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[Plugin] [WIP] [.22] Cockpit Warning Notifications v0.31 [UPDATED 2/23/14]


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MIT License

INSTALL: put the AWS folder in GAMEDATA, and put the nose cone on your vessel.

UPDATE: replace the entire AWS folder in GAMEDATA with the new one

The temporary nosecone part is located under the Control Group.

Source in the zip file.

Decided to revive and improve on an plugin I made, thanks to this thread.

I'll need a part for this, but I'll save the model request for later. Right now, I have it load with a modified nose cone.

I feel like the features of this works best for aircraft (the original design was for that purpose) but after some playing around with it, I can see how it will be helpful in orbit ops and planetary missions. Staging will need some work.

The basic premise, as requested, was a system that gives you audio clues on flight events, while remaining low-profile (lol window) and easy on the ears.

I've included a silence feature to do the obvious; sometimes the sounds can get a bit much if you're purposely flying close to terrain. I've done my best to space out the sounds with timers so they don't assault your senses. I'm open to suggestions on the conditions for triggering sounds, and I'll list out my rules below.

When I learn how, I'll have a much better looking UI, but really focusing on utility rather than aesthetics: I'd very much like to have all trigger points defined by the user. The issue is my lack of know-how in making a multi window and minimizing UI in unity.

I decided to include read outs of max fuel, vert speed, and fuel remaining; simply because these are the figures I usually want to know at a glance.

The system will indicate various flight events with sounds. I've left voices out of this, because the quality of sounds is very limited. I do have a complete set of current aviation cockpit sounds that I could include for the die-hards.

Planned Features (as of 2/23)

Space Mode
- while active will prevent terrain and atmosphere alarms.

Additional Alerts & Indications

After playing around with it, it really saved my bacon a few times. When you take your eyes off where you are flying, it can give you an advanced warning to pull up in three stages: attention, warning, caution. The escalation of sounds will trigger your response, and save your flight!

The power warnings I've included also help, particularly if you forget to open your solar panels and don't want to get stuck with dead probe.

I'll be including support for the tech tree in the flightControls group.

Will see how this plays out. Of course, your feedback is most welcome.


When your vehicle crashes, so long as the part is not destroyed; alarms will glare in dramatic fashion :D

I made the sounds with ableton live.

Here's where I am at with everything:


  • Vertical Speed Readout
  • Total Vessel Fuel Readout
  • Remaining Fuel Readout

Indicator 'Lights'

  • ATMO


  • SILENCE - turns off all sounds
  • SPACE- prevents certain ground related conditions from triggering alerts
  • RADAR - enables terrain radar tones (*NOT WORKING YET - soon*)
  • POWER - minimizes window (*NOT WORKING YET - soon*)


  • Slow Double Tones: Vessel elevation is below 150m
  • Rapid Stab: Terrain proximity warning at > -6 m/s vertical speed below 100m
  • Rapid Klaxon: Terrain impact imminent - pull up.
  • Deep Pong: Low Fuel Warning: current fuel is 20% of take off load - repeats every 60 seconds.
  • Ding Dong: Cruise/Turn Altitude - vessel is between 10 and 11km.
  • Rapid High Tones: Stage is out of fuel [fuel = 0]
  • Rapid Double Tones: Power is below 10%

Few Problems

  • Fast rising terrain during level flight (CFIT conditions) not perfected. I think I need to use some ray tracing. (something else to learn)
  • It doesn't like having more than one active vessel with the plugin in the same scene (not sure how to fix this yet)
  • Rockets might need fuel system to only monitor active stage (maybe have flight modes)
  • Code is messy and not optimized
  • IntakeAir is giving me a hard time and is not always accurate [FIXED]

Few Ideas

  • Once I get the power button working, maybe I'll load this at start up so we won't need a part. This will probably let you play with the plugin in KMP also.
  • Add sound for 10% of total onboard rcs remaining
  • Add mode or condition to prevent false alarms for rockets during staging (included already to some degree)
  • Altitude call outs below 100 meters in 10 meter steps; and 1m steps below 10m
  • Measure all fuel instead of just liquid fuel, and electric charge
  • Periapsis and apoapsis sound tones.
  • ​Add annunciator panel with gauges/lights [PROGRESS]
  • Messages Removed

The way I have it now, you could have fun with it. ;)

My thanks and admiration to Innsewerants for his help.


- Added license & restored download link

- Planning new features

Edited by Meatsauce
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  kiwiak said:
Do you plan annunciator as window or object for IVA use?

Later one would be ultra-awesome.

