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Its an umbrella. :)

Jackpot! Your turn.

Some use me to protect

From extremes of good and bad Umbrellas protect from both sunshine and rain.

Some use me for transport

Gliding above the land Mary Poppins famously used her umbrella to fly.

I am tiny when unused

But enough for two when called Umbrellas are small when furled yet big enough to shelter two when open.

Don't use me where not needed

Or misfortune will befall. Traditionally it is bad luck to open an umbrella indoors.

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All of my good riddles are used up already...

I am He who walks the bright scarlet roads,

Pushing, shoving, carrying the loads.

My fair-skinned brother

Who devours all “othersâ€Â

Recognizes me as at home.

Always moving, never resting,

And not the same path every time,

It is I who brings life,

Through toil and strife,

Can you solve my riddle in rhyme?

Small I may be,

But just wait and see.

I’ll show you what I make,

And it’s much more than me.

Parts of a whole which are many in number,

Yet powerful forces may rend us asunder.

Dependent on currents with nature of lightning,

Images depicted, may be fascinating or frightening.

Tricking the eyes with the illusion of motion,

I may not fly,

But I can give you the notion.

Slammed into my home with a powerful blow,

Into a place I did not wish to go,

Governed by beings who heed not my pleas;

They will do anything to satisfy their needs.

Beaten and bent with no end in sight,

And still they will not leave me be.

Deeper and deeper I sink,

Until I fit, like a lock and a key.

I am the Thing that everyone dreads,

stalking, lurking around every dark bend.

Tendrils of panic that can corrupt and paralyze,

I am often perceived as a mere pair of eyes.

Ripping one's sanity from its weak, clinging bonds,

some people find me in deep, murky ponds.

Often you'll see me in the dark of the night,

where no one can help you escape from your plight.

Many a brave man has sacrificed their life

What am I?

I am part of he who has two faces

He, who is sliced in twain.

I remain hidden after even ten thousand paces,

or boarding a boat or a plane.

For those who have seen me,

at the pinnacle of our lives,

awe and fear are all that is given

to my body, who dictates the sea

B:>run riddleCompiler.bat


Super-weird double post. Sorry, interweb problems.


I'm working on one, and it'll be up soon.

And holy wow, I've been in this thread since it's original posting!

Edited by Starwhip
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Hokay, here we go again. Gave up on making it long, so here you are. Sorry if it is too confusing.

I am the place seen nigh on every night,

That place, which you know, but never shall you go.

Shimmering fractals or dancing points of light,

The opposite of the world that you know.

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Well, I might have to give it to you, because that fulfills the majority of the riddle. (Or all of it, depending on how you look at it, and your world view.)

But let's see if someone else gets the answer I was looking for.

I am the place seen nigh on every night,

That place, which you know, but never shall you go.

Shimmering fractals or dancing points of light,

The opposite of the world that you know.

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Nope and no. Sun's answer did work, so I'll give him (or her, I'm not sure.) credit.


I am the place seen nigh on every night, (Mirrors in a hallway or bathroom)

That place, which you know, but never shall you go. (You cannot enter a mirror, but you can "see" the world of the reflection)

Shimmering fractals or dancing points of light, (Broken glass/warped mirrors can distort an image, and light jitters when it is reflected off of a reflective surface)

The opposite of the world that you know. (A reflection is a parallel or mirror image of the world)

Right, Sun gets the riddle.

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I'll give you guys a break from hard riddles:

It is commonly found in over-watered gardens.

It usually has a distinctive color.

You have to grind up rocks to find its ingredients.

Kids often play in it with boots on.

My forum personality currently revolves around it.

What is it?

Yeah, I made this one too easy.

If you solve that too quickly, then here's another one:

I eat away the atmosphere, but only one layer of it, around Antarctica.

I am a CFC.

What am I? Give me the chemical formula (etc H20 or C6H12O6)

Edited by Sun
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One of these....

[hide]Principal CFCs

Systematic name Common/trivial

name(s), code Boiling point (°C) Formula

Trichlorofluoromethane Freon-11, R-11, CFC-11 23.77 CCl3F

Dichlorodifluoromethane Freon-12, R-12, CFC-12 −29.8 CCl2F2

Difluoromethane/pentafluoroethane R-410A, Puron, AZ-20 -48.5 50% CH2F2/50% CHF2CF3

Chlorotrifluoromethane Freon-13, R-13, CFC-13 −81 CClF3

Chlorodifluoromethane R-22, HCFC-22 −40.8 CHClF2

Dichlorofluoromethane R-21, HCFC-21 8.9 CHCl2F

Chlorofluoromethane Freon 31, R-31, HCFC-31 −9.1 CH2ClF

Bromochlorodifluoromethane BCF, Halon 1211, H-1211, Freon 12B1 -3.7 CBrClF2

1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane Freon 113, R-113, CFC-113, 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 47.7 Cl2FC-CClF2

1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2,2-trifluoroethane Freon 113a, R-113a, CFC-113a 45.9 Cl3C-CF3

1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane Freon 114, R-114, CFC-114, Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 3.8 ClF2C-CClF2

1-Chloro-1,1,2,2,2-pentafluoroethane Freon 115, R-115, CFC-115, Chloropentafluoroethane −38 ClF2C-CF3

2-Chloro-1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane R-124, HCFC-124 −12 CHFClCF3

1,1-Dichloro-1-fluoroethane R-141b, HCFC-141b 32 Cl2FC-CH3

1-Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane R-142b, HCFC-142b −9.2 ClF2C-CH3

Tetrachloro-1,2-difluoroethane Freon 112, R-112, CFC-112 91.5 CCl2FCCl2F

Tetrachloro-1,1-difluoroethane Freon 112a, R-112a, CFC-112a 91.5 CClF2CCl3

1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane Freon 113, R-113, CFC-113 48 CCl2FCClF2

1-Bromo-2-chloro-1,1,2-trifluoroethane Halon 2311a 51.7 CHClFCBrF2

2-Bromo-2-chloro-1,1,1-trifluoroethane Halon 2311 50.2 CF3CHBrCl

1,1-Dichloro-2,2,3,3,3-pentafluoropropane R-225ca, HCFC-225ca 51 CF3CF2CHCl2

1,3-Dichloro-1,2,2,3,3-pentafluoropropane R-225cb, HCFC-225cb 56 CClF2CF2CHClF

Technically, it's the Br atom or Cl atom released by the ozone-depleting-substance's molecule when it is destroyed by sunlight that depletes ozone....

Edited by StrandedonEarth
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