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Nope. :)

Yeah, I think there's a "the world is dying" quote in the Wedding of River Song, but it's more "this world is dying, and I cannot bear it another minute". A few different words I can't quite recall, though.

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Are they hobbits?
Is it water, in different forms (clouds, rain, waves, etc.)?
Now we're getting a good deal closer. No, water doesn't really fit a verse or two, but it is a lot closer than anything else so far. :D
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Winds? Or clouds?
Yeah. :D

Well done. :3

I'd like to see that one explained, it still doesn't make sense to me.

<-- May be slow on the uptake.

Eh, sure, why not.

A playful thing,

Lost amidst the living spires,

Waiting and wandering

With neither reason nor end.

The winds that drift through the trees, through the forest. A cool breeze, drifting through the trees, 'wandering' every which way as it weaves around the multitude of obstacles.

Many sorrowful things,

Cast into the crying abyss,

Tumbling over and down

Into the darkness' blend.

The winds that blow over the cliffs' edge, by the seas. Stand at the edge of the cliffs, and on a windy day, the winds come howling over the edge, into the dark seas.

Many vengeful things,

Astride the roiling pitch,

Rent asunder, cast about,

Turned around and cast aside.

The winds of a sea in storm, lashing out viciously at anything in their path. In lashings of rain, and the heaving of the waves, one gust of wind quickly divides and becomes several, blowing in many different directions.

One solitary thing,

Adrift in the open glades,

Pausing to watch the passing

Of the armies on the tide.

The winds in the calm skies, just above the clouds. Rarely is there more than one dominant breeze at such a height, and from above the clouds often look like some kind of fantastical world, a wondrous glade. With the winds as the tide, the armies of cloud pass ever on by below.

A few subdued, gentle things,

Looking back from on high,

Their souls flecked with scars,

Returning to their worried kin.

The soft, slight air current that stems from the heat of fires, that accompanies the dirtied air that is smoke, ridden with ash and tiny flecks of charcoal as they return to the skies.

Not the most comprehensive of explanations, but this one was more a riddle of imagery than it was one of inventory.
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Darn, it's been a while since I did this. Feeling very out of practice, but here goes.

Raining down, down from the sky,

I catch the rain, yet I stay dry.

It maybe shall go through or bounce,

An enemy, I might help trounce.

Perhaps you'll buy one, get one free,

Perhaps you'll just be all at sea.

At times I might well fly and soar,

At times to listen is what I'm for.

All for a man, or a machine,

What am I? This you must glean.

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Raining down, down from the sky,

I catch the rain, yet I stay dry.

It maybe shall go through or bounce,

An enemy, I might help trounce.

Perhaps you'll buy one, get one free,

Perhaps you'll just be all at sea.

At times I might well fly and soar,

At times to listen is what I'm for.

All for a man, or a machine,

What am I? This you must glean.

The second and third lines are throwing me. What catches rain but doesn't get wet, allowing rain to go through or bounce?

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I already know I am going to sound like an idiot for suggesting this, but I want to say "a telescope."
You...for God's sake, was it that easy?

Yes, it's a telescope. Your turn.


Lines 1-2: It catches light from the sky

Line 3: Refractors and reflectors

Line 4: Rifle scopes

Line 5: Binoculars

Line 6: Sailor's/pirate's telescopes

Line 7: Space telescopes

Line 8: Radio telescopes

Line 9: Either used with an eyepiece or with a camera chip

Line 10: Filler

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Now I remember why I didn't reply to this thread. If I got something right, I knew coming up with something new will be hard for me. I'll still do it though. Give me a second to make it up and get on my computer and off this smartphone.

Update: actually, the riddle will be the first one posted by a following poster

Edited by Noname117
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