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Earthquakes? (Or possibly radio transmissions)
Nope, though 'quakes have something to do with it in an oblique manner.
Rocks/the earth itself
Nope. :)

Ja oder nein?

Yes or no?

No or yes?

Ain't no vacuums deep within the Earth as far as I know! :)
Water (which takes the form of what surrounds it)?
Nope. :)

I crawl about from deeps of Mother Earth

To the sparser reaches of highest holt.

A savage taint marks where I make berth,

My deft fingers bring all to tumult.

I am that which exists without form or mind,

An empty shade in the lifeless flesh of reality.

My skin is scarred only in the eyes of the blind;

My worries are dust to my neighbours' travesty.

My ceaseless wandering follows ancient ways,

And I wander endlessly from one to the next,

Inscribing them anew in the span of days,

Lest they be forgotten, or I become vexed.

Who am I?

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I crawl about from deeps of Mother Earth

To the sparser reaches of highest holt.

A savage taint marks where I make berth,

My deft fingers bring all to tumult.

I am that which exists without form or mind,

An empty shade in the lifeless flesh of reality.

My skin is scarred only in the eyes of the blind;

My worries are dust to my neighbours' travesty.

My ceaseless wandering follows ancient ways,

And I wander endlessly from one to the next,

Inscribing them anew in the span of days,

Lest they be forgotten, or I become vexed.

Who am I?


It's convection, isn't it. :P

Convection isn't generally savage nor overly damaging, at least as far as I know...?

Nope. :D

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I crawl about from deeps of Mother Earth
To the sparser reaches of highest holt.
A savage taint marks where I make berth,
My deft fingers bring all to tumult. ---Describing something that moves
"upwards" from Earth, and destroys

I am that which exists without form or mind,
An empty shade in the lifeless flesh of reality. --Doesn't exist: I.E. a concept
My skin is scarred only in the eyes of the blind; --Cannot see it, further proof of above
My worries are dust to my neighbours' travesty. --There is something higher than it

My ceaseless wandering follows ancient ways, --Guided by external forces
And I wander endlessly from one to the next, --Constant effect
Inscribing them anew in the span of days, --"Ancient ways" being shown daily
Lest they be forgotten, or I become vexed. --Make sure that they are remembered

Who am I?

My analysis. I'm trying to think of something else, but I thought it might be useful.

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wild guess... archeology



it a Vexx riddle, they are unique... *looks in horror at the chess riddle*..

Vexx and Cantab, never seen so many puzzling riddles come from so few people in my life.... :D

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A mole?


Some sort of god/spirit of the underworld/death?

The Headless Monks? (Demons run when a good man goes to war)

Some combination of the above (Perhaps an angry monk in dark space with the moles' god of death?)

Nope. :D

I crawl about from deeps of Mother Earth
To the sparser reaches of highest holt.
A savage taint marks where I make berth,
My deft fingers bring all to tumult. ---Describing something that moves
"upwards" from Earth, and destroys

I am that which exists without form or mind,
An empty shade in the lifeless flesh of reality. --Doesn't exist: I.E. a concept
My skin is scarred only in the eyes of the blind; --Cannot see it, further proof of above
My worries are dust to my neighbours' travesty. --There is something higher than it

My ceaseless wandering follows ancient ways, --Guided by external forces
And I wander endlessly from one to the next, --Constant effect
Inscribing them anew in the span of days, --"Ancient ways" being shown daily
Lest they be forgotten, or I become vexed. --Make sure that they are remembered

Who am I?

My analysis. I'm trying to think of something else, but I thought it might be useful.

Hmm, not bad, not bad.
You are the Kraken!

Or Quintessence...

Nope. :)
Actually, there's surprising evidence that it could be the force of gravity... is it?
Nope. :)
wild guess... archeology



it a Vexx riddle, they are unique... *looks in horror at the chess riddle*..

Vexx and Cantab, never seen so many puzzling riddles come from so few people in my life.... :D

Nope! (And thanks.) :D
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I crawl about from deeps of Mother Earth

To the sparser reaches of highest holt.

A savage taint marks where I make berth,

My deft fingers bring all to tumult.

I am that which exists without form or mind,

An empty shade in the lifeless flesh of reality.

My skin is scarred only in the eyes of the blind;

My worries are dust to my neighbours' travesty.

My ceaseless wandering follows ancient ways,

And I wander endlessly from one to the next,

Inscribing them anew in the span of days,

Lest they be forgotten, or I become vexed.

Who am I?

Nope, he just said it wasn't. :P

Hmm. Is it heat? Entropy?

Nope. :D
Earth's magnetic field, or something related to it.
Nope. :)
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