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I'm not very creative at this, it seems. I'll have to just pull one from memory, which anyone who has read the book(s) should be able to get.

What is better than all the gods, yet worse than the devil?

Dead men eat it always; live men who eat it die slow.

Bonus points if you can name the book or series I pulled it from, or if you can name what word I changed from the book.

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I'm not very creative at this, it seems. I'll have to just pull one from memory, which anyone who has read the book(s) should be able to get.

What is better than all the gods, yet worse than the devil?

Dead men eat it always; live men who eat it die slow.

Bonus points if you can name the book or series I pulled it from, or if you can name what word I changed from the book.

Nothing. If I'm correct, then here is my riddle:

What has no fear for sticks of thunder, yet cowers at the sight of a hollow ball of chocolate?

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What has no fear for sticks of thunder, yet cowers at the sight of a hollow ball of chocolate?

They are capable of immense power, greater than that of all other kings, yet they still fear the hollow ball.

sticks of thunder? hmm first thing that comes to mind is batteries, but that doesn't make sense. or as Starwhip said guns..

It cowers at the sight of a hollow ball of chocolate... so it can see? Is it a metaphorical fear or genuine fear? Does it fear other things?

they are capable of immense power..... so it's plural?...

greater than that of all other kings... does that mean they are some kind of king themselves? the first things that come to mind is the queen in chess, or the pope, but I never noticed they feared chocolate hollow balls so it has to be something else...

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Very inquisitve, you are.

The hollow ball of chocolate is literal, but the fear is a bit of both. They are not kings, but they do lead something. Also, "sticks of thunder" is referring to an object that sounds like thunder.

Your Teeth or tooth?

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