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[0.23] Crowd-sourced Science Logs: SCIENCE NEEDS YOU!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just out of curiosity, now that the ARM pack's been out for a while, are there any plans for adding compatibility for asteroids?

After all, asteroids have science values now too (look in the Resources folder of "NASAmission" for proof).

Considering the wide varieties of asteroid sizes and orbits, and the grand total of 4 messages for examining them, I figure somebody besides me has to be interested in this.

Transporting them places might be worth some quotes too (i.e. on the surface of Mun, orbit around Eve, low orbit around Ike).

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  • 2 weeks later...


There is a great number of double spaces after instances of punctuation, mostly after full-stops. These should all be eradicated as that is a deprecated practice from the times of typewriter's monospace fonts. Nowaday's proportional fonts don't need extra space between sentences to help readability.



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The unfiltered one seems mildly broken. While I was editing it I noticed it seemed someone had taken half the document and deleted it. I checked a revision from I think the 28th which is the last whole one by the looks of things and restored it (tried copying it at first to preserve new edits, but that ended badly), but while it shows in the revision history as restored the document is still broken by the looks of things. Someone other than me should take a look.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Vajra said:
The unfiltered one seems mildly broken. While I was editing it I noticed it seemed someone had taken half the document and deleted it. I checked a revision from I think the 28th which is the last whole one by the looks of things and restored it (tried copying it at first to preserve new edits, but that ended badly), but while it shows in the revision history as restored the document is still broken by the looks of things. Someone other than me should take a look.

We are not responsible for the unfiltered file in any way or form. We are stretched as we are trying to maintain the proof-read version, sorry.

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  gmbigg said:
Just out of curiosity, now that the ARM pack's been out for a while, are there any plans for adding compatibility for asteroids?

After all, asteroids have science values now too (look in the Resources folder of "NASAmission" for proof).

Considering the wide varieties of asteroid sizes and orbits, and the grand total of 4 messages for examining them, I figure somebody besides me has to be interested in this.

Transporting them places might be worth some quotes too (i.e. on the surface of Mun, orbit around Eve, low orbit around Ike).

I haven't played in a while but if someone wants to tell me the names of the biomes on the asteroids, I will add them.

  karstro said:
the link is not working for me. am i doing something wrong? (i am using chrome)

You're clicking on the link below the words "The file itself is here?" I am also using Chrome... it can take a while to load, it's a huge file and google docs doesn't like huge files. If you sit on it for ten minutes and it doesn't load, shoot me an e-mail and I'll reply with the file. My address is in my profile.

  Andersenman said:

There is a great number of double spaces after instances of punctuation, mostly after full-stops. These should all be eradicated as that is a deprecated practice from the times of typewriter's monospace fonts. Nowaday's proportional fonts don't need extra space between sentences to help readability.



Is there documentation on this? My understanding is that, despite it being a deprecated practice, it's still correct.

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  codepants said:
I haven't played in a while but if someone wants to tell me the names of the biomes on the asteroids, I will add them.

Asteroids don't really have biomes or situations. They can give different results based on which planet you're currently orbiting. So you should be able to make an asteroid sample report with the id: asteroidSample@MunSrfLanded, or something along those lines. There's not really any way to make reports specific to the asteroids themselves.

Is there documentation on this? My understanding is that, despite it being a deprecated practice, it's still correct.

This is somehow a very contentious issue. The general consensus seems to be that one space is correct, and a lot of word processors and online content management systems will autocorrect two spaces down to one. But it's still possible to find people who insist that two spaces is correct, or better, or something like that.

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This was brought up in discussion elsewhere, but this really should use a module manager config rather than asking users to overwrite the stock ScienceDefs.cfg file. Or at least offer both forms.

The format isn't that complicated, and it obviously requires module manager. It would only require the one-time hassle of making the required edits to the replacement science reports file, and presumably changing how the submission form decides where to put reports.

I use this format for my own mod, a sample of which is shown below.

