another thread... that's a Big Deal, though. Stay tuned.

EVAManager discussion relocated over here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121146

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  toadicus said:
I actually haven't tested out of range relays at all, only occluded ones. In theory out of range relays should show a red line to the least out-of-range target; a relay if there's one closer than Kerbin, Kerbin if not...
That is not the behavior I observed, so I'm guessing that part isn't working perfectly yet.
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New dev build up: [zip] [tar.gz] [tar.xz]

Still using the same method for drawing lines, but I should be using fewer objects to do so now, which may have a performance increase. I also tweaked a bunch of other stuff around, and fixed the display issue for out-of-range probes that dudecon noticed.

Let me know if it helps performance at all... on my laptop, there's no performance hit at all (for an admittedly-small set of relays); the game stays frame-limited at 60 fps per my choice in KSP settings. If you still have performance issues, could you tell share some of your hardware specs with me so I can guess at whether this is a graphics issue (I've read that the method I'm using for drawing lines has poor performance) or a CPU issue (in large networks there is a lot of work to do to resolve connectivity for every relay). Also, does it slow things down in the general sense (i.e. slow, but frame rate feels "even") or does it stutter (i.e. sometimes there are long waits between frames)?


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Will definitely give it a try today after work(GMT+2 here), otherwise specs should not be an issue:

i7 4790k @ 5GHz;

GTX 670, OC-ed with about 20%;

KSP runs off an SSD.

If you get the calculations to offload on a different thread it may be super smooth and cool.

Also, before - time dilation kicks in(MET time turns yellow the moment you enter the Map view) AND FPS drops as well(rotating the camera becomes slower and slightly choppy).

Running in OpenGL due to the amount of mods and the broken-ness of ATM atm(pun intended).

I have limited FPS to 120, so basically it is unlimited, and KSP usually runs at no less than 60.

I will check out the latest dev version and see how it looks.

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smunisto, thanks. Your machine is definitely more capable than my laptop, though I am running in DirectX mode here. I'll try it again in OpenGL mode, as well.

EDIT 3: OpenGL mode had a very slight slowdown from my 60 fps cap, to about 57 fps.

ManuxKerb, did that correct itself with zooming and camera adjustment, or did it stay super broken? If the latter, can you get me a debug log (Windows: \path\to\KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt; Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log; Mac: ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log) after a run of the game that exhibits the problem? Thanks!

EDIT: I think I duplicated your issue ManuxKerb; did it happen specifically after decoupling or undocking a craft, or something similar?

EDIT 2: Well... maybe. It did happen to me, but it wasn't quite as consistent as I thought it might be...

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Yes it started after a decouple from a stage if i remeber correctly. It was not correctable with zooming. It was super broken till i was very near kerbin again, inside the slow warp (i think below 100 km) it was ok again.

Also the red line is not as heavily affected as the green and the orange one.

I will post a log if this does reoccour.

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Thanks for the fix. But i tried to send science and it says upload finished etc but the sci points get not added to the ones on kerbin. So it is like they would not be recived. This was in low orbit, so no relays. The same happens to me when i try to transfer lab data from lko to kerbin.

Thanks for looking!

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what happens to me is that, outside kerbol sat points to minmus sat, minmus sat point to minmus body , mun sat point to mun body and kerbin sat point to kerbin, no lines between minmus mun and kerbin and i'm unable to transmit.

Connection lines are a nice improvement and i wait for this great update.



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I tried the new dev build and the transmission from the stock science lab does not work. Same old same old, the data says it is transfered but not actually put on the pile of science in the space center. However i did not test the exeriments itself (like last time i reported).

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For some reason when I had this installed it made the camera drop slightly below the rocket as it started to wobble back and fort uncontrollably at around 10km.

Removing this mod immediatly removed that. I used the latest linked AntennaRange zip.

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  Olsson said:
For some reason when I had this installed it made the camera drop slightly below the rocket as it started to wobble back and fort uncontrollably at around 10km.

Removing this mod immediatly removed that. I used the latest linked AntennaRange zip.

Olsson, did you also have TweakableEverything installed? That's an issue we identified over there, which looks fixed in my latest update (according to my quick lab testing).

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