Always wanted to build one. Once the features are all hashed out, I can take a stab at making an annunciator plane and internal part. I need to learn a bit more about custom gui styles.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Liam Sheepman said:
Make alarms for low and bingo intake air. That'd be great for SSTOs.

That's a good idea. I'm going to add that now since its a lazy sunday.

Also, I'm probably not going to work on the terrain following feature because another plugin is already doing that very well.

The audio radar is still in the works.

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  johnsonwax said:
This needs to get integrated with RasterPropMonitor.

I'll check it out.


Managed to get some done on Sunday.

Added textures that change based on the conditions.



Got AirFlow working nicely now. It detects a few seconds before flameout.

Some new shot


Going to try a custom panel to make it look a bit less ...stock

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  Capt Snuggler said:
I love it! would be cool if it could in some way be integrated in to the Altitude/G counter on a separate pull-down tab.

maybe it could automatically slide down when an alarm goes off? what ever, keep doing what your doing!


I was thinking of adding in more 'lights' for all the various features of your vessel. I really want some engine related feedback.

I'm not keen on movement, but I could add your request as another light. Just need to identify the conditions.

Here's a cool screen with a flame-out warning:


I added a part counter that checks to ensure you haven't lost any parts mid-flight. This isn't practical for space operations, nor is the airflow indicator on rockets, so again - space mode disables those two rules so it doesn't spam you while in orbit, or while staging.

Also, I started working on the config, and added a three stage RCS light which isn't exactly working atm.

I would like some feedback on the numeric readouts. Are they really needed?

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Hey Awesome idea. Definitely should have an IVA screen. Engine flame out warning alarms would be awesome in addition to the light. Also can you make some more scary sounding alarms for the serious stuff? Like engine flame out, terrain, stall and losing a part should all have very piercing jarring alarms. It would also be good to add an alarm if the gear is up when approaching the ground, if an engine is overheating. stalls, ect. Oh and can you change it from a nose cone to a small radial attachment. Just a shoebox sized yellow or red box would work

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  ozarkamax said:
how do you switch off the requirement for a part? noob plugin editor here trying to make it work with KMP. I've edited the kmp parts list but id rather not be tied to using that nosecone.

I'll be switching this to partless sometime this week.

  Zander said:
Hey Awesome idea. Definitely should have an IVA screen. Engine flame out warning alarms would be awesome in addition to the light. Also can you make some more scary sounding alarms for the serious stuff? Like engine flame out, terrain, stall and losing a part should all have very piercing jarring alarms. It would also be good to add an alarm if the gear is up when approaching the ground, if an engine is overheating. stalls, ect. Oh and can you change it from a nose cone to a small radial attachment. Just a shoebox sized yellow or red box would work

I'll add more sounds soon for different critical events. Not sure if a smaller part would make a diff if I make this a partless module.

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annunciator textures look awesome. currently im taking brake from playing kerbal, but i will surely test it troughtly with upcoming ksp update.

by the way you shoudl consider changing some of alarm voices for more.. analog ones? so player feels that inside craft is real siren, no some electronic beeper.

oh and i hope you will add more alarms too, particularry something announcing that part of the ship broke away from the ship (for example sollar array deployed in atmosphere).

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  kiwiak said:
annunciator textures look awesome. currently im taking brake from playing kerbal, but i will surely test it troughtly with upcoming ksp update.

by the way you shoudl consider changing some of alarm voices for more.. analog ones? so player feels that inside craft is real siren, no some electronic beeper.

oh and i hope you will add more alarms too, particularry something announcing that part of the ship broke away from the ship (for example sollar array deployed in atmosphere).


I'm torn between using colors or making the panel look more weathered... Such as making them actual lights that are colored when on, but grayed out when inactive.

I got a few things in the works with regards to sounds and more events.

I'll look for buzzer sounds. That's a great suggestion.

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Ok, i played it a little (and i was supposed to wait for ksp update..)

- What triggers master caution? Its red all the time.

- Hull compromised (well i dont remember exact word, just not nominal :) ) is turned all the time too. Possibly some mods caused this?

- From time to time i hear.. screeching? i dont know if its good world for it. but it seems as sound files are not plaed in good way, maybe it has something to do with low performance of my pc? or because of few alarms beeping at once.

And some idea - alarms buttons like main b undervold or fuel empty, shoudl not constantly emit red light, but flash with some frequency.

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 3 weeks later...
  bulletrhli said:
Is this coming back at all?

I've added a license and restored the download link. I'll start working on it again soon. A bit of a learning process, and well, work has been busy.

If you have more ideas, lay them on me and we'll see what we can do.

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