AsteroidSrfLandedClassA = Many weak seismic reflections are detected from several directions, indicating that this tiny asteroid is composed of loosely packed, stony material.
AsteroidSrfLandedClassA = Only diffuse, scattered seismic waves are detected from this small asteroid.
AsteroidSrfLandedClassB = Vibrations from the spacecraft are still detectable on this asteroid.
AsteroidSrfLandedClassB = Several strong, but highly localized seismic reflections are detected, suggesting the presence of small veins of metallic minerals.
AsteroidSrfLandedClassC = Seismic waves quickly diffuse through the interior of this asteroid, this suggests that it is primarily composed of loosely packed materials.
AsteroidSrfLandedClassC = Faint seismic reflections are detected from the disturbance created by the spacecraft grappling the asteroid.
AsteroidSrfLandedClassD = Very strong seismic waves are detected, along with several weak signals, suggesting that the asteroid has a dense, metallic interior underneath a loosely packed surface.
AsteroidSrfLandedClassD = Localized, strong seismic reflections suggest that this asteroid has a dense, metallic interior.
AsteroidSrfLandedClassE = Several distinct seismic waves are reflected from the interior of this large asteroid.
AsteroidSrfLandedClassE = The strong seismic reflections detected from within this asteroid likely originate from veins of metallic minerals.

This simply adds more science reports to the seismic scan without deleting anything. I believe it's also possible to completely replace the stock reports with custom reports, but someone more familiar with module manager should probably confirm that.

This would also allow for easier targeting of mod science reports.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Known Issues:

- Getting the same log over and over: I believe this has to do with the way Squad's code selects the log and is not related in any way to the file itself. That being said, if someone things they can fix this with a plugin, please share.

Is there any way to at least temporarily fix that known issue? because I'm getting the same log over and over no matter what I do for all crew reports, EVAs, goo reports, and science jr logs - I don't know if it's the same for everything else too. It completely ruins the point of the mod =/. When I looked into the .cfg, it always seems to be picking the science log that is at the top of the list for each category that's listed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a Question i downloaded the File and put it in the Squad Ressource folder and took out the normal ScienceDefs file and renamed the on i Downloaded, but now i have the Problem that i cant do any Science Experiments Anymore.

And its also saved as a .cfg file.

So my Question is do i have to do somthing with it other then Rename it and change it to a .cfg File?

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  MerlinsMaster said:
Also, to avoid confusion, why not simply host the actual .cfg file?

Because it needs to be txt in order for it to be editable by the community.

@IsamuHigashi - did you download the one from the OP? Because that's apparently blank so it's broken. Or did you download the one from the mirror link in the post just above yours by spritiplumber? If so, what did you rename it as?

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  ObsessedWithKSP said:
Because it needs to be txt in order for it to be editable by the community.

@IsamuHigashi - did you download the one from the OP? Because that's apparently blank so it's broken. Or did you download the one from the mirror link in the post just above yours by spritiplumber? If so, what did you rename it as?

I downloaded the not Proof read File and as that dident work i thought maybe that file is brocken, since i couldent figuer out h0ow to download the file above i deletet the Content of the unproofread one and Copy pastet the one from above in it.

Its Named as SciensDefs and is a cfg file

I was able to make it work now i Restored the Original file and Replaced its Content with the one From the File above

I have another Question do.

I noticed that the Science Mecanics have changed after instaling the Mod like Crew reports not giving a 100% Science if transmitet or even taken home and a Part of the Bar is Greyed out at the begining is that Aditional Science to make you read throught all the Reports or Part of the Normall Science Value locked away for the same Reason?

Edited by IsamuHigashi
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  IsamuHigashi said:
I downloaded the not Proof read File and as that dident work i thought maybe that file is brocken, since i couldent figuer out h0ow to download the file above i deletet the Content of the unproofread one and Copy pastet the one from above in it.

Its Named as SciensDefs and is a cfg file

I was able to make it work now i Restored the Original file and Replaced its Content with the one From the File above

I have another Question do.

I noticed that the Science Mecanics have changed after instaling the Mod like Crew reports not giving a 100% Science if transmitet or even taken home and a Part of the Bar is Greyed out at the begining is that Aditional Science to make you read throught all the Reports or Part of the Normall Science Value locked away for the same Reason?

...did you right clicked and checked it is in .cfg?

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