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Will we ever get a real chase-cam?

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Don't know if there's been an official statement of this, but I'm surprised I've never seen anything about it.

Will we ever get a real chase-cam? Like, a setting where the camera stays behind you and follows you while piloting an atmospheric craft? Because right now, it's really annoying to have to move the camera separately while also trying to fly with a joystick.

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  Dizzle said:
I'm aware that v is used to cycle camera views. The problem is that the chase-cam doesn't function correctly.

Well how so? It moves the camera to follow the tail of the ship and lock it there. What other functionality are you looking for it to do?

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  TheCanadianVendingMachine said:
I understand what he means. He wants the camera to stay statically where it is and the camera will chase the craft. So, if you had the camera on the grass, then launch. Camera will stay on the grass as it lifts off. Forever until you change

No. I mean I want it to stay behind the craft, and follow the craft around, always facing the way the craft is facing. Like a third-person view in a flight simulator.

  Deadweasel said:
Well how so? It moves the camera to follow the tail of the ship and lock it there. What other functionality are you looking for it to do?

Are you saying it does that for you? Because it sure doesn't for me, and it never has.

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  Dizzle said:
I'm aware that v is used to cycle camera views. The problem is that the chase-cam doesn't function correctly.

It's always worked fine for me. And a friend of mine. And another friend of mine. And my dad. And my cousin. And my mother.


  Dizzle said:
No. I mean I want it to stay behind the craft, and follow the craft around, always facing the way the craft is facing. Like a third-person view in a flight simulator.

I fly all of my aircraft in chase cam mode and it works exactly like you want it to.

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  Dizzle said:
No. I mean I want it to stay behind the craft, and follow the craft around, always facing the way the craft is facing. Like a third-person view in a flight simulator.

Are you saying it does that for you? Because it sure doesn't for me, and it never has.

That's odd. It does work for me too. What does it do for you? I think it's tied to where the controlling part is facing, so perhaps your control point is facing somewhere other than where you want to be considered "forward" of the ship? I can't verify this at the moment (especially since I rarely use the chase cam anyway), but I've run across issues where a probe core is facing the wrong way, making the navball orient itself incorrectly; I wonder if it has the same effect on the chase cam?

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Well this is embarrassing! I had no idea it would stay if it was moved (since it tends to wander on some of the others), but I just went in to try it and realized it stayed where I put it in chase mode, and came back to you guys telling me to do just that. Guess the only thing that should change is what Horseman said, by having it start from behind.

Thanks guys. I'mma go check out the new island runway. :)

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  Dizzle said:

Well this is embarrassing! I had no idea it would stay if it was moved (since it tends to wander on some of the others), but I just went in to try it and realized it stayed where I put it in chase mode, and came back to you guys telling me to do just that. Guess the only thing that should change is what Horseman said, by having it start from behind.

Thanks guys. I'mma go check out the new island runway. :)


Looks like we both got burned by missing the same functionality eh? Have fun! :D

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I think I know what the OP means, and I agree with him. He is referring to a camera that stays behind the piloted vehicle, as the current chase cam does, but stays in it's original orientation i.e. the background scenery doesn't spin round whilst the vehicle appears to be static in the centre of the screen.

I personally find the current incarnation of chase camera difficult to use because whilst the vehicle you are looking at, particularly aircraft, always appears to be the right way up, it could in fact be flying upside down. If my aircraft is upside down, I want it to appear upside down in my view of it. I would like a chase camera that maintains the same sort of view that you get when using free view, but actually follows the vehicle.

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  Dizzle said:
No it does not. It acts as a free-cam, and has as far as I know, through every update and fresh install I've ever had, mods or vanilla. Does it function for you?

That is odd, because it always worked fine here since at least .18.

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  RoboRay said:
As a pilot, I greatly prefer that the chase view rolls with the craft, giving you the pilot's perspective rather than a "remote control model" perspective.

I used to pilot like you, but then I took a booster to the nozzle. :D

After the disastrous, spinning return to the ground (followed by replacing my keyboard), I never really went back to that mode. :confused:

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  RoboRay said:
As a pilot, I greatly prefer that the chase view rolls with the craft, giving you the pilot's perspective rather than a "remote control model" perspective.

As a real pilot I can tell you that the effect of rolling the craft to 45 degrees and effectively seeing the horizon roll to 45 degrees in the opposite direction is somewhat negated by automatically tilting your head and the brain's interpretation of what you are actually seeing. As an evolutionary ground dweller, we are used to seeing the horizon level (mountainous terrain notwithstanding). I find the 'spinning ground' effect of the current camera chase view somewhat nauseating, which is why I don't use it.

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