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I'll throw you guys a bone here (well, not really), because it seems you aren't catching the grammatical nuances here. :P

Sleeping atop a ledge,

Not lost, and yet forlorn,

Gathering badges of time,

Till my soul is weighed,

As I catch another's eye.

Note how all the lines here are separated with commas. It's all one sentence, all about the same thing. The "I", as is traditional, and as is indicated by the "What am I" at the end, refers to the object of the riddle. So does "my soul". These aren't separate statements; they're all about the same thing.

I am the recalling of

What countless have lost;

Coffee and honey, bright sunshine,

Pain and misery, all entwined.

And the same goes with this; all the lines are part of the same sentence. That's what marks the difference, here, between the answer that is right, and all your answers.

You guys are all pulling it too far apart to make it fit with your answers. :P

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Vexx is correct,

and no to the cremated ashes and no to the heirloom / jewelry

The Riddle

Sleeping atop a ledge,

Not lost, and yet forlorn,

Gathering badges of time,

Till my soul is weighed,

As I catch another's eye.

I am the recalling of

What countless have lost;

Coffee and honey, bright sunshine,

Pain and misery, all entwined.

What am I?

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I have a feeling it's something historical. (Me to. "Recalling" kind of makes that obvious) My thoughts exactly. Maybe "forlorn" is also a metaphor for "abandoned in time" or something. It makes sense to me. (Hmm, I actually didn't think of that. I was thinking literally tossed or something) I thought that at first, but then realized it can't make sense with the 4th line. It sounds to me like a weapon of some sort; something you can mount on shelves. I mean, think about it:

“I am the recalling of

what countlesshave lost;

Coffee and honey, bright sunshine

Pain and misery, all intertwined."

So obviously it's a physical object that serves as a relic of many people losing what they describe as the good times and bad times, such as the clues given above, and connected with a Semicolon. (The only thing I can think of that shares good and bad is life, but I cannot say for sure because I am not alive) But you are to me! You know more about life than I do. (Really?) Really. And that is what we will work off of until told wrong. Now then...

So something that represents what many people have lost, which we infer is life. It mounts on a radial surface, has been abandoned, ages, eventually dies/is useless, and attracts the attention of someone else. Sounds like a weapon to me.

(Couldn't it also be an instrument?) An instrument? Explain.

(Using the same argument for the first verse, it is mountable, old ones are abandoned, they age, they eventually become useless/die, but they usually attract the attention of historians or collectors. If many people DID indeed die in the context of the riddle, the anthem of an instrument could be the relic of what countless have lost.)

Holy... That makes perfect sense, actually. Should I go ahead and answer with that? Would you know of a specific instrument to ask about? (I don't we should answer it now. Maybe ask a question or something) Okay. I'll see about something here...

Are we even remotely on the right track? (And if so, how far?)

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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It is indeed a BOOK congrats Starwhip


Sleeping atop a ledge, Sitting on a shelf

Not lost, and yet forlorn, Not being used (not being read)

Gathering badges of time, Collecting dust

Till my soul is weighed, Until someone looks and decides to read it (weigh as in judge (judge a book by its cover))

As I catch another's eye. many people look at me and read me

I am the recalling of

What countless have lost;

Coffee and honey, bright sunshine, This stanza has to do with the feelings a book can evoke, reawaken memories, all in one place

Pain and misery, all entwined.

What am I?

Side note, my original before Vexx helped spruce it up was

Sitting on a legde,

Always forlorn

Colelcting dust

till someone judges

and takes me down

I can recall what others have forgot

i can be bittersweet

or joyously happy

What am i?

Edited by B787_300
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line 4 is the line that separates the answer from Photos
Well, some people did and still do hold beliefs about photos stealing the soul.

Book seems good. Since that's guessed, I'll be more specific and say library book. You confirmed the answer anyway.

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Perhaps, perhaps. Though I can't help feeling that somehow there could be cheating, and I don't like that feeling. Though it is probably entirely incorrect.

Sheesh, how do I match my old creative talent? I need to find a good subject, first...

(Well, some of them... I liked the Rubik's Cube one, but I couldn't find it in the file)

I am He who walks the bright scarlet roads,

Pushing, shoving, carrying the loads.

My fair-skinned brother

Who devours all “othersâ€Â

Recognizes me as at home.

Always moving, never resting,

And not the same path every time,

It is I who brings life,

Through toil and strife,

Can you solve my riddle in rhyme?


Small I may be,

But just wait and see.

I’ll show you what I make,

And it’s much more than me.

Parts of a whole which are many in number,

Yet powerful forces may rend us asunder.

Dependent on currents with nature of lightning,

Images depicted, may be fascinating or frightening.

Tricking the eyes with the illusion of motion,

I may not fly,

But I can give you the notion.


Slammed into my home with a powerful blow,

Into a place I did not wish to go,

Governed by beings who heed not my pleas;

They will do anything to satisfy their needs.

Beaten and bent with no end in sight,

And still they will not leave me be.

Deeper and deeper I sink,

Until I fit, like a lock and a key.


I am the Thing that everyone dreads,

stalking, lurking around every dark bend.

Tendrils of panic that can corrupt and paralyze,

I am often perceived as a mere pair of eyes.

Ripping one's sanity from its weak, clinging bonds,

some people find me in deep, murky ponds.

Often you'll see me in the dark of the night,

where no one can help you escape from your plight.

Many a brave man has sacrificed their life

What am I?

Hey, I found the Rubik's Cube one!

Rainbow fields on a mechanical plane,

Once it is used it is never the same.

Bending most minds in twists and in spins,

Passing the hours, floating one along on a feeble whim.

Behold, however, the secret within,

There is a way, a hidden path, with which one may win.

Extract the secrets, ones of patterns, some with form,

And soon will the clock be your fascinating norm.

Edited by Starwhip
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