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A shadow? (No that wouldn't make sense) Umm... hm, it sounds like a shadowy like thing. Am I on the right track? (Probably not) Gee, thanks (No problem)

Let's see... ages, memory inducing... I'm probably getting nowhere.

A sheet of music, perhaps? (No, you bumbling idiot! That'd make less sense than a shadow!) Well I'll be a while.

EDIT: Alright, lets try again.

Mariyate, what do you think? (A dead relative? It doesn't make much sense with the first few lines, though) Hmm, true.

Maybe, a lost companion? (That'd make make a bit more sense, "sleeping atop a ledge" is what's throwing me off) Me to.

(I'm starting to feel like it's less and less of a person, and more of a perception) That' make sense, but then the last lines of the first stanza wouldn't make much sense, unless the riddle is figurative. (True. Well, let's try breaking it down) Let's, but don't post it here, that'd take forever. Let's go to a word document.

EDIT: A stuffed animal?

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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A Gnome? (Oh god, that'd be creepy) No okay. Umm... more meaningful contemplation! I have a feeling the first line of the last stanza means this is a relic, and the first stanza means it is something to put on a shelf, that can be made out to have feelings. Seems a little contradictory, but I'll keep trying.

Maybe a painting? (No, that makes no sense at all) Ah, I agree. Maybe "sleeping" means "still", rather than unconscious? What about Ashes? (Ashes have souls?)

No, no they don't. But what if "soul" isn't what we think it is? Maybe something like consciousness, or intellect. (Hmm, that'd make some sense)

All I've got off the top of my head is an owl. (That seems to fit pretty well. Maybe just leave it at this and find out?) Alright, sure.

(Can you at least say if we're on the right path?)

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Sleeping atop a ledge, * AKA the bedside table

Not lost, and yet forlorn, * people go to sleep and often forget having set the alarm

Gathering badges of time, * trying to get as much sleep as possible

Till my soul is weighed, * until the snooze button is pressed

As I catch another's eye. * which happens when one wakes up.

I am the recalling of

What countless have lost; * a symbol for hard workers who forgot what a good long week-end sleep is

Coffee and honey, bright sunshine,

Pain and misery, all entwined.* and instead they get a typical Monday morning.

So, if it's not a clock... Is it an ALARM clock?

Edited by Janos1986
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I can safely say none of those, since I had a hand in this one's construction (though really, it mainly was B7's idea; I just fiddled with the phrasing) :P

(Also, damn, that means I can't make my own guesses...) :(

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The last two lines go together -- they're referring to the same thing. Well, technically, the entire second verse is more or less the same thing, so be careful how you break it down. :)

B7: I will proceed to assist you in confusing everyone :D

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So here's the breakdown me and Mariyate have come up with.

“Sleeping atop a ledge†Ever still from a shelf

“Not lost, and yet forlorn†Abandoned and sad, but always nearby

“Gathering badges of time†Hitting milestones of age

“Till my soul is weighed†To see how pure it is

“As I catch anothers' eye†Someone following notices and takes interest

“I am the recalling of what countless have lost†A memory, or relic of one that everyone has had and lost

“Coffee and honey, bright sunshine†The good times

“Pain and misery, all intertwined†The bad times. Both good and bad alike

Mariyate is confused to all hell right now.

The only answer I can think of is a Childhood. It can be represented by even an object on a shelf [ledge], it is abandoned, but nearer than you think, it ages even though it is lost, it can be checked for purity, it can appeal to others, it can be remembered through this relic on the shelf, and make you remember the good times, as well as the bad.

But, in fact, I bet you my left shoe that it is wrong. ...No literally, I'll give you my left shoe if you want.

(No hints at all? Man, if he was this cruel on his riddle, you'd all still be talking about water) She's right.

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no it is not childhood. It is a bit more literal than that (and physical).

Literal? ...Can someone fill me in? That makes no sense to me. (Maybe that refers not to the childhood, but to the breakdown) Maybe. I'll have to see.

2 minutes later. Well it makes sense.

Physical, meaning a physical relic, or perhaps living. So if that's to be believed, perhaps it is a Foster Child? (I doubt it. The first line makes no sense with that)

I thought that to. It's the only thing throwing me for a loop. Then again, ledge is also a very loose thing to say. It can mean anything. (True. But then again, remember literal) Ah, you're right.

You have effectively confused me. I can't sleep tonight with this. I will contemplate as long as it takes! (Me to!)

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Sleeping atop a ledge,

Not lost, and yet forlorn,

Gathering badges of time,

Till my soul is weighed,

As I catch another's eye.

I am the recalling of

What countless have lost;

Coffee and honey, bright sunshine,

Pain and misery, all entwined.

What am I?

Just a confirmation, as the page was cut off: It's not a photograph?

How about a tablecloth or a coaster. (You get the idea, you put food on it and it's on a table)

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It is not a river/other geological feature, nor is it a military award...

Sleeping atop a ledge,

Not lost, and yet forlorn,

Gathering badges of time,

Till my soul is weighed,

As I catch another's eye.

I am the recalling of

What countless have lost;

Coffee and honey, bright sunshine,

Pain and misery, all entwined.

What am I?

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how in the world do wrinkles fit the riddle?

My thinking was:

Sleeping atop a ledge, The weakest line for wrinkles, perhaps they sit atop a brow?

Not lost, and yet forlorn, No one loses them, but it makes them look older.

Gathering badges of time, Obvious.

Till my soul is weighed, You stop gaining them when you die.

As I catch another's eye. People notice wrinkles.

I am the recalling of

What countless have lost; They are an indicator that one has had some length to their life, which countless people have not.

Coffee and honey, bright sunshine,

Pain and misery, all entwined. The shape of wrinkles are influenced by whether you smile or frown more in your life, an indicator of misery or good times.

But I guess that wasn't what you had in mind. :/

Edited by Red Iron Crown
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