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As old as history itself; I am both common and Royal.

You can see me, feel me, and hear me; but you cannot touch.

Navy and Marine, based on water or based on oil;

Put me in a trio and many like us can be created from not very much.

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The colour blue?

You again! The answer was Blue.

I really thought this one would last for awhile. Have at it!

As old as history itself; I am both common and Royal. - Blue dyes and paints have been around that long. Blue-Collar, Royal blue.

You can see me, feel me, and hear me; but you cannot touch. -You can see the color, You can "feel blue", and you can hear "the blues"

Navy and Marine, based on water or based on oil; - Navy Blue, Ultramarine, paints/dyes can be based water or oil and I need a rhyme. ;)

Put me in a trio and many like us can be created from not very much. - Primary colors.

Edited by Randazzo
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Two great states meet in ceaseless war,

Those of one seek treasure galore,

Or perhaps just some tranquil moments

from the other who knows only violence.

The border shifts with gain and loss,

Though some say its measure's meaningless.

On this battlefield many come,

To work and toil, or just for fun.

Much is written in web and press,

So don't you know what is this mess?

Edited by cantab
Corrected grammar: it's > its
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