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6/10 Confused, that frequency is outside the range of human hearing as I understand it.

I believe there was a myth about some low frequency like that causing people's bowels to... Move spontaneously. It was disproved, I think. 110 dB is pretty loud though, and might cause pain or damage when listened to for too long, even if the frequency is unhearable.

Anyway - 8/10, a helpful article is always appreciated.

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8.98 hertz is the frequency which the liquids in you eyes move so if you listen to it it will cause you eyes to shake making you see fleeting Gray images hypothetically making people go crazy from not being able to focus on them

if you want to do it you will need really good headphone though (speakers don't work)

it jas nothing to do with bowel movement

Edited by Ethanadams
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