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An eraseable pen... or however it's spelled.


quill, wood pencil, graphit pencil?


Mechanical pencil?

Or just a normal pencil?

A colored pencil?


I was thinking of that... if you get it right... you don't understand... I- ugh. Nevermind.



multi pen or as i like to refer to them as rainbow pens they are the ones that have all the colors inside them all you need to do is click the color of choice.

Ding Ding Ding we have a winner!... now what was the other possible answer?

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No, I think we should avoid giving the riddle back to the same person. I mean, sure, we can if you really want, but it'll be much better if we pass it around a bit. So, make a decision quick and avoid too much​ off-topic discussion, hm? :)

Hell, if you guys want, just pass it to the first person who has a riddle to post.

Edited by vexx32
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One. That's an old riddle. As I mentioned in the OP, it's better to make them up.

I don't even need to Google old ones anymore, I've heard them all so many times xD

Have a crack at this one, then:

The hall that now leads on

Once led from earth to air.

Devoured by the hordes,

Till all the food is gone,

Now the hall is bare;

A kingdom for the Lords.

What is it?

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