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Heh, being as vague as possible, I see. "This century" as in since 2000, or since 100 years ago?
Oh, since 2000. And it's hard to think of clues that don't feel like they'd seriously give it away.

No to the three guesses, and not sure what you mean Bill Phil.

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I think he's asking if it's a specific date, like September 11, 2001, for example, or a generic day, like a birthday, wedding day, Christmas day etc. Those are just examples, not serious guesses. I'm leaning towards a specific date but I still can't think what. Something in a specific country?

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I think he's asking if it's a specific date, like September 11, 2001, for example, or a generic day, like a birthday, wedding day, Christmas day etc.
Is it fiction or fact?
To both I decline to answer.
a date from "2001 A Space Odyssey?"
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'twas not.

Newpage repost:

'twas a day, like no other,

'twas a day, there'll be another,

'twas a day, the routine broke,

'twas a day, the woman spoke,

'twas a day, to end, it's fate,

'twas a day, to celebrate,

'twas a day, that much is plain,

'twas a riddle, to puzzle your brain.

Hint 1: It's happened this century, ie since 2000.

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